Collecting site
Czech (Cechy, Chekhiya, Chekhiya, Czechy, Czechia, Boemia, Böhemia, Boheme, Boemia, Bohemia) Republic
general point to represent the region.
latitude: 50 50°0'0"N
longitude: 14.5 14°30'0"E
[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]
Collected here:
Rhynchoscolex vejdovskyi Sekera, 1889 | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Prorhynchus fontinalis Vejdovsky, 1895 | 1913 or earlier | | | Rheinpfalz. |
Planaria mrazeki Vejdovsky, 1895 | 1895 or earlier | | | Bohemia. blind planarian. |
Bipalium bohemica Vejdovsky, 1895 | 1895 or earlier | | | Bohemia. |
Macrostomum obtusum Vejdovsky, 1895 | 1895 or earlier | | | Bohemia. |
Rhynchodemus terrestris (Müller, 1773) | 1893 or earlier | | | |
Dendrocoelum bohemicum Komarek & Kunst, 1956 | 1956 or earlier | | | |
Planaria armeniaca Komarek, 1916 | 1956 or earlier | | | |
Opistomum pallidum Schmidt, 1848 | 1926 and earlier | | | Tschechoslovakei: Böhmen |
Phaenocora galiziana (Schmidt, 1858) | | | | |