Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Planaria simplissima Curtis, 1900]

Planaria simplissima Curtis, 1900

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Curtis WC1900index card avail.
On the reproductive system of Planaria simplissima, a new species.Zool Jahrb Syst 13:447-466, plates 31-3210047
Stevens NM1904  
On the germ cells and the embryology of Planaria simplissima.Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 56: 208-22807056

Cura foremanii

[Other] literature of valid taxon Cura foremanii (Girard, 1852)

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Girard CF1852index card avail.
Description of two new genera and two new species of Planaria.Proceed. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 4: 210-21218328
Hyman LH1931index card avail.
Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of North American triclad Turbellaria. IV. Recent European revisions of the triclads, and their appl to American forms, with a key to the latter, and new notes on distribution.Trans Am Microsc Soc 50:316-335322-32366155537
Kenk R1935 abs. Studies on Virginian triclads.Journal Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 51:79-133, plate 4580-8310394
Kenk R1944 abs. The fresh-water triclads of Michigan.Miscell Public Mus Zool Univ Mich (60):1-4410-13608310408
Anderson JM, Johann JC1958   Some aspects of reproductive biology in the fresh-water triclad turbellarian Cura foremanii.Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 115(3):375-383375-38309686
Ball IR1969   An annotated checklist of the freshwater Tricladida of the Nearctic and Neotropical regions.Can J Zool 47: 59-6423382805
Ball IR, Fernando CH1969   Freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria) and continental drift.Nature 221: 1143-1144, London20767
Kenk R1972index card avail.
Freshwater planarians (Turbellaria) of North America. Biota of Fresh-water Ecosystems, Identification Manual,1: 1-81 ; Washington, Environmental Protection Agency. [Also second printing, 1976, Cincinnati, Ohio]19510414656
Kenk R1974index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world.Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-906162727
Ball IR1974   A new genus of freshwater triclad from Tasmania, with reviews of the related genera Cura and Neppia (Turbellaria: Tricladida).Life Sci Contr R Ont Mus 99:1-4812-135402812
Kawakatsu M, Mitchell RW1982   A note on the morphology of Cura foremanii (Girard, l852) from four localities, USA. (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola)Bull. Fuji Women's College #20,Ser.2:91-100.2799309
Kenk R1989   Revised list of the North American freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Paludicola).Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. 476, 10 pp.1437911193

[Other] literature of synonyms (Curtisia foremani Planaria foremanii Planaria simplissima Planaria simplicissima Curtisia simplicissima Planaria lugubris Dugesia foremanii Curtisia simplissima )
authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Girard CF1852index card avail.
Description of two new genera and two new species of Planaria.Proceed. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 4: 210-21218328
Schmidt O1861index card avail.
Über Planaria torva Autorum.Z wiss Zool 11(1):89-94, tab 10 [1862?]017491
Morgan TH1901   Growth and regeneration in Planaira lugubris.Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. 13:179-212, with 14 figures. (with German summary)10571
Stevens NM1902   Notes on regeneration in Planaria lugubris.Archiv Entwicklungsmech Org (W Roux) 13: 396-40907061
Bardeen CR1903 abs. Factors in Heteromorphis in Planarians.Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. 16. Bd. Leipzig 1903. pages 1-20, with 18 figures.18924
Morgan TH1904   Polarity and axial heteromorphosis.American Natural 38, p. 502-505.010573
Schultz E1904   Uber Regenerationsweisen.Biol. Centrbl. 24: 310-31721133
Morgan LV1906 abs. Regeneration of grafted Pieces of Planarians.Journal of Exper. Zool. Vol 3: 269-294, textfigs 1-17 (24 Figures). Baltimore 1906.18999
Stevens NM1907   A histological study of regeneration in Planaria simplicissima, Planaria maculata and Planaria morgani.Archiv Entwicklungsmech Org (W Roux) 24: 350-37307058
Graff Lvon1916   In Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs (Vermes), Abt. Ic (Turbellaria).Leipzig (1912-1917), Bd. 420265
Stringer CF1918   Free-living flatworms (Turbellaria). In: Ward HB, Whipple GC (ed by Edmonsons WT), Freshwater Biology.John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp 323-364, fig 589-65015863
Gebhardt H1926 abs. Untersuchungen uber die Determination bei Planarienregeneraten.Zeitschr Wiss Biol Abt D Roux Arch Entwicklungsmech Organ 107(4): 684-72621048
Bohmig L1927 abs. Planaria lugubris O. Schmidt und Planaria polychroa O. Schmidt.Zool Anz 69:306-30709943
Van Beuskom G1929   Die Nahrungsaufnahme von Dendrocoelum lacteum Müller und Planaria lugubris O. Schm.Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 9(3): 613-62621076
Hyman LH1931index card avail.
Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of North American triclad Turbellaria. IV. Recent European revisions of the triclads, and their appl to American forms, with a key to the latter, and new notes on distribution.Trans Am Microsc Soc 50:316-33566155537
Sivickis PB1931 abs. A quantitative study of regeneration along the main axis of the triclad body. In Atti dell'XI Congresso Internationale di Zoologia, Padova 1930Archivio zool. Italiano 16: 430-449, 7 f.10839
Sivickis PB1931 abs. Morfogenesio kilmes beieskant. [Question of morphogenesis]Kosmos 1931(9): 345-35921038
Erhardt A1932 abs. Ein Beitrag zu den Helligkeitsreaktionen von Planaria lugubris O.Schm Biol Zen Tralbl 52(6): 321-32921017
Mattes O1932 abs. Uber die Wirkungsweise und die Bedeutung der Turbellarien-Hautdrusen.Zeit Schr Wiss Biol Abt A Zeitschr Morph U Okol Tiere 24(3/4): 743-76721037
Lemke G1935 abs. Beitrage zur Lichtorien-tierung und zur Frage des Farbensehens der Planarien.Zeilschr Vergleich Physiol 22(3): 298-34521007
Schewtschenko NN1936 abs. Polaritatsumkehr bei der Unterdruckung der dominierenden Regionen bei Planaria.Zool Anz 115(9/10): 232-24421005
Pennypacker MI1938index card avail.
The chromosomes in the maturation of the germ cells of two species of triclad Turbellarians.J. Morph. 63: 421-43619163
Prielgautskiene A1939   Planaria lugubris regeneracijos histologinis tyrinejimas.Kosmos [Kaunas] 20(10/12): 293-32420993
Kenk R1944 abs. The fresh-water triclads of Michigan.Miscell Public Mus Zool Univ Mich (60):1-4410-11608310408
Kenk R1974index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world.Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-906162727

Literature setting new combination:

Kenk R1974index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world.Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-906162727

Literature with distribution data:

Curtis WC1900index card avail.
On the reproductive system of Planaria simplissima, a new species.Zool Jahrb Syst 13:447-466, plates 31-3210047
Pearl R1903  
The movements and reactions of freshwater planarians: a study in animal behaviour.Q J Microsc Sci 46:509-714, 49 figures11938
Arndt W1926 abs.
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Land- und Susswasserfauna Korsikas. I. Ergebnisse der Dr. Paul Schottlander-Lehrexpedition des Jahres 1914. 2. Turbellaria.Mitteil Zool Ms Berlin 12(2): 218-22221073
Bolen HR1938 abs.
Planarians of the Reelfoot Lake Region in Tennessee.Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science, 13: 164-16520102
Kenk R1944 abs.
The fresh-water triclads of Michigan.Miscell Public Mus Zool Univ Mich (60):1-44608310408
Ball IR, Fernando CH1969  
Freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria) and continental drift.Nature 221: 1143-1144, London20767

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