site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Chotebor, Czech Republic |
map | 1913 or earlier |
type locality |
freshwater |
Graff Lvon (1913): 55 |
B |
L'viv (Lwow, Lvyv, Leopol, Lemberg, L'vov), Ukraine |
map | 1915 or earlier |
Fulinski B (1915): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 78 |
C |
Gulf of Gdansk (Danziger Bucht, Bay of Danzig, Gdan'ska Bukhta, Dantsigskaya Bukhta, Gdanska, Gdan'skaya), Poland |
map | 1933 or earlier |
Demel K (1933): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 78 |
D |
Tabor, Czech Republic |
map | 1926 or earlier |
Luther notes that Sekera collected this species. |
Luther A (1960): 78 |
E |
Sinermäjärvi, Finland |
map | Jun 29, 1950 |
7 degrees C. spring near the lake. |
Luther A (1960): 78 |
F |
Hautajärvi, Finland |
map | Jun 23, 1950 |
11.8 degrees C. Small brook on the bank of the lake. |
Luther A (1960): 78 |
G |
Urjala (Urdiala), Finland |
map | Jun 2, 1956 |
swampy hardwood forest pool, Caltha palustris, moss and decaying leaves, 14.5 degrees C., about 5-10 cm deep. |
Luther A (1960): 78 |
H |
Leningrad Province (Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg), Russia |
map | 1926 or earlier |
Leningrad province. |
Nasonov NV (1926): abstract |
I |
Czech (Cechy, Chekhiya, Chekhiya, Czechy, Czechia, Boemia, Böhemia, Boheme, Boemia, Bohemia) Republic |
map | 1895 or earlier |
default type |
Bohemia. |
Vejdovsky F (1895): abstract |
J |
Mount Sleza (Sobótka, Zobten), Poland |
map | Apr 23, 1971 |
freshwater |
A pond on the slopes of Mount Sleza (Sobotka). Sphagnum. S. occultum, Suomina turgida, S. constrictum, S. leucops, S. saliens, S. anatirostrum, M. tauricium, G. hermaphroditus, R. rostratum, P. stagnalis, M. microphtalma, M. obtusus. |
Kolasa J (1971): 745 |
K |
Leiruvogur (Leirovogur), east of Reykjavik, Iceland |
map | Jul 1993 |
medium sand |
Island Bucht Leiruvogur bei Reykjavik. Mittelsand in 2 Süsswasserzuflüssen in ein ausgedehntes Salzwiesengelände. Probenentnahme bei starkem Süsswasserstrom. Keine marinen Arten, keine Brackwasserorganismen. |
Ax P (2008): 90 |
L |
Ria de Santona near Escalante, Spain |
map | 1997-1999 |
Brackish (meso) |
Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993 |