Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Pseudomonocelis agilis (Schultze, 1851)]

Pseudomonocelis agilis (Schultze, 1851)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Etang de Grande Palun, French Mediterranean coast, Camargue, France 519
      algae   collected from algae. Sopott-Ehlers B (1993): 78
B Baltalmani (Baltaliman), Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus), Turkey 467
Aug 29, 1956     coarse sand 14.6 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
C Baltalmani (Baltaliman), Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus), Turkey 558
Aug 29, 1956       17.3 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
D Küçük Su (Kucuksu), asian river bank, Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus),Turkey 758
Sep 9, 1956     mud slime, filamentous algae 18.8 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
E Küçük Su (Kucuksu), asian river bank, Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus),Turkey 759
Sep 16, 1956     mud slime, filamentous algae 17.3 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
F Gök Su, Goksu Deresi (Asiatic bank), Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus), Turkey 760
Sep 16, 1956     coarse sand, gravel 4.5-16.5 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
G Gök Su, Goksu Deresi (Asiatic bank), Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus), Turkey 760
Sep 9, 1956     coarse sand, gravel 4.5-16.5 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
H south margin of brackishwater strandsee, Kucukeekmece (Kucuk Cekmece), Sea of Marmara (Marmara Meer), Turkey 761
Sep 28, 1956     mixed sand and algae between stones 7.3 ppt   Ax P (1959): 79
I Point Judith, Rhode Island, USA 1218
1874 or earlier   low water     found at low water creeping on Mytilus edulis (Leidy). Also found in somewhat brackish water, on piles of wharves, floating timbers, etc. Verrill AE, Smith SI (1874): 325, 482, 483, 631
J Greifswald, Germany 3485
1848 or earlier default type       Diese Art ist sehr häufig an der Küste bei Greifswald, und wurde vom Frühjahr bis in den Spätherbst beobachtet. Sie Hält sich an den einige Fuss unter der Oberfläche des Wassers wachsenden Algen auf ...... Schultze Max (1851): 37
K coast of Belgium 5009
1860 or earlier         Littorale de Belgique. Beneden P-J van (1861): 39
L southern coast of Norway 5045
1855         Claparede har i 1855 fundet denne Art ligesom den foregaaende almindelig ved Norges sydlige og vestilge Kyst. Claparede E (1861): ; from Jensen 1878 (citation)- 67
M Schlei, Kieler Bay, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2967
1937 or earlier         ...in der Schlei.. Remane A (1937): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 171166
N Ria de Guernica near Kanala, Spain 6243
1997-1999       Brackish (meso)   Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993

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