Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geocentrophora hygrophilus (Vejdovsky, 1895)]

(Geocentrophora hygrophilus (Vejdovsky, 1895)) = Geocentrophora sphyrocephala

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Ejde (Eidhi), Ostero, Faroes, lakes, sources, brooks, bog-pools, Faroe Islands 370
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater in bog-pool southeast of Ejde, 150 m above sea level. Very numerous. Steinböck O (1931): 22
B Lake North of Vaag (Sudero), Faroes, Faroe Islands 372
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater Very numerous. Steinböck O (1931): 22
C Thorshavn (Stromo), Faroes, lakes, sources, brooks, bog-pools, Faroe Islands 369
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater in bog-pool southeast of Ejde, 150 m above sea level. Very numerous. Steinböck O (1931): 22
D Ejde (Eidhi), Ostero, Faroes, lakes, sources, brooks, bog-pools, Faroe Islands 370
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater in bog-pool southeast of Ejde, 150 m above sea level. Very numerous. Steinböck O (1931): 22
E Tvaeraa (Tvoroyri, Tvaera, Tvaora, Tvorovri, Tveraa, Tvera), Faroes, lakes, sources, brooks, bog-pools, Faroe Islands 374
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater Very numerous. Steinböck O (1931): 22
F Vaag (Vag; Vagur), Faroes, lakes, sources, brooks, bog-pools near Vaag, Faroe Islands 368
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater in moss of sources and brooks around Vaag. Very numerous. Steinböck O (1931): 22
G Tungudalur valley near Isafjorour, north west Iceland 605
Jul 1-Aug 2, 1937       freshwater in moss springs. Steinböck O (1948): 25
H Southeastern New York State, USA 2196
prior to 1987       freshwater 2 specimens from springs. Kolasa J, Strayer D, Bannon-O'Donnell E (1987): 127
I Dorpat (Tartu, Terbata, Tartto, Derpt, Yurev, Yur'yev), Estonia 2451
1913 or earlier       freshwater stream. Graff Lvon (1913): 61
J Scotland (Schottland), United Kingdom 2155
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 61
K France (Frankreich) 2454
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 62
L Austria (Österreich) 2456
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 62
M Germany (Deutschland) 2628
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 62
N Switzerland (Schweiz) 2455
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 62
O Netherlands (Holland) 2639
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 62
P western and middle, Czech Republic (Böhmen, Bohmen, Bohemia) 2640
1913 or earlier         found under a house in damp earth, on the bank of a brook. Graff Lvon (1913): 63
Q Sudetes Mountains (Sudeten, Sudetic, Sudetska Soustava, Sudety), Germany 2641
1913 or earlier         in a small Koppenteiche (1168 m), Riesengebirges [Poland?]. Graff Lvon (1913): 64
R Lule Lappmark (Lule Lappmarken), Sweden 2881
1932 or earlier         pool in a pasture. Steinböck O (1932): 323
S Kola Peninsula (Halbinsel Kola, Alexandrowsk, Kandalakscha, Kantalahti, Alexandrovsk), Russia 1263
1932 or earlier           Steinböck O (1932): 323
T Newton Mere, Shropshire, United Kingdom 3332
May 1966 - Feb 1967   littoral   freshwater calcium rich lake (7.2 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
U Llyn Cwellyn (Quellan), Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3340
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (1.7 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
V Llyn Ogwen, Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3345
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (0.4 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
W Idwall, Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3349
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (2.0 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
X Schwarzwald (Black Forest), Germany 4091
1910 or earlier     moss   damp moss Heinis F (1910): 123, 244
Y Jura (Le Jura) Mountains, France and Switzerland 2671
1910 or earlier     moss   damp moss Heinis F (1910): 123, 244
Z Orbe River (L’Orbe), Switzerland 4113
1897 or earlier       freshwater Gräben bei Orbe (route de Valleyres, Canton de Vaud.) Du Plessis G (1897): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 610
