Turbellarian taxonomic database

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Collecting site

western and middle, Czech Republic (Böhmen, Bohmen, Bohemia)
Point to represent freshwater and terrestrial locations in the Böhmen (Bohemia), Czech Republic. Coordinates for Czech Republic are: 12.13 E 48.23 N, 19.38 E 51.42 N
latitude: 50     50°0'0"N
longitude: 14.5     14°30'0"E

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]

Collected here:

Prorhynchus hygrophilus Vejdovsky, 18951913 or earlierfound under a house in damp earth, on the bank of a brook.
Dalyellia graffii (Hallez, 1878)1913 or earlierin Lemna and Konferven.
Dalyellia rubra (Fuhrmann, 1894)1913 or earlierpools. very lively.
Dalyellia coronaria (Schmidt, 1858)1913 or earlierpools near Böhmen.
Dalyellia hallezii Graff, 18821913 or earlierpools.
Dalyellia paucispinosa (Sekera, 1889)1889 or earlier
Phaenocora unipunctata (Ørsted, 1843)1913 or earlier
Phaenocora rufodorsata (Sekera, 1904)1913 or earliersoil mud in ponds.
Phaenocora gracilis (Vejdovsky, 1895)1913 or earlierponds.
Phaenocora typhlops (Vejdovsky, 1880)1913 or earlierpools.
Phaenocora vejdovskyi (Vejdovsky, 1895)1913 or earlierpools.
Opistomum pallidum Schmidt, 18481913 or earlierlakes and puddles.
Olisthanella obtusa (Schultze, 1851)1913 or earlier
Olisthanella halleziana (Vejdovsky, 1880)1913 or earliermudIn springs of pools and lakes, associated with Crustacean food ?, Tubificiden and Lumbriciden tubes ?.
Strongylostoma caecum Sekera, 19121911 or earliermudmud in banks of ponds.
Typhloplana minima (Fuhrmann, 1894)1913 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) lanceola (Braun, 1885)1913 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) sphagnetorum Luther, 19041913 or earlierin Sphagnum of marsh, moor waters of Bohemia.
Castrada (Castrada) neocomensis Volz, 18981913 or earlier
Polycystis goettei Bresslau, 19061913 or earlierponds and lakes of Europe.
Jordania stolzi Sekera, 19121912 or earliermud"Neuer Süsswasser-Gyrator". Pools and ponds. Slow moving, can encyst. [Bush card indicates first collected from Jordan Pond, not sure of location]
Bothrioplana alacris Sekera, 18891881 or earlierfound in middle and south Böhmen. In freshwater pools. Assoicated with Lumbriculus and Tubifex.
Olisthanella albiensis Sekera, 19121912 or earlier
Olisthanella brinkmanni Sekera, 19121912 or earlier
Sphagnella lutheri Sekera, 19121912 or earlier
Taborella hofsteni Sekera, 19121912 or earlier
Typhloplanella bresslaui (Sekera, 1912)1912 or earlierSudböhmen
Planaria torva (Müller, 1773)1909 or earlierBöhmen.
Typhloplana viridata (Abildgaard, 1789)1907 or earlierBöhmen.
Phaenocora rufodorsata (Sekera, 1904)1904 or earlierTschechoslovakei, Böhmen, im Bodenschlamm eines Teiches.
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774)1880 or earlier
Dochmiotrema limicola Hofsten N, 19071912 or earlierBöhmen.
Mesostoma ehrenbergii (Focke, 1836)1880 or earlier
Mesostoma craci Schmidt, 18581912 or earlier
Mesostoma tetragonum (Müller, 1774)1926 or earlier
Mesostoma tetragonum (Müller, 1774)1880 or earlier
Mesostoma rhynchotum Braun, 18851912 or earlier
Mesostoma nigrirostrum Braun, 18851912 or earlier
Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848)1880 or earlier
Phaenocora typhlops (Vejdovsky, 1880)1880 or earlier
Suomina turgida (Zacharias, 1902)1961 or earlierBöhmen

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