author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Schmidt O | 1857 | ![]() spp. |
Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der bei Krakau vorkommenden Turbellaria. Sitzungsber der Mathemat-Naturhist. Classe der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien for 1857. | vol 25: 87-89 | 17489 236349 | ||
latest authority: | Diesing KM | 1862 | ![]() spp. |
Revision der Turbellarien. Abtheilung: Rhabdocoelen. | Sitzungsber Math-Naturwiss Cl. Akad Wiss Wien 45:191-318 [ goto] | 9000 | 8008 2830 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Ehrenberg CG | 1831 | ![]() |
Phytozoa Turbellaria africana et asiatica. In: Hemprich und Ehrenberg "Symbolae physicae." Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis recensuit Dr. CG Ehrenberg. Series prima cum tabularum decade prima. | Berolini, Fol. Phytozoa Turbellaria folia a-d,T4-5 [plates 4, 5 published in 1828] [ goto] | fol. c | 0 | 16658 235917 |
Flory WS Jr, Showalter HM | 1930 | The histology of the bursa copulatrix of the turbellarian Gyratrix hermaphroditus hermaphroditus Ehrenberg. | Trans Am Microsc Soc 49:66-71 | 3981 | 8250 | ||
Kromhout GA | 1943 | A comparison of the protonephridia of fresh-water, brackish-water and marine specimens of Gyratrix hermaphroditus. | Jour Morph 72(1): 167-179 | 20990 | |||
Beklemischev VN | 1953 | abs. | Ciliated worms (Turbellaria) of the Caspian Sea. I. Rhabdocoela (with some remarks on Rhabdocoea of Aral). [In Russian] | Byull Moskovsk obs isp prirody 58:35-45 | 43-44 | 6381 | 9822 236422 |
Reuter M | 1961 | ![]() |
Untersuchungen über Rassenbildung bei Gyratrix hermaphroditus (Turbellaria Neorhabdocoela). | Acta Zoologica Fennica 100. 32 p. 4 5 | 696 | 2679 | |
Reuter M | 1975 | ![]() |
Ultrastructure of the epithelium and the sensory receptors in the body wall, the proboscis, and the pharynx of Gyratrix hermaphroditus (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela). | Zool Scr 4:191-204. | 723 | 1595 | |
Young JO | 1976 | abs. | The freshwater Turbellaria of the African continent. | Zool. Anz., Jena 197: 419-432 | 423 | 893 | 1858 239075 |
Reuter M, Lindroos P | 1979 | The ultrastructure of the nervous system of Gyratrix hermaphroditus (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) I. The brain. | Acta Zool (Stockh) 60:139-152. | 2070 | 2402 | ||
Curini-Galletti M, Puccinelli I | 1989 | Karyometric and morphological analysis of two sympatric marine species of the Gyratrix hermaphroditus complex (Platyhelminthes: Kalyptorhynchia). | Hydrobiologia 173(1): 63-68. | 0 | 13883 | ||
Ax P, Armonies W | 1990 | Brackish water Plathelminthes from Alaska as evidence for the existence of a boreal brackish water communitiy with circumpolar distribution. | Microfauna Marina 6: 7-109. | 73, Fig. 50 A | 0 | 13965 237250 | |
Lucchesi P, Falleni A, Gremigni V | 1995 | The ultrastructure of the germarium in some Rhabdocoela. | Hydrobiologia 305:207-212 [doi: 10.1007/BF00036388 goto] | 5121 | 14517 | ||
Curini-Galletti M, Puccinelli I | 1998 | The Gyratrix hermaphroditus species complex (Kalyptorhynchia: Polycstididae) in marine habitats of eastern Australia. | Hydrobiologia 383: 287-298. [doi: goto] | 0 | 16688 | ||
Kawakatsu M, Murayama H, Nishino M, Ohtaka A | 1999 | Miscellaneous records of turbellarians mainly from Kawakatsu's collection. I: A freshwater planarian from the cave "Ngalau Surat" in Sumatra... II: Freshwater planarians from aves and epigean waters in China. III. A correl...Scutariella japonic. I | Bull Fuji Wom Coll 38 II: 83-103 | 7022 | 17170 | ||
