Mature, living specimens ~400 µm long and ~150 µm wide (Figs. 7A, 8A, B). Preserved specimens contracted to ~260 µm long. Anterior and posterior ends rounded. Body cylindrical. Epidermis completely ciliated. Rhabdoid glands present. Body colorless in transmitted light, but digestive syncytium with yellow coloration. Frontal organ well developed. Cell bodies of frontal glands positioned ~110µm behind frontal pore (Fig. 7B). Mouth opening on ventral surface, middle of body. Digestive central syncytium extends from frontal glands posteriorly to male copulatory apparatus. Ovaries paired, ventral; extend from frontal glands posteriorly to seminal bursa (Figs. 7A, B). Testes paired, lateral to eggs; separate from ovary. Testes extend from frontal gland posteriorly to level of seminal bursa (Figs.7A, B). Common gonopore opens anteriorly to vagina and posteriorly to male copulatory apparatus (Figs. 7A, 8C). Narrow vagina extends anteriorly along posterior side of seminal vesicle; opens to seminal bursa (Figs. 7B, 8C). Seminal bursa with well-defined bursa wall. Bursa filled with sperm in living specimens, but sperm absent in fixed specimens (Fig. 8C). Bursa without bursal appendage. Gonopore opens directly to well-developed, curved penis with outer longitudinal muscles and inner circular muscles (Figs. 7B, 8C). Tip of penis with a cluster of granules (kornsekret, sensu Dörjes 1968). Penis invaginated into muscular seminal vesicle filled with sperm clustered to anterior side of penis.[From Hooge MD, Eppinger N (2005): 10-12]
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