Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Polycystis angarensis Sibiriakova, 1929]

Polycystis angarensis Sibiriakova, 1929

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Sibiriakova OA1929 abs.
La faune des Turbellaria Rhabdocoelida du fleuve Angara. [Turbellaria Rhabdocoelida of the Angara River, Siberia]Russian Hydrobiolog. Zeitschr. 8 (8/9): 237-350.247900010832
other taxonomic work:Nasonov N1935  
Über den Heliotropismus der Turbellaria rhabdocoelida des Baikalsees. (Works of the Laboratory of Experimental Zoology and Morphology of Animals of the Academy of Sciences)Trav Lab Zool Exp Morph Anim, Leningrad. 4:195-204201-203017321
latest authority:Timoshkin OA1986 abs.
Rostellar ciliated worms (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Lake Baikal. 1. New species of the genus Diplosyphon and their taxonomic position.Zool Zh 65(5):700-71256986769

Opisthocystis angarensis

[Other] literature of valid taxon Opisthocystis angarensis (Sibiriakowa, 1929)

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Evdonin LA1977index card avail.
Monograph of the Turbellaria Kalyptorhynchia in the fauna of the USSR and adjacent areas. [In Russian]. Fauna USSR. Turbellaria, Vol 1, Pt 1.Fauna USSR (NS) 115:1-40008260
Timoshkin OA1986index card avail.
Rostellar ciliated worms (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from Lake Baikal. 2. Members of the genera Opisthocystis and Gyratrix.Zool Zh 65:973-980974-975, Fig. 1569917502
Timoshkin OA, Naumova TV, Novikova OA2001   Plathelminthes: Turbellaria. In: Index of Animal Species Inhabiting Lake Baikal and Its Catchment Area. O.A. Timoshkin, ed. Vol. I: Lake Baikal, Book 1.Novosibirsk: NAUKA, pp 196-227900023308
Timoshkin OA, Zaytseva EP, Gutsol MV, Tereza EP2010   New and poorly known species of the genus Opisthocystis Sekera, 1911 (Plathelminthes, Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia: Polycystididae) from Lake Baikal with preliminary description of their karyotypes and bottom temperature measured by onset loggers in the In: Index of Animal Species Inhabiting Lake Baikal and its Catchment Area Vol 2 Bk 2, pp 1105-11641117-1121 (as sp grp)900021933
Timoshkin OA, Rozhkova NA, Zaytseva EP2010   Diversity and ecology of free-living ciliated worms (Plathelminthes, Turbellaria) of Angara River and its catchment area with description of new species and new distribution localities of Kalyptorhynchia (Fam. Polycystididae and Rhynchokarlingiidae) of BIn: OA Timoshkin, ed. Index of animal species inhabiting Lake Baikal and its catchment area. Vol II Book 1, 1.3 pp 1125-1139.1029-1030900021961

[Other] literature of synonyms (Polycystis angarensis )
None (i.e., none other than those listed above).

Literature setting new combination:

Karling TG1956index card avail.
Morphologisch-histologische Untersuchungen an den männlichen Atrialorganen der Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria).Ark Zool (2) 9:187-279.662535

Literature with distribution data:

Sibiriakova OA1929 abs.
La faune des Turbellaria Rhabdocoelida du fleuve Angara. [Turbellaria Rhabdocoelida of the Angara River, Siberia]Russian Hydrobiolog. Zeitschr. 8 (8/9): 237-350.900010832
Timoshkin OA, Rozhkova NA, Zaytseva EP2010  
Diversity and ecology of free-living ciliated worms (Plathelminthes, Turbellaria) of Angara River and its catchment area with description of new species and new distribution localities of Kalyptorhynchia (Fam. Polycystididae and Rhynchokarlingiidae) of BIn: OA Timoshkin, ed. Index of animal species inhabiting Lake Baikal and its catchment area. Vol II Book 1, 1.3 pp 1125-1139.900021961

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