Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Paraconvoluta diversicolor (Ørsted, 1845)]

(Paraconvoluta diversicolor (Ørsted, 1845)) = Paramecynostomum diversicolor

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Ejde (Eidhi), (North of Ejde), Faroes, Faroe Islands 292
1928   low tide zone       Steinböck O (1931): 3
B Isafjorour, (Ísafjörður, Isafjorour, Isafjordhur), Iceland 378
16-26 July, 1937         shallow water; outer harbor Isafjorour, 2 specimens. Steinböck O (1938): 3
C Sevastopol (Sebastopol, Sewastopol, Akhiar, Akhtyar), Black Sea, Ukraine. 203
1889           Pereyaslawzewa S (1892): 211
D Baltalmani (Baltaliman), Istanbul Bogazi (Karadeniz Bogazi, Bosporus, Bosphorus), Turkey 558
Aug 29, 1956       17.3 ppt   Ax P (1959): 61
E Prinzeninsel Heybeli (Heybeliada, Helbeliada, Halki) Island, Sea of Marmara (Marmara Meer), Turkey 559
Aug 17, 1956     rocky   very numerous. / in Cystoseira vegetation Ax P (1959): 61
F Bay of Fiskebackskil (Fiskebäckskil), western Sweden 889
1932   shoreline detritus mixed with sand   rare, not found again. Westblad E (1946): 50
G Gullmarfjord, Gasovik, western Sweden 890
prior to 1946.     Algae   rare. Westblad E (1946): 50
H Woods Hole,Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA 223
between May and Aug 1907     sand   between Eels pond and Little Harbor, in Ulven (Ulva) Graff Lvon (1911): 326
I Oslofjord, Drobak (Dröbak) (Sandspollen), Norway 877
1844 or earlier type locality         Örsted AS (1845): 417; also in Graff 1882 (citation) -p 220, 221
J Firth of Clyde (Millport), United Kingdom 249
1882 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1882): 220, 221
K Gulf of Trieste (Trzaski Zaliv, Trscanski Zaliv, Trst), Istra, Adriatic Sea, Italy 1147
1882 or earlier         rarely Graff Lvon (1882): 220, 221
L Gulf of Naples (Bay of Naples, Neapel, Napoli), Italy 1142
1882 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1882): 220, 221
M Bergen and environs, Norway 246
1877 or earlier           Jensen OS (1878): 9, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 26-27, Tab 1, Fig 12-20;also in Graff 1882 (citation)220, 221
N Woods Hole,Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA 223
1965 or earlier     on algae   common at Woods Hole on algae. Bush LF (1964): 32
O Biological Station Misaki, Japan 1148
prior to 2004           Faubel A, Kawakatsu M, Froehlich EM, Jones HD, Sasaki G (2004): 11
P Miura Peninsula, Japan 2076
prior to 2004           Faubel A, Kawakatsu M, Froehlich EM, Jones HD, Sasaki G (2004): 11
Q Manazuru Harbor (Manazuru-ko), Japan 2079
prior to 2004           Faubel A, Kawakatsu M, Froehlich EM, Jones HD, Sasaki G (2004): 11
R Rovigno (Rovigno d'Istria, Rovinj), Croatia 1146
1933 or earlier   18-20 m mud   south fo S. Pelagio. Steinböck O (1933): 6
S Sveti Andrija (Isola Sant'Andrea, Crveni Otok, Isola Rossa ), Otocic, Croatia 2071
1933 or earlier         in algae north of Isola S. Andrea. Steinböck O (1933): 6
T Luka Vestar (Porto Vestre, Port Vestri), Croatia 2873
1933 or earlier   10-12 m mud, sand     Steinböck O (1933): 6
U Rovigno (Rovigno d'Istria, Rovinj), Croatia 1146
1933 or earlier         on Ulven near the Station building. Steinböck O (1933): 6
V Nord-Ostsee-Kanal (Nord-Ostseekanal, Kaiser Wilhelm Kanal, Kieler Kanal, Kiel Canal), Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2108
1951       brackish Eine Brackwasser Lebensgemeinschaft an Holzpfählen des Nord-Ostsee Kanals. Ax P (1952): Tab 2
W tide pools, Wembury Bay, United Kingdom 4964
Aug-Sep 1892         In various localities between tide-marks. Not uncommon in the diatom-deposit on the sides of tanks in the aquarium. Gamble FW (1893): 32, 39
X Plymouth Sound Breakwater, United Kingdom 4965
Aug-Sep 1892         Captured using a hand-net worked vigorously among the weeds at low water from the dinghy. Gamble FW (1893): 32-34
Y White Sea (Beloye More, Weisses Meer), Isle of Solowetzk (Solowetsk, Solowjetsk, Solovetskiy, Ostrov, Solovetski Island; Solowezki, Solowetzki, Solovets, Solovjetsk), Russia 293
1905 or earlier         Weißes Meer (Insel Solowetsk) Graff Lvon (1905): 12
Z Newport, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA 27
1905 or earlier         Narragansett-Bai (Newport) Graff Lvon (1905): 12
A1 Irish Sea (Port Erin) 250
1905 or earlier         Irishe Sea (Port Erin auf Man) Graff Lvon (1905): 12
B1 Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1905 or earlier         Kanal La Manche (Plymouth, Roscoff) Graff Lvon (1905): 12
C1 Villefranche Sur Mer (French Riviera), France 259
1905 or earlier         Mittelmeer (Villefranche s.m., Neapel). Graff Lvon (1905): 12
D1 Sevastopol (Sebastopol, Sewastopol, Akhiar, Akhtyar), Black Sea, Ukraine. 203
1905 or earlier         Schwarzes Meer (Sewastopol). Graff Lvon (1905): 12
E1 Ria de Villaviciosa near San Martin, Spain 6228
1997-1999       Brackish (olig)   Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993
F1 Düne (Die Düne, Dune), Helgoland, Germany 3308
1933 or earlier           Bresslau E, Reisinger E (1933): 55

MAP ALL (32) .

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