Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Invenusta paracnida (Karling, 1966)]

Invenusta paracnida (Karling, 1966)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A San Juan Island, Friday Harbor, Friday Harbor laboratories, Washington, USA 2
prior to 1977     sand   Das material von Invenusta paracnida entstammt sandigen Habitaten der amerikanischen Pazifikküste bei Seattle, Washington (leg. D.F. Whybrew). Ehlers U, Sopott-Ehlers B (1987): 378
B Lowell Point, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA 3633
Jul 7, 1988     coarse sand, gravel, boulders brackish beach with coarse sand, gravel and boulders, high tide. (salinity of ambient water 12 o/oo Aug 5, 1988; salinity at low tide 21 o/oo Aug 11, 1988) Ax P, Armonies W (1990): 29
C Seward, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA 3643
Jul 12, 1988       brackish Seward. Extended high energy beach behind the Industrial Camp; lower beach slope near a freshwater outflow (very abundant; ambient salinity at low tide = 5 o/oo). Ax P, Armonies W (1990): 29
D mouth of the Ninilchik River, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA 3636
Jul 21, 1988       brackish Mouth of the Ninilchik River (freshwater) into the sandy slope of the beach (salinity 6 to 37 o/oo). Ax P, Armonies W (1990): 29
E Anchor Point, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA 3638
Jul 24, 1988         High energy beach near the mouth of the Anchor River. Ax P, Armonies W (1990): 29
F Bodega Bay, California, USA 2839
1966 or earlier           Karling TG (1966): ; from Ax & Armonies 1990 (citation)- p. 29
G Daikoku-jima (Daikoku Island), Japan 3644
1981 or earlier           Tajika K-I (1981): ; from Ax & Armonies 1990 (citation)- p. 29
H Dillon Beach, Bodega Bay, California, USA 3710
Aug 19, 1960 type locality   shell gravel   washed out from shell gravel under wrack. Karling TG (1966): 497
I Ishikari, Hokkaido, Japan 4229
Mar 17, 1975         Die Küste Ishikari von dem Japanischen Meer. Mehrere Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
J Ishikari, Hokkaido, Japan 4229
Apr 16, 1975         Die Küste Ishikari von dem Japanischen Meer. Mehrere Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
K Erimo-misaki (Erimo Cape), Japan 4239
Jul 15, 1975         Das Kap Erimo. Ein Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
L Erimo-misaki (Erimo Cape), Japan 4239
Aug 2, 1977         Das Kap Erimo. Ein Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
M Cape Aikappu, Akkeshi (Akkesi) Bay, Hokkaido, Japan 4220
Jul 11, 1976         Die Bucht Akkeshi. Am Kap Aikappu. Vier Expl. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
N Cape Aikappu, Akkeshi (Akkesi) Bay, Hokkaido, Japan 4220
Aug 16, 1976         Die Bucht Akkeshi. Am Kap Aikappu. Ein Expl. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
O Daikoku-jima (Daikoku Island), Japan 3644
Jul 12, 1975         Die Bucht Akkeshi. Am Nordende der Insel Daikoku. Mehrere Expl. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
P Daikoku-jima (Daikoku Island), Japan 3644
Jul 13, 1976         Die Bucht Akkeshi. Am Nordende der Insel Daikoku. Mehrere Expl. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
Q Habomai, Hokkaido, Japan 4221
Aug 15, 1978         Die Küste Habomai. Zwei Expl. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
R Saruru (Saru), Hokkaido, Japan 4223
Jul 23, 1978         Die Küste Saruru vom dem Ochotskischen Meer. Mehrere Expl. Tajika K-I (1981): 463
S Smallpox Bay (Small Pox Bay), San Juan Island, Washington, USA 3566
Aug 1965     coarse sand   zahlreich. Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34
T Cattle Point, Sand Juan Island, Washington, USA 4351
Aug 1965     coarse sand, gravel   mehrere Exemplare. Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34
U False Bay, San Juan Island, Washington, USA 2025
Aug 1965         vereinzelt, im groben Substrat. Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34
V Andrews Bay, San Juan Island, Washington, USA 4354
Sep 1965     coarse sand   sehr zahlreich, im groben Sand zwischen Steinen. Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34
W Lonesome Cove, San Juan Island, Washington, USA 4357
Sep 1965         mehrere Individuen, im groben Substrat. Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34
X Orcas Island, Washington, USA 2026
Aug 1965     coarse sand, gravel   sehr häufig, im Grobsand-Kies des oberen Prallhanges. Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34
Y Carkeek Park (Karkiek ?), Puget Sound, Washington, USA 4353
Dec 1977         (leg. D. Whybrew). Ax P, Sopott-Ehlers B (1979): 34

MAP ALL (25) .

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