Artois TJ, Schockaert ER | 2001 | abs. | Interstitial fauna of the Galapagos: Duplacrorhynchinae, Macrorhynchinae, Polycystidinae, Gyratricinae (Platyhelminthes Polycystididae). | Tropical Zool 14:63-85 | 80-82 | 7116 | 17323 1714 |
Timoshkin OA, Kawakatsu M, Korgina EM, Vvedenskaya TL | 2004 | Preliminary analysis of the stylets of the Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831 species complex (Platyhelminthes, Neorhabdocoela, Kalyptorhynchia) from lakes of central Russia, Pribaikalye and Kamchatka, Lakes Baikal and Biwa. In Timoshkin OA (ed) | Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., pp. 1321-1343 | 7365 | 19887 239063 | ||
Faubel A, Warwick RM | 2005 | abs. | The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: Free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria') | J Nat Hist 39:1-45 [doi: 10.1080/00222930310001613593 goto] | 34 | 7353 | 20305 237429 |
Artois TJ, Tessens BS | 2008 | abs. | Polycystididae (Rhabditophora: Rhabdocoela: Kalyptorhynchia) from the Indian Ocean, with the description of twelve new species. | Zootaxa 1849: 1–27 | 7 | 21328 164436 | |
Rundell RJ, Leander BS | 2014 | abs. | Molecular examination of kalyptorhynch diversity (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela), including descriptions of five meiofaunal species from the north-eastern Pacific Ocean | J Marine Biological Association United Kingdom 94(03):499-514 [doi: 10.1017/S0025315413001471 goto] | 6,8,9,10,11,14 | 9000 | 22447 235765 |
Raikova OI, Kotikova EA, Korgina EM, Drobysheva IM | 2019 | abs. | Time to re-assess pharynx evolution in flatworms. Homology of pharynx rosulatus in rhabdocoel flatworms Dalytyphloplanida and Kalyptorhynchia. | Invertebrate Zoology, Volume:16(1):57-70. | 9000 | 22892 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Duges A | 1828 | ![]() |
Recherches sur l'organisation et les moeurs des planariees. | Annales des sciences naturelles 15: 139-182 | 16656 236062 | ||
Ehrenberg CG | 1831 | ![]() |
Phytozoa Turbellaria africana et asiatica. In: Hemprich und Ehrenberg "Symbolae physicae." Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis recensuit Dr. CG Ehrenberg. Series prima cum tabularum decade prima. | Berolini, Fol. Phytozoa Turbellaria folia a-d,T4-5 [plates 4, 5 published in 1828] [ goto] | fol. c | 0 | 16658 235917 |
Schultze M | 1857 | abs. | Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Landplanarien nach Mittheilungen des Dr. Fritz Müller in Brasilien und nach eigenen Untersuchungen von Dr. Max Schultze. | Abhandl. d. naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle. 4(1): 19-38, 61-74 [1856] [ goto] | 9000 | 18337 236701 | |
Schmidt O | 1858 | ![]() |
Vorlaeufige Mittheilung ueber die bei Gratz vorkommenden Turbellarien. | Sitz ber Math naturw Cl Akad Wiss Wien, 32: 267-269 | 10780 236532 | ||
Graff Lvon | 1875 | ![]() |
Über die systematische Stellung des Vortex Lemani, Du Plessis. | Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. 25:335-342, tab 23. Leipzig 1874 [Supplement to Zur Kenntniss der Turbellarien] | 6504 | 15616 236631 | |
Jensen OS | 1878 | ![]() |
Turbellaria ad litora Norvegiae occidentalia. Turbellarier ved Norges Vestkyst. [In Norwegian] | J W Eided Bogtrykkeri, Bergen, 97 pp | 6021 | 8130 235645 | |
