site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Courant de Lege (Lége), Cap Ferret, Bay of Arcachon (Bassin d'Arcachon), Aquitaine, France |
map | Sep 1964 |
sand |
numerous. |
Ax P (1971): 151 |
B |
Estuaire de l'Eyre (Leyre, La Grande Leyre Riviere, La Leyre Riviere), Bay of Arcachon (Bassin d'Arcachon), France |
map | Sep 1964 |
detritus, sand |
on bank of river. 3 specimens. |
Ax P (1971): 151 |
C |
Aral Sea (Aral Tengizi, Orol Dengizil, Aral'skoye More, Aral'skoe Sea), in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Asia |
map | prior to 1927 |
default type |
3 m |
mesohaline Aral Sea, in a vegetation of Naias marina. |
Beklemischev VN (1927): ; from Hartog (citation)- p. 385 |
D |
Gulf of Finland (Finnischer Meerbusen, Finnischer Busen, Suomen Lakht, Suomen Lahti, Finskiy Zaliv, Suomiuilanka, Finska Vikin, Somu juras licis, Finska Viken, Soome Laht) |
map | prior to 1951 |
widely distributed from Kiel (Ax 1951) and Malmö to the Gulf of Finland (Luther 1962). |
den Hartog C (1964): 385 |
E |
Baltic Sea (Ostersjon, Ost-See, Ostsee, Laanemeri, Itameri, Baltyckie Morze, Baltiyskoye More, Baltijos Jura, Baltijas Jura, Balti Meri, Ostersoen, Balticum) |
map | prior to 1962 |
sand, mud |
widely distributed from Kiel (Ax 1951) and Malmö to the Gulf of Finland (Luther 1962). Baltic- limited to the mesohalinicum, also between algae and water plants or between mussels at a greater depth. |
den Hartog C (1964): 385 |
F |
Aveton Gifford, United Kingdom |
map | Sep 1964 |
one specimen in a sample taken near Aveton Gifford (Devonshire) along the south coast of England in a narrow side creek of the river Avon estuary. Oligo- to mesohaline. |
den Hartog C (1964): 398 |
G |
Zoologischen Station Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Hanko (Hango, Hangö), Finnish Bay, Finland |
map | June-Aug, 1934 |
0.5-5 m |
Sand |
found around the zooligical station, from Lappvik to Henriksberg. Rarely between plants. |
Luther A (1943): 75 |
H |
Lappohja (Lappvik), Finnish Bay (Finnischen Meersbusen), Finland |
map | June-Aug, 1934 |
0.5-5 m |
Sand |
found around the zooligical station, from Lappvik to Henriksberg. Rarely between plants. |
Luther A (1943): 75 |
I |
Lappohja (Lappvik), Finnish Bay (Finnischen Meersbusen), Finland |
map | prior to 1943 |
Quartz Sand |
Dr. Karling found this species near Lappvik, and also Hangö, in vegetation free quartz sand |
Luther A (1943): 75 |
J |
Henriksberg, on the Hanko (Hangö, Hango, Hangonkyla, Khanko) Penninsula, Finnish Bay, Finland |
map | prior to 1943 |
Quartz Sand |
Dr. Karling found this species near Lappvik, and also Hangö, in vegetation free quartz sand |
Luther A (1943): 75 |
K |
Port Aralsk (Aral, Aralskoye More), Aral Sea (Aral Tengizi, Orol Dengizil, Aral'skoye More, Aral'skoe Sea), Kazakhstan |
map | 1927 or earlier |
default type |
Port Aralsk. |
Beklemischev VN (1927): abstract |
L |
Leiruvogur (Leirovogur), east of Reykjavik, Iceland |
map | 1993 |
Island. Bucht Leiruvogur. In 2 kleinen Flüssen. Grobsand. Süsswasser. |
Ax P (2008): 348 |
M |
Pollur Lagoon, Faroe Islands |
map | Aug 13, 1992 |
Färöer. Wiederholt in Randzonen mit limnischem Milieu. Saksun. Lagune Pollur. Sand der Uferzone am inneren Ende der Lagune; zur Zeit der Probenentnahme mit Süsswasser. |
Ax P (1995): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 348 |
N |
Kaldbaksfjørður (Kaldbaksbotnur, Kaldbaksfjördur, Kalbak Fjord), Faroe Islands |
map | Aug 29, 1992 |
Süsswasserlagune. Kaldbaksbotnur am inneren Ende des Kaldbaksfjordur. In einem Süsswasserzustrom, etwa 50 m flussaufwärts. Limnische Bedingungen. Zusammen mit Minona baltica. |
Ax P (2008): 350 |
O |
Eckernforder Bay (Eckernförder Bucht, Eckernforde Bay), Schleswig Holstein Land, Germany |
map | 1951 or earlier |
Kieler Bucht. Brackige Randgebiete. Windebyer Noor bei Eckernförde. Schlei (Fleckeby, Haddebyer Noor). |
Ax P (1951): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
P |
Haddebyer Noor, Germany |
map | 1951 or earlier |
Kieler Bucht. Brackige Randgebiete. Windebyer Noor bei Eckernförde. Schlei (Fleckeby, Haddebyer Noor). |
Ax P (1951): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
Q |
Schlei, Kieler Bay, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
map | 1951 or earlier |
Kieler Bucht. Brackige Randgebiete. Windebyer Noor bei Eckernförde. Schlei (Fleckeby, Haddebyer Noor). |
Ax P (1951): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
R |
Fleckeby, Kieler Bay, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
map | 1951 or earlier |
Kieler Bucht. Brackige Randgebiete. Windebyer Noor bei Eckernförde. Schlei (Fleckeby, Haddebyer Noor). |
Ax P (1951): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
S |
Baltiyskaya Kosa (Frische Nehrung, Frischen Nehrung), Poland |
map | 1951 or earlier |
Frische Nehrung. |
Ax P (1951): ; from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
T |
Swedish Baltic Coast (Swedische Ostseeküste), Sweden |
map | 1974 and earlier |
Schwedische und finnische Küste. |
Luther A (1962): Sterrer 1965 (citation) and Karling 1974 (citation); from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
U |
Finnish Bay (Finnischen Meersbusen), Finland |
map | 1974 and earlier |
Schwedische und finnische Küste. |
Luther A (1962): Sterrer 1965 (citation) and Karling 1974 (citation); from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |
V |
Lenkoran (Lankaran, Lencoran), Caspian Sea (Kaspisches Meer) , Azerbaijan |
map | 1953 or earlier |
In der Nähe von Lenkoran. |
Beklemischev VN (1953): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 350 |