Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Pogaina paranygulgus Karling, 1986]

Pogaina paranygulgus Karling, 1986

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Tomales Bay, California, USA 1537
Aug 1960 type locality intertidal mud   in algae on mudflats and in tidepools. Karling TG (1986): 205
B Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California, USA 1538
Apr 1969   intertidal     in tidepools with algae. Karling TG (1986): 205
C Monterey Marina, Monterey, California, USA 1539
Apr 1969   intertidal     in algae on a pier. Karling TG (1986): 205
D Mud Bay Park, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada 7618
October 28, 2015   intertidal   brackish   Stephenson I, Van Steenkiste NWL, Leander BS (2019): 46

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