Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Dendrocoelidae Apodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1931]

Dendrocoelidae Apodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1931

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Beauchamp Pde1931 abs.
Nouvelles diagnoses de Triclades obscuricoles. 4. Easai d'uns classification des Dendrocoelidae.Soc Zool FR 55:155-16315709749
latest authority:Kenk R1974index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world.Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-906162727

Dendrocoelidae Dendrocoelum

[Other] literature of valid taxon Dendrocoelidae Dendrocoelum Ørsted, 1844

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Örsted AS1844index card avail.
Entwurf einer systematischen Einteilung und speciellen Beschreibung der Plattwuermer auf microscopische Untersuchungen gegruendet. [I. Fam. Cryptocoela, 2. Fam Dendrocoela, 3. Fam. Rhabdocoela]Mit Holzschnitten und 3 Tafeln. Copenhagen, klein 8:0.,96 p., 3 taf.10646
Bergendal D1892index card avail.
Några anmärkningar om Sveriges Triklader.Öfvers. K. Vetensk Akad Förhhandl. Stockh. 10:539-55754363999903
Lillie FR1901 abs. A comparison of power and regeneration in three genera of planarians.(Zool. Club Univ. Chicago) Science, n.s., 13: 1026-103118343
Ullyott P, Beauchamp RSA1931 abs. Mechanisms for prevention of self-fertilization in some species of fresh-water triclads.Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc. 74, 477-489, t. 23.010942
Luther A1961index card avail.
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens II. Tricladida.Fauna Fennica 11: 1-42246952736
Gourbault N1972   Recherches sur les triclades paludicoles hypogés.Memoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris), nouvelle série, série A (Zoologie), 73: 1-249, 1 map, plates 115963
Kenk R1978index card avail.
The planarians (Turbellaria: Tricladida, Paludicola) of Lake Ohrid in Macedonia.Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology #280.9892730
Dahm AG, Gourbalt N1978   Tricladida et Temnocephalida (Turbellaria). In: Illies J. (ed.)Limnofauna Europaea. Fischer, Stutgart: 16-20.20557
Ball IR, Reynoldson RB1981   British Planarians. Platyhelminthes: Tricladida. Key and notes for the identification of the species. Synopses of the British Fauna 19.Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 1-1419509518

[Other] literature of synonyms (Dendrocoelidae Apodendrocoelum Dendrocoelidae Bolbodendrocoelum Dendrocoelidae Dendrocoelides Dendrocoelidae Eudendrocoelum Dendrocoelidae Paradendrocoelum Dendrocoelidae Sorocelopsis )
authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Beauchamp Pde1919   Diagnoses preliminaires de Triclades obscuricoles.Bull Soc Zool Fr 44:243-25124509731
Komarek J1919   O temnostnich Tricladach (Vermes, Turbellaria) z krazu balkenskych na zaklade Dra Karla Absolana. (Ueber hoehlenbewohnende Tricladen Karstgebieten des Balken auf Grund der Sammlungen von Dr K. AbsolonZvlast otisk Casop Marovkseho Mus zem Brno 50:3010437
Komarek J1925index card avail.
Die O.Schmidt'schen Suesswassertricladen von Corfu und Cefalonia gesammelt von Professor Wilhelmi.Zool Anz 63:322-328010438
Kenk R1930index card avail.
Beiträge zum System der Probursalier (Tricladida Paludicola). I-III; 3. Versuch einer natürlichen Gruppierung der Probursalier.Zool Anz (Jena) 89: 145-162; 289-302607910392
Beauchamp Pde1932index card avail.
Biospeologica 56. Turbellaries, Hirudinees, Branchiobdellides. 2:me serie.Arch zool exp 73: 113-3809757

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