Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Schmidtea mediterranea (Benazzi, Baguna, Ballester & del Papa, 1975)]

Schmidtea mediterranea (Benazzi, Baguna, Ballester & del Papa, 1975)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Barcelona, Spain 4062
1975 or earlier type locality       Asexual population. "panta de la Fuxarda" in the city of Barcelona. The panta de la Fuxarda is a small, slightly alkaline pond, artificially created around 1914. Specimens were collected from beneath Nymphaea sp. leaves. Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
B Barcelona, Spain 4062
1975 or earlier         Asexual population. "Font dels Tres Pins" in the city of Barcelona, a small fountain distant only 400 mts from panta de la Fuxarda. Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 84
C Ruisseau d’Alistro, Corsica, France 4411
1975 or earlier         Sexual populations. Corsica, a channel near Faro d'Alistro in the eastern coast, Bonifacio and Monacia in the South of the island. Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
D La Ville de Bonifacio, Corsica, France 4412
1975 or earlier         Sexual populations. Corsica, a channel near Faro d'Alistro in the eastern coast, Bonifacio and Monacia in the South of the island. Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
E Monacia (Monacio), Corsica, France 4413
1975 or earlier         Sexual populations. Corsica, a channel near Faro d'Alistro in the eastern coast, Bonifacio and Monacia in the South of the island. Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
F Sardegna (Sardinia, Sardenya, Sardegne, Sardaigne, Sardinien), Italy 3774
1975 or earlier         Sexual populations. Sardinia: various localities. Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
G Palermo, Sicily, Italy 1801
1975 or earlier         Sexual populations. Sicily: in the environs of Palermo and Mazara del Vallo (Province of Trapani). Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
H Mazara del Vallo, Province of Trapani, Sicily, Italy 4414
1975 or earlier         Sexual populations. Sicily: in the environs of Palermo and Mazara del Vallo (Province of Trapani). Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R (1975): 83
I Nottingham, Great Britain, United Kingdom 7519
2018 or earlier         collector M. Vila-Farre Leria L, Sluys R, Riutort M (2018): 340

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