Graff Lvon | 1882 | ![]() |
Monographie der Turbellarien I. Rhabdocoelida. (2 Vol., Leipzig) | Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp i-xii + 1-442 [ goto] | 3016 | 1234 2105 | |
Silliman WA | 1884 | ![]() |
Beobachtungen über die Suesswasserturbellarien Nordamerikas. | Z. wiss. Zool. 41:48-76, t. 3-4. | 9000 | 10834 236066 | |
Sabussow H | 1897 | Volaeufiger Bericht ueber die Turbellarien der Insel von Solowetzk. [In Russian] | Beilage No. 167 zu den Prot. Naturf.-Ges. kais. Univ. Kazan. Kazan 1897. 15 pages (Russisch). | 14 | 10764 235661 | ||
Vanhoffen E | 1897 | ![]() |
Die Fauna und Flora Grönlands. In: Grönland-Expedition der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin 1891-1893. | Groenland Exped Geselsch Erdk Berlin 1891-1893 | 715 | 18143 239405 | |
Sabussow H | 1900 | Beobachtungen über die Turbellarien der Inseln von Solowetzk. | Trudi Kazan Univ 34(4): 1-208, 3 tabs. (Russisch, mit einem deutschen Auszug und deutscher Tafelerklärung pages 177-203 | 31, 186 | 0 | 17494 235638 | |
Graff Lvon | 1902 | ![]() |
Vorläufige Mittheilungen ueber Rhabdocoeliden. I. Die Geschlechtaverhaeltnisse von Gyrator hermaphroditus Ehrbg. | Zool Anz 26:39-41 [ goto] | 39-41 | 6501 | 10188 |
Brinkmann A | 1905 | ![]() |
Studier over Danmarks rhabdocöle og acöle Turbellarier. | in: Vidensk Meddel Naturh Foren Köbenhavn 1906 , Volume 58, 159 p. | 0 | 9986 236647 | |
Graff Lvon | 1911 | ![]() |
Acoela, Rhabdocoela und Alloeocoela des Ostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. | Z Wiss Zool 99:321-428 [or 1-108] [ goto] | 388 | 6613 | 5086 235600 |
Graff Lvon | 1913 | ![]() |
Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. [Das Tierreich, Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen Heft 35/1913] | Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn, Ausgegeben im Juni 1913. 484 pages. [reprinted 1966, Verlag Von J. Cramer W [ goto] | 345 | 6045 | 15437 236172 |
Luther A | 1918 | ![]() |
Vorläufiges Verzeichnis der rhabdocölen und alloeocölen Turbellarien Finnlands. | Medd Soc Fauna Flora Fenn 44:47-52 2 f. | 6059 | 10515 236147 | |
Nasonov NV | 1923 | La fauna des Turbellaria de la Toundra de la peninsule de Kola aux environs de la ville Alexandrovsk. | C.R.Acad.Sc.Russie. 75-77. | 75 | 10595 236596 | ||
Nasonov NV | 1923 | [Sur la faune des Turbellaria de la peninsule de Kola aux environs de Kandalaksa.] [In Russian] | C.R.Acad.Sc.Russie p. 70-71. | 70 | 0 | 10596 239379 | |
Nasonov NV | 1924 | ![]() |
Les traits generaux de la distribution geographique des Turbellaria rhabdocoelida dans la Russie d'Europe. | Bull.Acad.Sc.Russie p. 327-352, 1 mp. | 336 | 0 | 10600 236600 |
Steinböck O, Reisinger E | 1931 | ![]() |
Ergebnisse einer von E. Reisinger und O Steinböck mit Hilfe des Rask-Örsted Fonds durchgeführten Reise in Grönland 1926. 1. Reisenbericht. | Vidensk. Medd. Dansk. naturh. Foren 90, p. 13-43 | 33 | 7277 | 10877 236245 |
Steinböck O | 1932 | ![]() |
Die Turbellarien des arktischen Gebietes. In: Römer & Schaudinn | Fauna Arctica. Jena, 6:295-342 | 321 | 6012 | 10861 235620 |
Evdonin LA | 1971 | ![]() |
The interstitial Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela) from the Bay of Great Peter of the Sea of Japan. [In Russian] | Akad. Nauk SSSR Issled. Fauny Morei 8(16):55-71 | 13826 236313 | ||
