site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Lake Peipus (Peipsi, Chudskoe, Peypsi-Yarv, Peipsenjarvi, Peipaus Ezeras), Estonia |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
Graff Lvon (1913): 52 |
B |
Lago Maggiore (Verbano, Majeur, Locarno, Langensee), Switzerland |
map | 1913 or earlier |
78 m |
mud |
freshwater |
Graff Lvon (1913): 52 |
C |
Kittilä (Kittila), Finland |
map | Jun 27, 1950 |
0.5 m |
gyttja |
in the Sorettianjärvi. in sediment with decomposing animals (Sapropel). |
Luther A (1960): 75 |
D |
Zelenogorsk (Teriyoki, Terijoki, Terioki, Poselok Terioki), Russia |
map | Aug 8, 1917 |
Vammelsuu. |
Beklemischev VN (1951): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 75 |
E |
Perm (Molotov, Perm'), Russia |
map | prior to 1951 |
Beklemischev VN (1951): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 75 |
F |
Lago di Como (Larius Lacus, Lario), Lombardia, Italy |
map | prior to 1949 |
17-30 m |
Steinböck O (1949): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76-77 |
G |
Lago Maggiore, Italy |
map | prior to 1949 |
17-30 m |
Steinböck O (1949): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76-77 |
H |
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA |
map | prior to 1940 |
Ferguson FF, Jones ER Jr (1940): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 77 |
I |
Norfolk, Virginia, USA |
map | prior to 1940 |
Ferguson FF, Jones ER Jr (1940): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 77 |
J |
Provincia di Pavia, Italy |
map | prior to 1926 |
Lago Moro and Gartenteich. |
Vialli M (1926): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 77 |
K |
Lunz am See (Lunz), Austria |
map | 1915 or earlier |
Meixner J (1915): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76 |
L |
Mittersee, Austria |
map | 1915 or earlier |
Meixner J (1915): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76 |
M |
Wörthersee (Wörther See, Woerthersee) , Austria |
map | 1925 or earlier |
20 m |
Reisinger E, Steinböck O (1925): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76 |
N |
Schwarzer See, Austria |
map | 1926 or earlier |
altitude 1153 m. |
Steinböck O (1926): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76 |
O |
Lago Maggiore (Verbano, Majeur, Locarno, Langensee), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
Hofsten N v (1911): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 76 |
P |
Mwena (Mwina), Coast Province, Kenya |
map | Feb 17, 1972 |
freshwater |
1 specimen. River Mwena, south of Mombasa on Lungalunga Road. |
Young JO (1976): 58 |
Q |
Maji ya Chumvi, Coast Province, Kenya |
map | Feb 23, 1972 |
freshwater |
2 specimens. river in Mariakani/Kmango road. |
Young JO (1976): 58 |
R |
Lago Maggiore (Verbano, Majeur, Locarno, Langensee), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
78 m |
freshwater |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 608 |
S |
L'viv (Lwow, Lvyv, Leopol, Lemberg, L'vov), Ukraine |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Polen, Lwow (Lemberg) Grodka, Teich bei Drosdowice (Fulinski, Gieysztor).. |
Luther A (1960): 75 |