Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Monops fuscus (Ørsted, 1843)]

(Monops fuscus (Ørsted, 1843)) = Monocelis fusca

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Thorshavn (Stromo), Faroes, Faroe Islands 296
1848   low tide zone       Steinböck O (1931): 16
B Ejde (Eidhi), (South of Ejde), Faroes, Faroe Islands 273
1928   low tide zone       Steinböck O (1931): 16
C Ejde (Eidhi), (North of Ejde), Faroes, Faroe Islands 292
1928   low tide zone       Steinböck O (1931): 16
D Isafjorour, (Ísafjörður, Isafjorour, Isafjordhur), Iceland 378
16-26 July, 1937         low tide zone and shallow water; everywhere round Isafjorour, exceedingly numerous. Steinböck O (1938): 14-15
E Firth of Clyde (Millport), United Kingdom 249
prior to 1882           Graff Lvon (1882): 424
F Ostende, Germany 1183
prior to 1882           Graff Lvon (1882): 424
G Helgoland Islands (Helgoland Insel, Heligoland), Germany 636
prior to 1882           Graff Lvon (1882): 424
H White Sea (Beloye More, Weisses Meer), Isle of Solowetzk (Solowetsk, Solowjetsk, Solovetskiy, Ostrov, Solovetski Island; Solowezki, Solowetzki, Solovets, Solovjetsk), Russia 293
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
I Barents Sea, Biological Station Alexandrowsk (Murmankuste, Alexandrovsk) and Pala Bay (Guba Pala, Pala Guba), Russia 247
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
J Woods Hole,Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA 223
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
K Foroyar (Färöer, Faroe Islands, Faroerne, Faer Islands, Die Far Oer, Faeroerne, Faereyjar, Faeroes), Foroe Islands 2752
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
L Valentia Harbor (near Valencia Island, Ireland) 251
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
M Concarneau, France 252
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
N Bergen and environs, Norway 246
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
O Ostende, Germany 1183
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
P Helgoland Islands (Helgoland Insel, Heligoland), Germany 636
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
Q Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen Land, Germany 2777
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
R Drobak (Dröbak, Dröback), Norway 254
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
S The Sound (Sund, Oresund, Öresund, Øresund), near Copenhagen (Kobenhavn, Kjobenhavn, Kopenhagen), Denmark 2646
1913 or earlier         near Hofmannsgave. Graff Lvon (1913): 427
T Irish Sea (Port Erin) 250
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
U Port Saint Mary (St. Mary, Port Mary), Ilse of Man 279
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
V Firth of Clyde (Millport), United Kingdom 249
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
W Plymouth, England (English Channel) 255
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
X Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
Y near Boulogne sur Mer, English Channel (Der Kanal, La Manche, British Channel, Manche) 2645
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
Z Wimereux, Channel 290
1913 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 427
A1 Bay of Sevastopol (Sebastopol, Sewastopol, Akhiar, Akhtyar), Black Sea, Ukraine 1202
1913 or earlier         in deep water Graff Lvon (1913): 427
B1 Barents Sea, Biological Station Alexandrowsk (Murmankuste, Alexandrovsk) and Pala Bay (Guba Pala, Pala Guba), Russia 247
1932 or earlier           Steinböck O (1932): 327
C1 Ostrov Bol'shaya Muksalma (Muksalma Island, , Russia 2890
1932 or earlier           Steinböck O (1932): 327
D1 Godthaab (Godthab,Godthäb, Nuuk), Greenland 271
1932 or earlier           Steinböck O (1932): 327
E1 Holsteinsborg (Sisimiut, Holsteinborg, Holstenborg, Amerdlok, Holstensborg), Greenland 272
1932 or earlier           Steinböck O (1932): 327
F1 Godhavn, Disko Bay, Greenland 2776
1932 or earlier           Steinböck O (1932): 327
G1 Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen (Zeeuws Vlaanderen), Zuid-Beveland, Province of Zeeland, the Netherlands 3127
Jun 1963         salt-marsh creek west of the Braakmanpolder. den Hartog C (1966): 101
H1 Stavenisse, Tholen, Province of Zeeland, Netherlands 3123
Apr 23, 1963         Salt-marsh creek. Creek runs through the salt-marsh of Stavenisse, found in several samples taken from the muddy sand bottom. It seems to be a member of the still-water association of detritus rich fine sand. den Hartog C (1966): 119
I1 Aberlady Bay, Scotland, United Kingdom 3141
Aug 1964     sandy clay   local nature reserve, salt-marsh, ca. 30 km east of Edinburgh. In the Puccinellietum maritimae on sandy clay. den Hartog C (1966): 121-122