Karling TG, Schockaert ER | 1977 | Anatomy and systematics of some Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Pacific and S. Atlantic. | Zool Scr 6: 5-19 | 809 | 2666 236332 |
Literature setting new combination:
Graff Lvon | 1882 | ![]() spp. |
Monographie der Turbellarien I. Rhabdocoelida. (2 Vol., Leipzig) | Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp i-xii + 1-442 [ goto] | 3016 | 1234 2105 |
Karling TG, Schockaert ER | 1977 | spp. |
Anatomy and systematics of some Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Pacific and S. Atlantic. | Zool Scr 6: 5-19 | 809 | 2666 236332 |
Graff Lvon | 1913 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. [Das Tierreich, Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen Heft 35/1913] | Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn, Ausgegeben im Juni 1913. 484 pages. [reprinted 1966, Verlag Von J. Cramer W [ goto] | 6045 | 15437 236172 |
Hallez P | 1894 | ![]() spp. |
Catalogue des Rhabdocelides, Triclades & Polyclades du Nord de la France. | 2nd ed. L. Danel, Lille. 239 pages | 19302 | |
Artois T In: Tyler S, Artois T, Schilling S, Hooge M, Bush LF (comp) | 2006-2021 | spp. |
World List of Turbellarian Worms: Acoelomorpha, Catenulida, Rhabditophora. | | 0 | 23279 |
Literature with distribution data:
Du Plessis G | 1877 | abs. spp. |
Sur l'origine et la repartition des Turbellariés de la Faune profonde du Léman. | Arch Sci phys nat (Geneve). (Nouv Per.) 60: 326-328 | 21191 236679 | |
Graff Lvon | 1882 | ![]() spp. |
Monographie der Turbellarien I. Rhabdocoelida. (2 Vol., Leipzig) | Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp i-xii + 1-442 [ goto] | 3016 | 1234 2105 |
Du Plessis G | 1884 | abs. spp. |
Rhabdoceles de la faune profonde du Lac Léman. | Arch. Zool. exper. et gener. (Paris). (2), T. 2, p. 37-67, Pl. 2 | 21204 239198 | |
Du Plessis G | 1885 | abs. spp. |
Essai sur la faune profonde des lacs de la Suisse. | Neue Denkschr. allg. schweiz. Gesellsch. ges. Naturwiss. (Basel). Bd. 29, 63 pages. | 21206 35852 | |
Gamble FW | 1893 | spp. |
Contributions to a knowledge of British marine Turbellaria. | Q J Microsc Sci 34: 433-528 | 7203 236225 | |
Zacharias O | 1893 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Faunistische und biologische Beobachtungen am Gr. Plöner See. | Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zu Plön. Theil 1. Berlin 1893. page 5-6, 20-22, 32, fig. 1a-d | 18728 73394 | |
Fuhrmann O | 1894 | ![]() spp. |
Die Turbellarien der Umgebung von Basel. Inaugural-Dissertation. | Rev Suisse Zool 2: 213-292. | 6607 | 1217 236174 |
Keller J | 1894 | spp. |
Die ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung der Süßwasserturbellarien. | Jena Z Naturw 28: 370-407. | 3555 | 5663 236082 |
Zschokke F | 1895 | abs. spp. |
Die Fauna hochgelegener Gebirgsseen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der verticalen Verbreitung niederer Thiere. | Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel. 11. Bd. 1. Heft. Basel 1895. pages 36-133. | 18783 121779 | |
Attems CG | 1897 | ![]() spp. |
Beitrag zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland. VI. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der rhabdocoelen Turbellarien Helgolands. | Wiss. Meeresunters., Kommiss. z. Unters. d. deuts. Meere in Kiel u. d. Biol. Anstalt auf Helgoland. 2(1):219-232, pl 1 [ goto] | 6017 | 1135 236183 |
