Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 10101
Froehlich CG (1955)
On the biology of Land Planarians.
Boletim da faculdade de filosophia, ciencias e letras, Universidade de Sao Paulo, zoologica 20:263-272

Abstract / Notes

Miscellaneous notes, based on field observations and on specimens kept in the laboratory. Most of the data
confirm previous observations of other authors. Land planarians remain hidden during the day in humid, but
not wet, refuges. They are most easily found, in Brazil, during the dry or winter season, from April to
September. In fallen logs they are often found in great numbers inside galleries bored by insect larvae.
Types of creeping motion are described. Observations on the food of various spp. are given. Specimens of
several spp. of Geoplana have been kept alive in the laboratory. Their behavior, feeding, etc., and manner of
catching their prey, are described. A table is given showing the number of days it took egg capsules to
burst, for 8 spp., and the number of young liberated from 1 to 10, varying within a single sp.

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