Turbellarian taxonomic database


Searches can be binomial and to partial names (e.g., for "Mac hys")
[Red-highlighted taxa are synonyms; click '(syn)' links to see the valid taxa.]
[Green-highlighted taxa are otherwise ill-defined or of uncertain position]
[spp links will show a simplified listing of valid species grouped by family]
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Bilateria (Main hierarchy)
Deuterostomia       Grobben, 1908
Xenacoelomorpha       Philippe, Brinkmann, Copley, Moroz, Nakano, Poustka, et al., 2011
Xenacoela       Redmond, 2023
Acoela       Uljanin, 1870
Bitesticulata       Jondelius, Wallberg, Hooge, & Raikova, 2011
Bursalia       Jondelius, Wallberg, Hooge, & Raikova, 2011
Crucimusculata       Jondelius, Wallberg, Hooge, & Raikova, 2011

Crucimusculata Jondelius, Wallberg, Hooge, & Raikova, 2011 (5 subtax.) 374 spp                   literature     wrms
Aberrantospermata Jondelius, Wallberg, Hooge, & Raikova, 2011 (2 subtax.) 176 spp                   literature     wrms
Dakuidae Hooge, 2003 (4 subtax.) 25 spp             diagnosis notes   literature     wrms
Isodiametridae Hooge & Tyler, 2005 (12 subtax.) 96 spp     1 WWW       diagnosis     literature     wrms
Otocelididae Westblad, 1948 (5 subtax.) 15 spp             diagnosis notes   literature     wrms
Proporidae Graff, 1882 (14 subtax.) 62 spp           synonyms diagnosis notes   literature     wrms