site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Powerhouse Brook, Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery, Orland, Maine, USA |
map | Aug 28, 1968 |
freshwater |
Powerhouse Brook near Orland, at entrance of road to Craig Brook National Hatchery, 1.4 miles east of the hatchery, in a dammed-up pond above the bridge on the road, 21.3 degrees C. |
Kenk R (1970): 13 |
B |
Lake St. Clair (Claire), Michigan, USA |
map | 1894 or earlier |
freshwater |
Ward H (1894): 50; from Kenk R 1944 (citation)- p 16 |
C |
New Baltimore, Lake St. Clair, Michigan, USA |
map | 1896 or earlier |
freshwater |
one specimen |
Woodworth WM (1896): 94; Woodworth 1896 (citation)- p 240; from Kenk R 1944 (citation)- p 16 |
D |
Lake Oswego, Oregon, USA |
map | 1963 or earlier |
freshwater |
water-lily leaves in a boggy inlet on the north side of Lake Oswego. Dr. Eugene Kozloff and his student Donald Hunter provided the specimens. |
Hyman LH (1963): 2 |
E |
near Delhi, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | Oct 28, 1940 |
freshwater |
young and mature Curtisia foremani (and Dugesia tigrina) under stones. Water clear, current swift. A creek on Loch Alpine golf course, on Huron River Drive, near Delhi, six miles northwest of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. |
Kenk R (1944): 12 |
F |
Twin Lakes, Charlevoix, Michigan, USA |
map | 1896 or earlier |
freshwater |
On leaves of 'Nymphaea' and from 'Utricularia' washings, from Twin Lakes and West Twin Lake. |
Woodworth WM (1896): 94; Woodworth 1896 (citation)- p. 240; from Kenk R 1944 (citation)- p. 16 |
G |
west side of South Fishtail Bay, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jun 25-26, 1940 |
freshwater |
Under stones along shore. Numerous asexual specimens of the spotted color pattern in full agamie reproduction. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
H |
South Fishtail Bay, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 17, 1940 |
4-5 m |
freshwater |
centrall interdepression area of Fishtail Bay. Collected by F.E. Eggleton. Numerous specimens of the striped, the spotted, and intermediary types, many of them mature, and one cocoon collected among vegetation (Chara). |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
I |
South Fishtail Bay, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 29, 1940 |
4-5 m |
freshwater |
centrall interdepression area of Fishtail Bay. Collected by F.E. Eggleton. Numerous specimens of the striped, the spotted, and intermediary types, many of them mature, and one cocoon collected among vegetation (Chara). |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
J |
South Fishtail Bay, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 8, 1940 |
4-5 m |
freshwater |
centrall interdepression area of Fishtail Bay. Collected by F.E. Eggleton. Numerous specimens of the striped, the spotted, and intermediary types, many of them mature, and one cocoon collected among vegetation (Chara). |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
K |
North Fishtail Bay, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 8, 1940 |
freshwater |
several immature specimens among vegetation (coll. C.O. Berg). A sedge pool, a few feet from the lake shore. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
L |
Bessey Creek (lower part of Lancaster Creek), Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 13, 1940 |
freshwater |
several agamic specimens of the spotted type. Water temperature 18.0 degrees C. Sluggish stream; bottom, mud, dense vegetation. (Coll. R.I. Sailer). |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
M |
Bessey Creek (lower part of Lancaster Creek), Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 25, 1940 |
freshwater |
several agamic specimens of the spotted type. Water temperature 26.8 degrees C. Sluggish stream; bottom, mud, dense vegetation. (Coll. R.I. Sailer). |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
N |
Bessey Creek (lower part of Lancaster Creek), Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 27, 1940 |
freshwater |
several agamic specimens of the spotted type. Water temperature 26.8 degrees C. Sluggish stream; bottom, mud, dense vegetation. (Coll. R.I. Sailer). |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
O |