Bohmig L | 1897 | abs. spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ost-Afrikas. In: Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, Band 4 (Die Thierwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete, Wirbellose Thiere), edited by K. Möbius. | Deutsch Ost Afrika Berlin 4(14):3-15, 1 plate. Berlin. [1898] | 9932 236078 | |
Fuhrmann O | 1897 | abs. spp. |
Recherches sur la faune des lacs alpins du Tessin. | Revue Suisse de Zool 4: 482-543 | 0 | 10108 239199 |
Fuhrmann O | 1900 | abs. spp. |
Note sur les Turbellaries des environs de Geneve. | Revue Suisse de Zool 7: 717-731, Tab. 23 | 10111 236469 | |
Zschokke F | 1900 | spp. |
Die Thierwelt der Hochgebirgsseen. | Mit 8 Tgafeln und 4 Karten. Separatabdruck aus d. Denkschr. Schweiz. naturf. Ges. 37: 77-115. Basel 1900. | 18852 205192 | |
Volz W | 1901 | abs. spp. |
Contribution a l'etude de la faune turbellarienne de la Suisse. | Revue Suisse de Zool. 9, p. 137-188, t. 10-13. | 10995 239196 | |
Thiébaud M | 1906 | abs. spp. |
Sur la faune invertébrée du lac de St. Blaise. | Zoolog. Anz. 29: 797-801. Leipzig 1906. | 18993 215399 | |
Hofsten N v | 1907 | ![]() spp. |
Studien über Turbellarien aus dem Berner Oberland. | Z wiss Zool 85: 391-654, t. 27-28. Auch Inaug. Diss. Uppsala mit Paginierung 1-269. | 6046 | 10253 236489 |
Steinmann P | 1907 | abs. spp. |
Die Tierwelt der Gebirgsbäche. Eine faunistisch-biologische Studie. | Annal. Biolog. lacustre (Bruxelles). T. 2: 30-139, Taf. 2 | 21235 114889 | |
Baumann F | 1910 | abs. spp. |
Beträge zur Biologie der Stockhornseen. | Rev. suisse Zool. (Geneve). T. 18: 647-728 | 21251 76516 | |
Graff Lvon | 1911 | ![]() spp. |
Acoela, Rhabdocoela und Alloeocoela des Ostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. | Z Wiss Zool 99:321-428 [or 1-108] [ goto] | 6613 | 5086 235600 |
Hofsten N v | 1911 | spp. |
Neue Beobachtungen ueber die Rhabdocoelen und Alloecoelen der Schweiz. | Zool Bidr Uppsala 1: 1-84 | 6114 | 10259 236619 |
Fehlmann W | 1911 | abs. spp. |
Die Tiefenfauna des Luganer Sees. | Inter. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. (Leipzig. Biol. Suppl. -Heft. 4. Ser. (Dissertation, Basel) 52 p. 1 Kate | 21256 239204 | |
Southern R | 1912 | spp. |
Platyhelmia. Clare Island Survey. | Proc. R. Irish Acad. 31: 1-18 (Clare Island Survey, pt. 56) | 10842 239431 | |
Whitehead H | 1913 | spp. |
Some notes on British freshwater Rhabdocoelida - a group of Turbellaria. | J Quekett Microsc Club, Ser. 2, 12(72):45-56 | 0 | 11032 239429 |
Higley R | 1918 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Morphology and biology of some turbellaria from the Mississippi basin. | Illinois Biological Monographs 4(3):1-94 (IV: 195-288) | 6119 | 10252 236077 |
Jane FW | 1926 | spp. |
The worm fauna of Essex. In: S.E. Union of Scientific Societies. | Outline Scientific Survey of Essex. Congress Edition. | 20061 61726 | |
Beklemischev VN | 1927 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Über die Turbellarienfauna des Aralsees. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und zum System der Dalyelliida. | Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere 54: 87-138 | 0 | 7332 235683 |
Karling TG | 1931 | ![]() spp. |
Untersuchungen ueber Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) aus dem Brackwasser des Finnischen Meerbusens. | Acta Zool Fenn, 11: 1-67 | 6147 | 4193 236316 |
