Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

San Rossore, Italy

latitude: 43.716702     43°43'0.13"N
longitude: 10.3167     10°19'0.12"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of site (or city, etc.)]

Collected here:

Macrostomum retortum Papi, 1951Feb 16, 1951temporary pools in forest with no living vegetation. pH 6.4-6.5. S. Rossore near Pisa.
Macrostomum longituba Papi, 1953Apr 6, 1953S. Rossore near Pisa, in an inundated ditch near the seashore, north of the Arno delta.
Macrostomum balticum meridionalis Papi, 1953Mar 26, 1953S. Rossore near Pisa, in an inundated ditch and artificial canals near the seashore, north of the Arno delta.
Macrostomum mystrophorum Meixner, 1926Mar 26, 1953mudS. Rossore near Pisa, in an inundated ditch and artificial canals near the seashore, north of the Arno delta. Among algae and yellow mud.
Macrostomum distinguendum Papi, 1951Mar 26, 1953mud, sandS. Rossore near Pisa, in a ditch with clear flowing water, among Callitriche palustris L.
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)Apr 1984mussels, algae4 specimens.
Parotoplanella heterorhabditica Lanfranchi, 1969Jan 1966Mar Tirreno: San Rossore (Pisa). Sabbia media, zona ad Otoplana.
Parotoplanella heterorhabditica Lanfranchi, 1969Nov 1966Mar Tirreno: San Rossore (Pisa). Sabbia media, zona ad Otoplana.
Postbursoplana macromystax Lanfranchi, 1969Apr 1966Mar Tirreno: San Rossore (Pisa) tra Bocca di Fiume Morto e Bocca di Serchio. Sabbia media, zona ad Otoplana.
Postbursoplana macromystax Lanfranchi, 1969Jan 1966Mar Tirreno: San Rossore (Pisa) tra Bocca di Fiume Morto e Bocca di Serchio. Sabbia media, zona ad Otoplana.
Postbursoplana tyrrhenica Lanfranchi, 1969Jan 1966Mar Tirreno: San Rossore (Pisa) tra Bocca di Fiume Morto e Bocca di Serchio. Sabbia media, zona ad Otoplana.
Postbursoplana tyrrhenica Lanfranchi, 1969May 1966Mar Tirreno: San Rossore (Pisa) tra Bocca di Fiume Morto e Bocca di Serchio. Sabbia media, zona ad Otoplana.
Castrada (Castrada) cristatispinosa Papi, 1951Sep 9, 1949in austrocknenden Gräben in der Umgebung von Pisa. in Wald von S. Rossore.
Lutheria moroderi (Gieysztor, 1931)Oct 29, 1949in austrocknenden Gräben in der Umgebung von Pisa. im Wald von S. Rossore.
Lutheria moroderi (Gieysztor, 1931)Nov 9, 1949in austrocknenden Gräben in der Umgebung von Pisa. im Wald von S. Rossore.
Pseudomonocelis ophiocephala (Schmidt, 1861)Sep 1965Italian coast at the Tyrrhenin Sea: Naples (Papi, pers. comm.); San Rossore near Pisa; Leghorn, small isolated beach near the Academia; Elba, on an isolated beach of a marine lake.
Pseudomonocelis ophiocephala (Schmidt, 1861)Apr 1984Italian coast at the Tyrrhenin Sea: Naples (Papi, pers. comm.); San Rossore near Pisa; Leghorn, small isolated beach near the Academia; Elba, on an isolated beach of a marine lake.
Gieysztoria subsalsa Luther, 1955Jun 28, 1954S. Rossore bei Pisa, Tümpel am Ufer des Mittelmeeres, darunter ein grosser (>>fast eine Lagune>>). Vegetation von >>Ruppia maritima>>. Die konservierten Tiere sind am eingesammelt.
Gieysztoria expeditoides Luther, 19551955 or ealierIn Italien fand Papi (briefl. Mitt.) eine expeditoides-ähnliche Form in schwach brackischem Wasser (Salzgehalt 1.31 o/o) Das Ei war auch hier an den Enden breit abgerundet, durch Zoohlorellen grün. S. Rossore bei Pisa (Papi).
Macrostomum axi Papi, 19591959 or earlierS. Rossore bei Pisa. Psammaler Brackwasser-Lebensraum der Küste mit Schwankungen des Salzgehaltes zwischen 1 und 16 o/oo.
Dalyellia viridis (Shaw, 1791)Mar 6, 1953Pisa, Wald von S. Rossore, grosse, austrocknende Pfütze, zwischen moderndem Laub, pH= 7.5, 12ºC (Papi in Brief)

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