J1 Stavenisse, Tholen, Province of Zeeland, Netherlands 3123
Nov 20, 1963         Puccinellietum maritimae fauna on the salt-marsh. den Hartog C (1966): 127
K1 Kattendijke, Zuid-Beveland, Province of Zeeland, the Netherlands 2380
Nov 1964         tidal flat. den Hartog C (1966): 154
L1 Station 1, northeast Grindöy (Grindoy, Store Grindoya), sand beach areas of Tromsø (Tromso), Norway 3232
1969-1971           Schmidt P (1972): 26
M1 Station 6 "Smaasletta", east Kvalöy (Kvaloy), sand beach areas of Tromsø (Tromso), Norway 3234
1969-1971           Schmidt P (1972): 26
N1 Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3604
1982-1983     mud brackish supralitoral salt marsh. Anlandungsgebiet mit schlickigem Boden. Mischvegetation aus Puccinellia martima, Spartina anglica and Salicornia spp. Durch eine "Landgewinnungsmassnahme" im Winter 1981/82 zerstört. Armonies W (1987): 97
O1 Rantum Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3602
1982-1983     mud brackish supralitoral salt marsh. Suaeda maritima auf festem Schlick. 40 bis 50 cm über MHWL, steil zum Watt abfallend. Armonies W (1987): 97
P1 Nösse (Nosse), Hindenburgdamm-Nord, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3606
1982-1983     fine sand, mud brackish supralitoral salt marsh. AR auf feinsandigem Boden, mit wechselnden Schlickanteilen. 10 cm unter bis ca. 40 cm über MHWL. Armonies W (1987): 97
Q1 Grosse Gröning, near List, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3612
1982-1983         salt meadow. Armonies W (1987): 97
R1 Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3613
1982-1983         salt meadow. Armonies W (1987): 97
S1 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
1982-1983         salt meadow. Armonies W (1987): 97
T1 Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany 3617
Mar 1983     mud   Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. Spartina auf Schlick bis Kleie. Hellwig M (1987): 174
U1 inner Königshafen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3616
May 1982 -Jul 1983     sand   Königshafen. Strandgebiet im inneren Konigshafen. Dargestellt ist der Bereich zwischen 30 cm über und 30 cm unter der MHWL. Hellwig M (1987): 174
V1 inner south, Königshafen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3618
Jul 1982     medium sand   Königshafen at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. flach ansteigender Strand. Hellwig M (1987): 174
W1 Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, Germany 3619
Aug 1983         Lister Haken, at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. lenitisch- bis schwach lotische Westseite, -25 cm bis +40 cm. a) deichnaher geschützter, b) mittlerer, c) spitzhennaher exponierter Teil, jeweils 30 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
X1 Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3613
Jul 1983     medium sand   "Nielönn" bei Kampen. Sandbank, Mittelsand, -20 bis 5 cm, stellenweise mit Spartina-horsten, je 10 x 2 cm2 neben und entfernt von Pflanzen. Hellwig M (1987): 174
Y1 Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3613
Jul 1982     mud   "Nielönn" bei Kampen. Mündungsbereich zweier Priele, schlickig-schlammiger Boden, (5 bis 10 cm Wasserstand, 26-32 o/oo Salz), je 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
Z1 site south of Keitum, Germany 3615
1982-1983     sand     Hellwig M (1987): 174
A2 Nösse (Nosse), Hindenburgdamm-Nord, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3607
Sep 1983     mud   "Nosse", Nordseite des Hindenburgdammes. Anlandungsgebiete, Schlickwatt (-10 bis +5cm, 10 x 2 cm2) und Queller auf Schlick, bis + 30cm, 20 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
B2 Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3604
Sep 1982     mud   Morsum-Odde. Grüppelfeld, Schlick, z. T. stark verdichtet. Gräben mit wenig Salicornia und Acker mit Salicornia und Spartina, je 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
C2 Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3604
Aug 1981     mud   Morsum-Odde. schlickiges Anlandungsgebeit (-10 bis +20 cm) mit dichter Mischvegetation (Puccinellia, Salicornia, Spartina), 4 x 10 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
D2 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Feb 1983     medium sand   Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Strand, Mittelsand, teilweise mit Kies durchsetzt, -20 bis +25 cm, 5 Probestellen zu 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