Gieysztor M | 1931 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Contribution à la connaissance des Turbellariés Rhabdocoèles (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) d'Espagne. | Bull int Acad Polonaise Sci Lett, Classe Sci Math Nat B 2: 125-153, Plates 13-14 | 6526 | 10158 236070 |
Steinböck O | 1931 | spp. |
Freshwater Turbellaria. In: Jensen S, Lundbeck W, Mortensen Th (eds) | Zoology of the Faroes. Copenhagen. IX, 32 p., 16 f | 6279 | 10859 236509 |
Steinböck O | 1932 | ![]() spp. |
Die Turbellarien des arktischen Gebietes. In: Römer & Schaudinn | Fauna Arctica. Jena, 6:295-342 | 6012 | 10861 235620 |
Southern R | 1936 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaria of Ireland. | Proceedings R. Irish Acad. 43 (B), p. 43-72. | 10843 236344 | |
Meixner J | 1938 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaria (Strudelwürmer). I. D. Tier. d. Nord- u. Ostsee. Allgemeiner Teil. In: G. Grimpe, E. Wagler, A Remane (eds). | Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee 33(IVb):1-146, 220 f. | 6184 | 5597 235602 |
Marcus Er | 1946 | abs. spp. |
Sobre Turbellaria brasileiros. | Bol Faculdade Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras; Univ. Sao Paulo Zool. 11:1-254, pl. 1-31 [pp 5-187 text, 31 plates pp 188-254] | 6051 | 10525 236114 |
Ferguson FF, Jones ER | 1949 | ![]() spp. |
A survey of the shore-line fauna of the Norfolk peninsula. | The Amer Midland Naturalist 41(2): 436-446. | 15 | 6660 2072 |
Beklemischev VN | 1953 | abs. spp. |
Ciliated worms (Turbellaria) of the Caspian Sea. I. Rhabdocoela (with some remarks on Rhabdocoea of Aral). [In Russian] | Byull Moskovsk obs isp prirody 58:35-45 | 6381 | 9822 236422 |
Ax P | 1957 | spp. |
Die Einwanderung mariner Elemente der Mikrofauna in das limnische Mesopsammal der Elbe. | Verhandl D Zoolog Ges Hamburg 1956:428-435 | 6551 | 9707 72568 |
Ax P | 1959 | ![]() spp. |
Zur Systematik, Ökologie und Tiergeographie der Turbellarienfauna in den ponto-kaspischen Brackwassergebieten. | Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere 87:43-184 | 5665 | 8004 1744 |
Brunet M | 1965 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaries calyptorhynques de substrats meubles de la region de Marseille. [doctoral thesis] | Rec Trav St Mar Endoume Bull 39(55): 127-220. | 6587 | 1136 236318 |
Schilke K | 1970 | ![]() spp. |
Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria) aus dem Eulitoral der deutschen Nordseeküste. | Helgol Meeresunters 21:143-265. | 6643 | 135 236345 |
Young JO | 1970 | spp. |
British and Irish freshwater microturbellaria: historical records, new records and a key for their identification. | Arch Hydrobiol 67: 210-241 | 6679 | 15660 239430 |
Kolasa J | 1971 | ![]() spp. |
Two new species of Microturbellaria of the genera Stenostomum O. Schmidt and Macrostomum O. Schmidt. | Acad Pol Sci 19:743-747 | 7284 | 17735 236084 |
Karling TG, Mack-Fira V, Doerjes J | 1972 | spp. |
First report on marine microturbellarians from Hawaii. | Zool Scr 1: 251-269 | 259 | 1826 235822 |
Young JO | 1972 | spp. |
The Turbellaria of some Friesland lakes with incidental records of Gasteropoda [sic] and Hirudinea. | Zoologische Bijdragen 13: 59-70 | 6685 | 15665 239244 |
Young JO | 1973 | ![]() spp. |
The occurence of microturbellaria in some British lakes of diverse chemical content. | Arch. Hydrobiol. 72: 202-224 | 6683 | 15664 239245 |
Hoxhold S | 1974 | ![]() spp. |
Zur Populationsstruktur und Abundanzdynamik interstitieller Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela). | Mikrofauna des Meersbodens 41: 1-134. | 694 | 2651 236580 |
