Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Schmidtea lugubris Schmidt, 1861]

Schmidtea lugubris Schmidt, 1861

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Schmidt O1861index card avail.
Untersuchungen ueber Turbellarien von Corfu und Cephalonia, nebst Nachträgen zu früheren Arbeiten.Z wiss. Zool. 11: 1-32, 4 plates010781
other taxonomic work:Ball IR1977index card avail.
On the phylogenetic classification of aquatic planarians.Acta Zool. Fennica 154:21-3509517
latest authority:Leria L, Sluys R, Riutort M2018 abs.
Diversification and biogeographic history of the Western Palearctic freshwater flatworm genus Schmidtea (Tricladida: Dugesiidae), with a redescription of Schmidtea novaJournal of Zoological Systematics, Vol 56 (3): 335-351900022806

[Other] literature of synonyms (Dugesia lugubris Euplanaria lugubris )
authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Schmidt O1861index card avail.
Über Planaria torva Autorum.Z wiss Zool 11(1):89-94, tab 10 [1862?]017491
Sengel P1901   Sur les conditions de la regeneration normale du pharynx chez la Planaire d'eau douce Dugesia lugubris O. Schm.Schm CR Soc Biol Paris 145: 1381-188421092
Stevens NM1904   On the germ cells and the embryology of Planaria simplissima.Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 56: 208-22807056
Morgan TH1904   Polarity and axial heteromorphosis.American Natural 38, p. 502-505.010573
Reynoldson TB1950 abs. Natural population fluctuations of Urceolaria mitra (Protozoa, Peritricha) epizoic on flatworms.Jour Animal Ecol 19(2): 106-11820983
Lentati GB, Papa R del1965   Prime osseryazioni su inclusi paraplasmatici in oyociti della planaria Dugesia lugubris.Atti Accad. naz. Lincei Rc. Cl. Sci. fis. mat. nat. 38(8):945-94721176
Gremigni V1969   Ricerche istochimiche e ultrastrutturali sull'ovogenesi dei Tricladi. I. Inclusi deutoplasmatici in Dugesia lugubris e Dugesia benazzii.Accad naz Lincei 47:101-108.39282279
Domenici L, Gremigni V1974   Electron microscopical and cytochemical study of vitelline cells in the fresh-water triclad Dugesia lugubris s.l. II. Origin and distribution of reserve materials.Cell Tissue Res 152:219-228.39292253
Gremigni V, Domenici L1974   Electron microscopical and cytochemical study of vitelline cells in the fresh-water triclad Dugesia lugubris s.l. I. Origin and morphogenesis of cocoon shell globules.Cell Tissue Res 150:261-270.39302276
Kenk R1974index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world.Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-906162727
Kawakatsu M, Nimura F, Aoki K1975   Report on the ecological survey of freshwater planarians in the Zenkojidaira Height, the Southern part of the Hida Mountains, the Kiso Mountains, and the Akaishi Mountains, Honshu.Bull. Fuji Women's Coll. 13: 59-78.6132719
Benazzi M, Baguna J, Ballester R, & del Papa R1975index card avail.
Further contribution to the taxonomy of the "Dugesia lugubris-polychroa group" with description of Dugesia mediterranea N.sp. (Tricladida, Paludicola).Boll Zool 42:81-8941528933
Young JO1976 abs. The freshwater Turbellaria of the African continent.Zool. Anz., Jena 197: 419-4324278931858
Gremigni V, Puccinelli I1977index card avail.
A contribution to the problem of the origin of the blastema cells in planarians: a karyological and ultrastructural investigation.J Exp Zool 199:57-72.2720224
Gremigni V, Miceli C1978   Possibilita di metaplasia nei processi rigenerativi delle planarie.Bollettino di Zoologia, Volume:45 Pages: 26 Supplement023008
Gremigni V, Picano E1978   Primi dati citofotometrici sul contenuto in DNA-Feulgen di cellule di planarie.Bollettino di Zoologia, Volume:45(2):218023010
Gremigni V, Miceli C1980index card avail.
Cytophotometric evidence for cell 'transdifferentiation' in planarian regeneration.Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology 188(2): 107-113.
[doi: 10.1007/BF00848801
Ball IR, Reynoldson RB1981   British Planarians. Platyhelminthes: Tricladida. Key and notes for the identification of the species. Synopses of the British Fauna 19.Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 1-1416809518
Gremigni V, Nigro M, Puccinelli I1982   Evidence of male germ cell redifferentiation into female germ cells in planarian regeneration.Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology, 70: 29-3608263
Ax P2008   Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel.Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp.298888821269

Literature setting new combination:

Ball IR1974index card avail.
A contribution to the phylogeny and biogeography of freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria). In: Riser NW, Morse MP (eds) Biology of the Turbellaria.McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 339-40188885621

Literature with distribution data:

Grimm AO1877  
Zur Kenntniss der Fauna des Ostsee.Arbeiten St. Petersburg Gesellsch d. Naturforscher 8: 32 pages 1877 (Russisch.)20718
Beklemischev VN1923  
Quelques problemes de la distribution geographique des Triclades Paludicoles. (Russ., franz. Ref.)Russ Hydrobiol Zeitachr 2:167-17309810
Gauthier H1923  
Observations sur quelques Planaires d'Algerie.Bull Soc Hist Nat d Afrique du Nord 14:30-34010130
Beauchamp Pde1934 abs.
Quelques Turbellaries des Balkans et d'Asie mineure.Bull Soc zool de Fr 59: 203-20909759
Seifert, R1938  
Die Bodenfauna des Greifswalder Boddens. Ein Beitrag zur Ökologie der Brackwasserfauna.Zeitschr. Morph. u. Ökol. d. Tiere 34: 221-271.021818
Luther A1961index card avail.
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens II. Tricladida.Fauna Fennica 11: 1-426952736
Young JO1972  
The Turbellaria of some Friesland lakes with incidental records of Gasteropoda [sic] and Hirudinea.Zoologische Bijdragen 13: 59-70668515665
Kenk R1978index card avail.
The planarians (Turbellaria: Tricladida, Paludicola) of Lake Ohrid in Macedonia.Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology #280.9892730
Pinchuk VI1979 abs.
A planarian species Tricladida Paludicola from the Dnieper River Delta Ukrainian-SSR New for the Fauna of the USSR.Vestnik Zoologii (6): 8620929
Leria L, Sluys R, Riutort M2018 abs.
Diversification and biogeographic history of the Western Palearctic freshwater flatworm genus Schmidtea (Tricladida: Dugesiidae), with a redescription of Schmidtea novaJournal of Zoological Systematics, Vol 56 (3): 335-351900022806

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