author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Froehlich EM | 1978 | ![]() abs. spp. |
On a collection of Chilean land planarians. | Bolm Zool Univ S Paulo 3: 7-80 | 0 | 7109 237055 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ogren RE, Kawakatsu M | 1991 | spp. |
Index to species of the family Geoplanidae (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Terricola). Part II: Caenoplaninae and Pelmatoplaninae. | Bull Fuji Wom Coll, Ser II 29:25-102 | 89 | 4524 | 14465 237231 |
other taxonomic work: | Ogren RE, Kawakatsu M, Froehlich EM | 1993 | spp. |
Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world. Addendum 2: Hallez's (1890-1893, 1894) classification of land planarians. Addendum 3: Winsor's (1991) provisional classification of Australian and New Zealand caenoplani l | Bull Fuji Women's Coll 31: 61-86 | 5149 | 14461 237268 | |
latest authority: | Almeida AL, Alvarez-Presas M, Carbayo F | 2022 | spp. |
The discovery of new Chilean taxa revolutionizes the systematics of Geoplaninae Neotropical land planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022;, zlac072 [doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac072 goto] | 0 | 23512 482970 |
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