Mack-Fira V | 1974 | ![]() spp. |
The turbellarian fauna of the Romanian littoral waters of the Black Sea and its annexes. In: N.W. Riser & M.P. Morse, Biology of Turbellaria | McGraw-Hill, New York: 248-290 | 16177 236423 | |
Young JO | 1976 | abs. spp. |
The freshwater Turbellaria of the African continent. | Zool. Anz., Jena 197: 419-432 | 893 | 1858 239075 |
Young JO, Young BM | 1976 | ![]() spp. |
First records of eight species and new records of four species of freshwater microturbellaria from East Africa, with comments on modes of dispersal of the group. | Zool. Anz. Jena, 196: 93-108. | 892 | 1860 239070 |
Karling TG, Schockaert ER | 1977 | spp. |
Anatomy and systematics of some Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Pacific and S. Atlantic. | Zool Scr 6: 5-19 | 809 | 2666 236332 |
Karling TG | 1978 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Anatomy and systematics of marine Turbellaria from Bermuda. | Zool Scr 7:225-248. | 1093 | 1825 236226 |
Schockaert ER | 1982 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Turbellaria from Somalia. II. Kalyptorhynchia (part 2). [Polycystis, Cincturorhynchus, Pocillorhynchus, Gyratrix, Cheliplana, Torkarlingia = Djeziraia] | Mon zool italiano suppl XVII:81-96. | 2584 | 84 236322 |
Wehrenberg C, Reise K | 1985 | spp. |
Artenspektrum und Abundanz freilebender Plathelminthes in sublitoralen Saenden der Nordsee bei Sylt. | Microfauna Marina 2: 163-180 | 11086 2782 | |
Scherer B | 1985 | spp. |
Annual dynamics of a meiofauna community from the "sulfide layer" of a North Sea sand flat. | Microfauna Marina 2:117-162 | 0 | 11087 239089 |
Ax P, Armonies W | 1987 | ![]() spp. |
Amphiatlantic identities in the composition of the boreal brackish water community of Plathelminthes. A comparison between the Canadian and European Atlantic coast. | Microfauna Marina 3:7-80 | 3897 | 8209 237159 |
Armonies W | 1987 | ![]() spp. |
Freilebende Plathelminthes in supralitoralen Salzwiesen der Nordsee: Oekologie einer borealen Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft. | Microfauna mar 3:81-156 | 6034 | 9226 1696 |
Kolasa J, Strayer D, Bannon-O'Donnell E | 1987 | spp. |
Microturbellarians from interstitial waters, streams, and springs in southeastern New York. | J. North Am. Benthol. Soc. 6:125-132 [doi: goto] | 6078 | 9674 239440 |
Noldt U | 1989 | spp. |
Kalyptorhynchia (Plathelminthes) from sublittoral coastal areas near the island of Sylt (North Sea) II. Eukalyptorhynchia. | Microfauna Marina 5:295-329 | 4412 | 11320 237326 |
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Kalyptorhynchia (Plathelminthes Rhabdocoela) from the Kenyan coast, with descriptions of four new species. | Tropical Zool 2:145-157 | 4915 | 13458 237390 |
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Brackish water Plathelminthes from Alaska as evidence for the existence of a boreal brackish water communitiy with circumpolar distribution. | Microfauna Marina 6: 7-109. | 0 | 13965 237250 |
Müller D, Faubel A | 1993 | spp. |
The 'Turbellaria' of the River Elbe Estuary. A faunistic analysis of oligohaline and limnic areas. | Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 75: 363-396 | 7291 | 19020 239416 |
