Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Macrostomum lutheri Beklemischev, 1927]

Macrostomum lutheri Beklemischev, 1927

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Hautajärvi, Finland 3003
Jun 23, 1950     mud   north bank of lake Hautajärvi, Kittilä. Temp 12 degrees C. Luther A (1960): 82
B Lohjanjarvi (Lohjanjärvi, Lojo-See, Lojosjö, Lojosee), Finland 2986
Jul 29, 1901     mud   pool near the bank of the lake. Luther A (1905): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 82
C Zelenogorsk (Teriyoki, Terijoki, Terioki, Poselok Terioki), Russia 2992
Jul 28, 1917         Terijoki, See >>Tschutsche>> an Nymphaea. Beklemischev VN (1951): from Luther (citation)- p. 82
D Spain (Espagne, Espanha, Espana, Hispania, Spagna, Spanien) 2735
1930 or earlier default type     freshwater   Gieysztor M (1930): from Ferguson 1954 (citation)- 142

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