Munro Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 23, 1940 |
freshwater |
very numerous animals and cocoons under pieces of wood, on the undersurfaces of stones, and on water plants. Most specimens are animals (all of the spotted type) were four sexually mature ones. Water temperature 27.5 degrees C. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
P |
Munro Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 25, 1940 |
freshwater |
in the southwest corner of the lake, several immature animals, and cocoons, under fallen timber. Water temperature 25.5 degrees C. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
Q |
Lancaster Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 25, 1940 |
freshwater |
both sexual and asexual animals, and cocoons, collected under stones along the east shore. Some specimens had recently fissioned. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
R |
Lancaster Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 27, 1940 |
freshwater |
both sexual and asexual animals, and cocoons, collected under stones along the east shore. Some specimens had recently fissioned. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
S |
Black Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 7, 1940 |
freshwater |
Planarians and cocoons numerous under stones. Water temperature 23.0 degrees C. In a narrow bay on the west side of the lake; bottom, mud and stones, dense vegetation of algae and higher plants. |
Kenk R (1944): 16 |
T |
East Branch Maple River, Emmet County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 22, 1940 |
freshwater |
one specimen of Dugesia tigrina and several specimens of Curtisia foremani. Current swift. Water temperature 29.5 degrees C. at the bridge northeast of Pellston. |
Kenk R (1944): 16-17 |
U |
West Branch Maple River, Emmet County, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 14, 1940 |
freshwater |
two specimens (coll. Jack S. Dendy). West Branch Maple River, half-way between Larks Lake and Pellston. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
V |
Larks Lake, Emmet County, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 12, 1940 |
freshwater |
ten asexual specimens and one mature specimen under stones (coll. Harry K. Phinney). bottom, sand and stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
W |
Ocqueoc Lake, Presque Isle County, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 30, 1940 |
freshwater |
very numerouws planarians under stones, shells, pieces of wood, and on water plants. Most animals asexual, one mature. Water temperature 27.0 degrees C. Water clear, somewhat colored; bottom, mud and stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
X |
Tahquamenon River, Luce County, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 12, 1940 |
freshwater |
several large, asexual specimens of the spotted type, under stones (coll. Stephen P. Hatchett). Water warm, clear, highly colored, current sluggish; bottom, sand and clay, with stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
Y |
Eliza Creek, Keweenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 18, 1940 |
freshwater |
two asexual specimens under stones. Water temperature 19.3 degrees C. Water almost stagnant; bottom, sand, mud, and stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
Z |
Huron River, Oakland County, Michigan, USA |
map | May 18, 1941 |
freshwater |
two immature, spotted specimens under stones. Water temperature 20.1 degrees C. Moderate current. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
A1 |
Huron River, at the Delhi dam, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | Sep 28, 1940 |
freshwater |
several asexual specimens of the spotted type under stones.. Water temperature 20.1 degrees C. Swift current. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
B1 |
Huron River, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA |
map | Apr 8, 1941 |
freshwater |
Very numerous specimens under stones, all of the spotted pattern, but with varying amounts of spottiness, and different tones of brown. Ten individuals in more than one hundred were sexual. These were rather small (6-8 mm long). |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
C1 |
Huron River, near Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | 1903 or earlier |