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Studies on the taxonomy and ecology of the Turbellaria (Platyhelminthes) in the floodplain of the Parana River (Argentina) II. Taxonomy and ecology of the Turbellaria. | Arch Hydrobiol./suppl. 107 (2): 212-262 | 7292 | 15847 237291 |
Therriault TW, Kolasa J | 1999 | abs. spp. |
New species and records of microturbellarians from coastal rock pools of Jamaica, West Indies | Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie 144(3):371-381 | 7295 | 17903 237362 |
Artois T, Vermin W, Schockaert E | 2000 | abs. spp. |
Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) with the description of eight new species. | Belg J Zool 130:103-110 | 6989 | 17143 17865 |
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Gyratrix hermaphroditus: a state record for Arkansas. | Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 57: 193-194 | 20829 239105 | |
Timoshkin OA, Kawakatsu M, Korgina EM, Vvedenskaya TL | 2004 | spp. |
Preliminary analysis of the stylets of the Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831 species complex (Platyhelminthes, Neorhabdocoela, Kalyptorhynchia) from lakes of central Russia, Pribaikalye and Kamchatka, Lakes Baikal and Biwa. In Timoshkin OA (ed) | Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., pp. 1321-1343 | 7365 | 19887 239063 |
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The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: Free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria') | J Nat Hist 39:1-45 [doi: 10.1080/00222930310001613593 goto] | 7353 | 20305 237429 |
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Composition of meiobenthonic Platyhelminthes from brackish environments of the Galician and Cantabrian coasts of Spain with the description of a new species of Djeziraia (Polycystididae, Kalyptorhynchia) | Journal of Natural History 41 (29-32): 1989-2005 | 0 | 21904 237546 |
Artois TJ, Tessens BS | 2008 | abs. spp. |
Polycystididae (Rhabditophora: Rhabdocoela: Kalyptorhynchia) from the Indian Ocean, with the description of twelve new species. | Zootaxa 1849: 1–27 | 21328 164436 | |
Timoshkin OA, Rozhkova NA, Zaytseva EP | 2010 | spp. |
Diversity and ecology of free-living ciliated worms (Plathelminthes, Turbellaria) of Angara River and its catchment area with description of new species and new distribution localities of Kalyptorhynchia (Fam. Polycystididae and Rhynchokarlingiidae) of B | In: OA Timoshkin, ed. Index of animal species inhabiting Lake Baikal and its catchment area. Vol II Book 1, 1.3 pp 1125-1139. | 9000 | 21961 237550 |
Willems WR, Reygel P, Steenkiste NV, Tessens B, Artois TJ | 2017 | spp. |
Kalyptorhynchia (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela) from KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), with the description of six new species. | Zootaxa. 4242(3): 441–466. [doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4242.3.2 goto] | 9000 | 22755 290371 |
Reyes J, Binow D, Vianna RT, Brusa S, Martins SE | 2021 | abs. spp. |
Free-living Microturbellarians (Platyhelminthes) from Wetlands in Southern Brazil, with the Description of Three New Species. | Zoological Studies, Vol. 60: 221-33 [doi: 10.6620/ZS.2021.60-22 goto] | 9000 | 23280 428452 |
Glasgow B | 2021 | abs. spp. |
Some Land Planarians and Freshwater Turbellarians (Platyhelminthes) from Mississippi, USA. | Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Volume 66 (3): 188-198 | 0 | 23488 493358 |
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