Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Pseudoceros sapphirinus Newman & Cannon, 1994]

Pseudoceros sapphirinus Newman & Cannon, 1994

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jan 29, 1992 type locality 10 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope at night. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Common. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
B Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 25, 1992 type locality 12 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Common. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
C Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Sep 4, 1992 type locality 12 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Common. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
D Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jun 26, 1991 type locality 6-10 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Common. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
E Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jan 20, 1991 type locality 6-10 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Common. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
F Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 25, 1992 type locality 6-10 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope at night. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Common. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
G One Tree Island, southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia 1900
Aug 17, 1993   15m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope at night. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
H reef slope near Anilao, Philippines 1908
Aug 17, 1993   10 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope at night. Found under ledges on the reef slope, especially at night. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 236-237
I Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia 3049
Apr 8, 1995   12 m     out on wall, outer barrier, off Lizard Island, N GBR. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1998): 313
J Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jun 6, 1995         under rubble, reef crest. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1998): 313
K Beluu Lukes Reef, off Ulebechel Island, Palau (Palao) Islands 4857
May 24, 1996   5-10 m       Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1998): 313

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