Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prosthiostomum affine Stimpson, 1857]

(Prosthiostomum affine Stimpson, 1857) = Prosthiostomum grande

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Oniike, Japan 4421
Jun 1937         two specimenms were collected at Oniike. Kato K (1938): 572
B Seto Marine Biological Station, Kyoto University, at Seto in Shirahama-cho, Cape Bansho Zaki (Bandokoro-saki), Wakayama Prefecture, Japan 4451
Apr 1937         large number of this species were collected at Sakatahana and Tubaki. Kato K (1938): 577, 589
C Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology, Susaki near Simoda, Siduoka Prefecture, Japan 4428
May 1933         three specimens of this species. Kato K (1934): 123, 135
D Amami-Oshima Island, Amami Islands, Japan 2085
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307
E Matsuwa (Matuwa Saki, Matsuwa-saki), near Misaki, Japan 1787
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307
F Mera-Ko, Province of Awa (southern part of Chiba Prefecture), Japan 4471
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307
G Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Tomioka, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan 4418
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307
H Seto Inland Sea, Japan 4472
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307
I Wagura, Noto (Ishikawa Prefecture), Japan 4498
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307
J Saru-shima (Sarusima Island), Nanao Bay, Japan 4485
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307

MAP ALL (10) .

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