Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geoplana inaequalistriata Dendy, 1894]

(Geoplana inaequalistriata Dendy, 1894) = Newzealandia inaequalistriata

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Christchurch, New Zealand 3379
1894 or earlier default type       St. Albans Road, Christchurch. (One specimen found on asphalt path in garden; coll., author. Dendy A (1895): 183
B Christchurch, New Zealand 3379
1896 or earlier default type       my garden near Christchurch. Dendy A (1897): 262
C Alford Forest, New Zealand 3958
Nov-Dec, 1894         Springburn, at the foot of Mount Somers. In the immediate vicinity of the thick bush-scrub of the Alford Forest the locality appeared a good hunting-ground for cryptozoic animals, and experience showed that this was indeed the case. Dendy A (1896): 213
D Jacksons, New Zealand 3914
1897 or earlier           Dendy A (1897): from Kawakatsu & Ogren 1991 (citation)- p. 87
E Teremakau River, near Jacksons, New Zealand 3951
1897 or earlier           Dendy A (1897): from Kawakatsu & Ogren 1991 (citation)- p. 87

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