freshwater |
Pearl reported 'Planaria maculata' from Huron River. |
Pearl R (1903): 526; from Kenk R 1944 (citation)- p 17 |
D1 |
Huron River, near Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | 1925 or earlier |
freshwater |
Hyman reported 'Planaria lata' from Huron River. |
Hyman LH (1925): 53; from Kenk R 1944 (citation)- p 17 |
E1 |
Portage Lake, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | Sep 22, 1940 |
freshwater |
several asexual specimens of the spotted type under stones. Water warm, exposed to waves; bottom, stones and mud. |
Kenk R (1944): 17 |
F1 |
outlet of Portage Lake, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | Sep 22, 1940 |
freshwater |
many asexual spotted specimens under stones. Water warm, current swift; bottom, stones and sand. |
Kenk R (1944): 17-18 |
G1 |
Fleming (Fleming's) Creek, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | May 16, 1940 |
freshwater |
several spotted specimens, all asexual, under stones. Rapid current. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
H1 |
Fleming (Fleming's) Creek, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | May 19, 1940 |
freshwater |
several spotted specimens, all asexual, under stones. Rapid current. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
I1 |
Honey Creek, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA |
map | Feb 12, 1941 |
freshwater |
several immature specimens under stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
J1 |
Honey Creek, Livingston County, Michigan, USA |
map | Apr 7, 1941 |
freshwater |
two specimens under stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
K1 |
Honey Creek, Livingston County, Michigan, USA |
map | Apr 7, 1941 |
freshwater |
two specimens taken with samples of water plants. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
L1 |
Grape, Monroe County, Michigan, USA |
map | Apr 25, 1941 |
freshwater |
three immature individuals with spotted pattern, under stones. A pond one and one-half miles west of Grape. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
M1 |
Stoney (Stony) Creek, Monroe County, Michigan, USA |
map | Apr 25, 1941 |
freshwater |
seventeen specimens, one of them mature, all with spotted coloration, under stones. Water temperature 14.9 degrees C. Clear, swiftly running water. Much with vegetation on stones. |
Kenk R (1944): 18 |
N1 |
De Leijen Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
Bricks, rough stones |
freshwater |
North shore. Bricks, rough stones. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 11-30 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
O1 |
Koevorde (Koevordermeer) Lake, Netherlands |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
bricks |
freshwater |
North shore. Bricks. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 11-30 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
P1 |
Slotermeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
bricks, rough stones |
freshwater |
North shore. Bricks, rough stones. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 1-10 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
Q1 |
Slotermeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
vegetation |
freshwater |
North shore. Bricks, rough stones. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 31-100 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
R1 |
Sneekermeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
broken bricks. |
freshwater |
West shore. Broken bricks. Vegetation, Phragmites, little Scirpus, little detritus. 1-10 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
S1 |
Tjeukemeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
vegetation |
freshwater |
South shore. Broken bricks. Vegetation, Phragmites, medium detritus. 11-30 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
T1 |
Tjeukemeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
broken bricks |
freshwater |
South shore. Broken bricks. Vegetation, Phragmites, medium detritus. 101-300 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
U1 |
Iron Gates (Trecatori Portile de Fier, La Cazane, Dealul Klisura, Klissura Derdap, Iron Gate of the Danube, Gvozdena Vrata, Eisenernes Tor, Vaskapu), Romania |
map | 2004 or earlier |
Iron Gates II damlake |
