author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Karling TG | 1940 | spp. |
Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Alloeocoela Cumulata und Rhabdocoela Lecithophora (Turbellaria). | Acta zool fenn 26:1-260 | 14, 114-133; textfigs. 13-14; T. XI-XII; T. XVII, | 3121 | 1620 2201 |
latest authority: | Ehlers U | 1972 | spp. |
Systematisch-phylogenetische Untersuchungen an der Familie Solenopharyngidae (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela). | Mikrofauna Meeresbodens 11:1-78 | 244 | 2643 236645 |
Literature with distribution data:
Karling TG | 1940 | spp. |
Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Alloeocoela Cumulata und Rhabdocoela Lecithophora (Turbellaria). | Acta zool fenn 26:1-260 | 3121 | 1620 2201 |
Willems WR, Sandberg MI, Jondelius U | 2007 | abs. spp. |
First report on Rhabdocoela (Rhabditophora) from deep parts of Skagerrak, with the description of four new species. | Zootaxa 1616: 1-21 [Errata in Zootaxa 1632:68] | 9000 | 21187 237515 |
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