E2 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Oct 1982     mud, shell   Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", dichte Vegetation (Salicornia, Spartina, Suaeda) auf Schlick mit Schill, sehr detritusreich, steil ansteigend. -10 cm (Watt, 10 x 2 cm2) bis +40 cm, 4 Probestellen zu 10 x 5 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
F2 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Apr 1982     fine sand   Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Salicornia auf Feinsand, ca. MHWL, 2 x 10 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
G2 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Sep 1983     mud   Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Profil Zostera-Watt-Spartina auf Schlick, -30 cm bis + 20 cm, 30 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
H2 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Sep 1983         Rantum. Wattseite des Rantum-Beckens. Profil Mischwatt-Strand, -20 bis + 10 cm, 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
I2 Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Sep 1983     mud, sand   Rantum. Wattseite des Rantum-Beckens. Spartina-Inseln auf Schlicksand bis Schlick, 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
J2 Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany 3617
Sep 1981     medium-coarse sand   Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune. Spartina auf Mittel- bis Grobsand, -15 bis + 30 cm, 8 x 10 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
K2 Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany 3617
Mar 1983     mud   Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune. Spartina auf Schlick bis Kleie, -20 bis + 20 cm, 30 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 174
L2 List, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3629
Sep 1985     fine sand, mud   6 specimens. Martens PM, Curini-Galletti MC (1987): 300
M2 Passamaquoddy Bay (Passamada Quoda), Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada 3630
Aug 1984     on mussels   litoral, 3 specimens. Martens PM, Curini-Galletti MC (1987): 300
N2 Boulogne sur Mer (Boulogne), France 3950
1897 or ealier         eggs on valves of Balanus. Giard A (1897): abstract
O2 Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 722
Jul 1970         Königshafen. Abbruchkante des Andelrasens zum Sandwatt. Wenige Expl. Sopott B (1972): 172
P2 Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 627
Sep 1970         Lister Haken. Wenige Tiere im mit Detritus durchsetzten Sandhang. Sopott B (1972): 172
Q2 Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt 323
Dec 1969         List. Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Nur 2 Tiere. Sopott B (1972): 172
R2 Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt 323
Jul 1970         List. Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Nur 2 Tiere. Sopott B (1972): 172
S2 Blidsel Bay (Blidselbucht), List, Sylt Island, Germany 628
Jul 1970         Blidselbucht. Detritusreiches Sandwatt. Einige Expl. Sopott B (1972): 172
T2 Puan Klent (Clent), Schleswig-Holstein Land, Germany 2949
Jul 1970         Puan Clent. In Algenwatten. Zahlreich Sopott B (1972): 172
U2 Puan Klent (Clent), Schleswig-Holstein Land, Germany 2949
Jun 1969         Puan Clent. In Algenwatten. Zahlreich Sopott B (1972): 172
V2 Plymouth Sound (Sound, Plymouth-Sund), English Channel (Kanal La Manche), United Kingdom 2649
Aug-Sep 1892         Abundant among Balani, Ulva, and generally throughout the littoral zone. Monotus fuscus is here the characteristic form, although it ranges throughout the tidal zone. It appears to derive moisture from Balani into which it creeps during ebb-tide. Gamble FW (1893): 31, 44
W2 Redding Point, Plymouth Sound, United Kingdom 4968
Aug-Sep 1892         Redding Point to northward under Mount Edgcumb Park. This area is prolific in littoral forms, tide-pools and rocks. Monotus fuscus, and M. lineatus are prevalent, abundant among the Ulva that covers the stones. Gamble FW (1893): 36-37
X2 Redding Point, Plymouth Sound, United Kingdom 4968
Aug-Sep 1892         Redding Point to northwards. This area is prolific in littoral forms, tide-pools and rocks. Gamble FW (1893): 36-37
Y2 Helgoland, Germany 4234
Sep-Oct 1894         West-Seite. Attems CG (1897): 229
Z2 Coast of Norway, Norway 1710
1848 or earlier         O. Schmidt took the Art of the Norwegian coast. That dare, however, been a question whether O. Schmidt M. fusca has been Monocelis assimilis, Oersted (the following described Art). Schmidt O (1848): ; from Jensen 1878 (citation)- 67
A3 Coast of Norway, Norway 1710
1878 or earlier         M. assimilis ere uden nogen Sammenligning den almindeligste af alle Turbellarier ved de vestlige Kyster. Jensen OS (1878): 69

MAP ALL (79) .