Nastasescu M, Popescu-Marinescu V (2004): abstract |
V1 |
County Down, Ireland |
map | 2003 or earlier |
Castle Espie |
Anderson R (2003): abstract |
W1 |
Lake Biwa (Biwa-ko,Biwa-See), Japan |
map | Aug 2002 |
attached to Elodea found in Kinohama Beach. |
Nishino M, Ohtaka A, Kawakatsu M (2002): abstract |
X1 |
Barigui Park, Curitiba (Corityba, Curytiba), (Paraná), Brazil |
map | 2005 or earlier |
freshwater |
Bueno-Silva M, Fischer ML (2005): abstract |
Y1 |
Herault, France |
map | 2004 or earlier |
freshwater |
Vila M, Sancho M, Cardona A, Fernandez J, Romero R (2004): abstract |
Z1 |
northern Iraq |
map | 1988 or earlier |
Springs and Streams of Northern Parts of Iraq. |
Lazim MN, Shuker-Khan AO, Saeed IS (1988): abstract |
A2 |
Muggelsee (Grosser Muggelsee), Berlin Friedrichshaven, Germany |
map | 1938 or earlier |
U.S. planarian (syn. Planaria maculata Leidy) was found in abundance under stones along the shores of Muggelsee at Berlin-Friedrichshaven, apparently imported with aquatic plants. |
Tu TJ (1938): abstract |
B2 |
Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, USA |
map | 1938 or earlier |
freshwater |
collected around Reelfoot Lake. |
Bolen HR (1938): abstract |
C2 |
Laguna Negra, Parque Nacional de Santa Teresa, Departamento de Rocha, Uruguay |
map | Jan 12, 1989 |
freshwater |
collected from a temporary pond near Laguna Negra. |
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Ponce de Leon R (1992): 33, 34, 46, 47 |
D2 |
São Salvador, Montenegro municipality, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
map | Jun 1991 |
collected at Wallaure, near Salvador du Sol. |
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Ponce de Leon R (1992): 33, 34, 46, 47 |
E2 |
Country of Mexico |
map | 1989 or earlier |
Kenk R (1989): 1 |
F2 |
southern Canada |
map | 1989 or earlier |
Kenk R (1989): 1 |
G2 |
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA |
map | 1937 or earlier |
freshwater |
Pond south of Main Street, behind the Episcopal Church, Falmouth, Massachusetts. |
Kenk R (1937): 281 |
H2 |
Mary's Lake, Naushon Island, Massachusetts, USA |
map | 1937 or earlier |
freshwater |
Mary's Lake. |
Kenk R (1937): 281 |
I2 |
Big Spring, near Kerr's Creek, Rockbridge County, Virginia, USA |
map | 1937 or earlier |
freshwater |
Big Spring. |
Kenk R (1937): 281 |
J2 |
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA |
map | 1937 or earlier |
freshwater |
Sinclair's Pond, Park Street, Charlottesville. |
Kenk R (1937): 281 |
K2 |
Southern Bay, Canada |
map | Jul 6, 1986 |
Rattle Falls, near Southern Bay |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 175 |
L2 |
Brigus Junction, Canada |
map | Jul 7, 1986 |
stream near Brigus Junction |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 175 |
M2 |
Botucatú (Botucatu), State of São Paulo (San Paulo), Brazil |
map | Jul 26, 1967 |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 175 |
N2 |
Lake Ainslie, Inverness, Nova Scotia, Canada |
map | Aug 4, 1969 |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 175 |
O2 |
Laghi di Monticchio, Potenza, Italy |
map | 1999 or earlier |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 175 |
P2 |
Schriever, Louisiana, USA |
map | 1999 or earlier |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 176 |
Q2 |
Canelones Department, Uruguay |
map | Jan 1-3, 1987 |
Arroyo Saves, Dept. Canalos BS, Uruguay |
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R (2005): 176 |
R2 |
Craiova, Romania |
map | 2018 or earlier |
Collections from "The Botanical Garden, The Romanescu Park and Balta Craiovitei area" |
Felicia BA (2018): abstract |
S2 |
Kolubara River, Serbia |
map | 2008 |
Ilic MD, Tubic BR, Marinkovic NS, Markovic VM, Popovic NZ, Zoric KS, Rakovic MJ, Paunovic MM (2018): Abstract |
T2 |
Danube River, northern Serbia |
map | 2018 or earlier |
Ilic MD, Tubic BR, Marinkovic NS, Markovic VM, Popovic NZ, Zoric KS, Rakovic MJ, Paunovic MM (2018): Abstract |
U2 |
Tenn-Tom Waterway, Amory, Mississippi |
map | May 2006 - Apr 2020 |
Glasgow B (2021): 189, 193 |
V2 |
Tenn-Tom Waterway, Smithville, Mississippi |
map | May 2006 - Apr 2020 |
Glasgow B (2021): 189, 193 |
W2 |
Ross-Barnett Dam Reservoir, Rankin County, Mississippi |
map | May 2006 - Apr 2020 |
Glasgow B (2021): 189, 193 |