Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Berdnik SV, Tokinova RP 2020    New species of Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela (Plathelminthes: Rhabditophora) for the Volga Basin. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology. No2(22): 3-8
Gieysztoria sibirica (Plotnikow, 1905) [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum lutheri Beklemischev, 1927 [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum stepposus Rogozin, 2012 w other research on this sp.
Strongylostoma cirratum Beklemischev, 1921 w other research on this sp.
Typhloplanella opaca Nasonov, 1923 [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum longituba Papi, 1953 w other research on this sp.