Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prognathorhynchus karlingi Ax, 1953]

Prognathorhynchus karlingi Ax, 1953

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Kiel Bay (Kieler Bucht, Kieler Bay, Kielerbugt, Nisler Bach), Germany 298
1953 or earlier default type   mud   Kieler Bay, muddy station, under supports of a bridge. Ax P (1953): Bush card information
B Herdla (Herlo), off Bergen, Norway 56
1960 or earlier   15 sand   Westblad found the species at Herdla (seawards from Bergen on the Norwegian coast) in sand at ~15 m deep between Valen & Lamöy. Ax P (1953): Bush card information

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