Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Dendrocoelum lychnidicum]

Dendrocoelum lychnidicum

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Lake Ohrid (Ohrida See, Ohris, Ohrit, Lychnitis, Ochrida, Ohridsko, Ochridasee, Okhridsko, Akhris), Albania Macedonia border 2222
prior to 1955 type locality     freshwater as an undescribed species #1 inhabiting the sublittoral zone. Stankovic S (1955): 491; from Kenk R 1978 (citation)- p 23
B Ohrid Bay, Lake Ohrid, Macedonia 2236
Aug 1937 type locality 16-26 m shell zone freshwater about 10 specimens collected in the Ohrid Bay by dredging in the shell zone of the sublittoral. The animals are comparitively rare and can easily be overlooked because of their small size and slow movements,. Kenk R (1978): 23

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