site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Ejde (Eidhi), (North of Ejde), Faroes, Faroe Islands |
map | 1928 |
low tide zone |
Steinböck O (1931): 3 |
B |
Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea |
map | 1972-1975 |
sand mud flat |
Faubel A (1977): 68-69, Table 1 |
C |
Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea |
map | 1972-1975 |
sand mud eel grass area |
Faubel A (1977): 68-69, Table 1 |
D |
Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea |
map | 1972-1975 |
mud flat, sheltered beach slope |
Faubel A (1977): 68-69, Table 1 |
E |
Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea |
map | 1972-1975 |
mud flat |
Faubel A (1977): 68-69, Table 1 |
F |
Juist Island, Germany |
map | Apr 1963 |
mud |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
G |
southern Juister Bay (Balje), Juist Island, Germany |
map | Apr 1963 |
mud, sand |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
H |
Voslapp, near Wilhelmshaven, Germany |
map | Apr 1964 |
mud, mud sand |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
I |
Voslapp, near Wilhelmshaven, Germany |
map | Apr 1964 |
mud |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
J |
Voslapp, near Wilhelmshaven, Germany |
map | Apr 1964 |
Caeciliengroden |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
K |
Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Sep 1963 |
mud |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
L |
Munk marsh, List, Sylt Island, Germany |
map | Sep 1963 |
mud |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
M |
Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Sep 1963 |
mud, sand |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
N |
Blidsel Bay (Blidselbucht), List, Sylt Island, Germany |
map | Sep 1963 |
mud sand |
Dorjes J (1968): 354 |
O |
Gullmarfjord, by Bay of Kristineberg, Sweden |
map | prior to 1946 |
very common, especially in the Bay of Kristineberg. |
Westblad E (1946): 46 |
P |
Oslofjord, Drobak (Dröbak) (Sandspollen), Norway |
map | 1935 |
5-10 m |
Westblad E (1946): 46 |
Q |
Langskar (Långskär), Finish Gulf, Finland |
map | 1937 |
Westblad E (1946): 46-47 |
R |
Firth of Clyde (Millport), United Kingdom |
map | Jun, Jul prior to 1882 |
type locality |
Graff Lvon (1882): v, 225 |
S |
Criccieth, Lleyn Peninsula, North Wales, United Kingdom |
map | 1958-1961 |
intertidal |
fine sand |
abundant at LWS. LWN fairly fine sand, rare. |
Boaden PJS (1963): 82 |
T |
Hanko (Hango, Hangonkyla, Khanko), St. Kolaviken, Finnish Bay, Finland |
map | prior 1975 |
4 m |
sand |
Dorjes J, Karling TG (1975): 185 |
U |
Laxvik, Swedish west coast, Halland, Sweden |
map | prior to 1960 |
3-4 m |
Luther A (1960): 21 |
V |
Foroyar (Färöer, Faroe Islands, Faroerne, Faer Islands, Die Far Oer, Faeroerne, Faereyjar, Faeroes), Foroe Islands |
map | prior to 1960 |
Luther A (1960): 21 |
W |
Nynashamn (Nynäshamn, Nynashamm, Nynaeshamn), Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
map | prior to 1960 |
1 m |
fine sand |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
X |
Ahus (Åhus), Kristianstads Lan, Sweden |
map | prior to 1960 |
5 m |
Skane Ahus (Karline) |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
Y |
Ekenas (Ekenäs, Tammisaari, Tammisari), Finland |
map | Aug 27, 1954 |
55 m |
5.9 degrees C. Clay Gyttja. |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
Z |
Storfjarden (Storfjärden, Jarsofjarden, Storfjard) Bay, Finland |
map | prior 1960 |
34-36 m |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
A1 |
Storsundsharun at Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Finnish Bay, Finland |
map | prior 1960 |
52 m |
southeast of Storsundsharum. |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
B1 |
Henriksberg, on the Hanko (Hangö, Hango, Hangonkyla, Khanko) Penninsula, Finnish Bay, Finland |
map | prior 1960 |
Westblad |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
C1 |
Hangoby (Hangöby), Finland |
map | prior 1960 |
4 m |
fine sand |
Karling and Westblad |
Luther A (1960): 20 |
D1 |
Rovigno (Rovigno d'Istria, Rovinj), Croatia |
map | 1933 or earlier |
28-30 m |
mud, sand |
southwest of Rovigno. |
Steinböck O (1933): 6 |
E1 |
Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Nov 1982 - Jun 1983 |
mud |
inner part Königshafen, a sheltered marine bay near the isle of Sylt. |
Dittmann S, Reise K (1985): 99-100 |
F1 |
Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany |
map | Mar 1983 |
mud |
Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. Spartina auf Schlick bis Kleie. |
Hellwig M (1987): 173 |
G1 |
Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Jul 1982 |
mud |
"Nielönn" bei Kampen. Mündungsbereich zweier Priele, schlickig-schlammiger Boden, (5 bis 10 cm Wasserstand, 26-32 o/oo Salz), je 10 x 2 cm2. |
Hellwig M (1987): 173 |
H1 |
Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Sep 1982 |
mud |
Morsum-Odde. Grüppelfeld, Schlick, z. T. stark verdichtet. Gräben mit wenig Salicornia und Acker mit Salicornia und Spartina, je 10 x 2 cm2. |
Hellwig M (1987): 173 |
I1 |
Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Sep 1983 |
mud |
Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Profil Zostera-Watt-Spartina auf Schlick, -30 cm bis + 20 cm, 30 x 2 cm2. |
Hellwig M (1987): 173 |
J1 |
Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany |
map | Mar 1983 |
mud |
Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune. Spartina auf Schlick bis Kleie, -20 bis + 20 cm, 30 x 2 cm2. |
Hellwig M (1987): 173 |
K1 |
Cawsand Bay, near Plymouth, England |
map | Aug-Sep 1892 |
sand |
This species is apparently rather rare at Plymouth. Among Zostera from Cawsand Bay is the habitat for it. The curious mode of progression by sudden leaps, which co-exists along with the usual method of movement, was first described by v. Graff.. |
Gamble FW (1893): 34, 39 |
L1 |
Helgoland, Germany |
map | Oct 1894 |
West-Seite. Anfang Oktober einige. |
Attems CG (1897): 220 |