A1 Lac de Neuchatel (Neuenburger See, Neuenburg, Neuenburgersee, Neuchâtel), Switzerland 2751
1911 or earlier       freshwater Wiesen bei Yverdon, nahe am Ufer des Lac de Neuchatel. Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 610
B1 Steiermark (Styria, Styrie), Austria 1962
1923 or earlier       freshwater Steiermarks. Steinböck O (1923): 233
C1 Lebrader Teich, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5993
Oct 14, 1957         Lebrader Moor, in Sphagnum-Bulten (20 Ex.) Rixen J-U (1961): 485
D1 Lebrader Teich, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5993
Nov 5, 1957         Lebrader Moor, in Sphagnum-Bulten (10 Ex.) Rixen J-U (1961): 485
E1 Marutendorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 6014
1936         Marutendorf, Quellrinnsal am Westensee (Fund von Prof. Remane 1936) Rixen J-U (1961): 485
F1 Ireland (Irland) 2668
1936 or earlier           Southern R (1936): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
G1 Sarek mountains (Sarekgebirge), Sweden 2880
1916 or earlier         Schweden: Sarekgebirge. Hofsten N v (1917): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
H1 Torpsjön, Sweden 6054
1960 or earlier         Dammtorpsjön u. Abfluss. Luther A (1960): 98
I1 Danderyd, Sweden 6055
1960 or earlier         Danderyd, Mörbylund, Quellbach Luther A (1960): 98
J1 Sollentuna, Sweden 6056
1960 or earlier           Luther A (1960): 98
K1 Sodermanland (Södermanland), Sweden 2930
1960 or earlier           Luther A (1960): 98
L1 Nynashamn (Nynäshamn, Nynashamm, Nynaeshamn), Stockholms Lan, Sweden 2929
1960 or earlier         Quelle u. Quellenbach in Fichtenwald. Luther A (1960): 98
M1 Vägeröd, Sweden 6057
1960 or earlier         Skäne: Vägeröd in Buchenlaub (Förna) Luther A (1960): 98
N1 Dalby, Lund Municipality, Skäne, Sweden 6058
1960 or earlier         Skäne: Dahlby desgl. (Karling) Luther A (1960): 98
O1 Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg, Petrogrado, Petrograd, Leningrad), Russia 1708
1926 or earlier         Russland: Leningrad u. Peterhof Nasonov NV (1926): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
P1 Peterhof (Petergof), Petrodvorets District, Saint Petersburg, Russia 5559
1926 or earlier         Russland: Leningrad u. Peterhof Nasonov NV (1926): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
Q1 Perm (Perm'), Russia 5839
1921 or earlier         Russland: Perm Beklemischev VN (1921): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
R1 Kirov (Wjatka, Киров, Khlynov , Kirow, Viatka, Vyatka, Vjatka), Russia 5792
1919 or earlier         Russland: Vjatka Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
S1 Baltic Sea (Ostersjon, Ost-See, Ostsee, Laanemeri, Itameri, Baltyckie Morze, Baltiyskoye More, Baltijos Jura, Baltijas Jura, Balti Meri, Ostersoen, Balticum) 3116
1885 or earlier         Balticum. Braun M (1885): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
T1 Poland (Polen) 4037
1939 or earlier           Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
U1 Czechoslovakia (Tschechoslovakei) 3872
1907 or earlier           Sekera E (1907): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
V1 France (Frankreich) 2454
1890 or earlier           Hallez P (1890): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
W1 Kurmark, Germany 3468
1942 or earlier           Weise M (1942): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
X1 Schwarzwald (Black Forest), Germany 4091
1911 or earlier         Schwarzwald (Kleiber) Kleiber O (1911): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
Y1 Austria (Österreich) 2456
1955 and earlier         Österreich Steinböck O (1923): and Reisinger 1955 (citation); from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
Z1 Italy (Italien) 4028
1951 or earlier         Italien Steinböck O (1951): and Steinböck 1951 (citation); from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
A2 Japan (Nippon, Yaponiya, Nihon, Japon, Giappone) 2738
1953 and earlier         Japan Okugawa KI (1930): and Okugawa 1953 (citation); from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 98
B2 Arnoia River near O Viso, Spain 6220
1997-1999       Limnetic   Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993

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