Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Rhynchodemus sylvaticus (Leidy, 1852)]

Rhynchodemus sylvaticus (Leidy, 1852)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Bells Marsh, Horseshoe Cove, Cape Rosier, Maine, USA 329
Aug 25, 1998     terrestrial, rotten spruce log   under a rotten log, one specimen. Tyler S, Schilling (1998): unpublished
B University of Illinois, Champaign County, Illinois, USA 2097
Jun-Jul, 1952         26 specimens collected from Vivarium Building grounds and Stadium shrubbery. Ogren RE (1955): 55
C New Glarus Woods State Park, New Glarus, Wisconsin, USA 2098
Aug, 1952         3 immature specimens. Ogren RE (1955): 55
D Sherman's Bay, Chautauqua Lake, Lakewood, Chautauqua County, New York, USA 2099
Jun-Jul, 1953         26 specimens collected from a flower bed. Ogren RE (1955): 55
E Botanical Garden, Giessen, Germany 3901
1865 or earlier default type         Metschnikoff E (1865):
F Eo River, Asturias, Iberian Peninsula, Spain 5424
1998-2006         Terrestrial Vila-Farre M, Mateos E, Sluys R, Romero R (2008): Table 1, page 15
G Luarca, Asturias, Iberian Peninsula, Spain 5425
1998-2006         Terrestrial Vila-Farre M, Mateos E, Sluys R, Romero R (2008): Table 1, page 15
H Serra del Corredor, riera Can Rimbles, Barcelona, Iberian Peninsula, Spain 5426
1998-2006         Terrestrial Vila-Farre M, Mateos E, Sluys R, Romero R (2008): Table 1, page 15
I Serra del Corredor, riera de Canyamars, Barcelona, Iberian Peninsula, Spain 5427
1998-2006         Terrestrial Vila-Farre M, Mateos E, Sluys R, Romero R (2008): Table 1, page 15
J Montjuïc mountain, Vivers dels Tres Pins, Barcelona, Iberian Peninsula, Spain 5428
1998-2006         Terrestrial Vila-Farre M, Mateos E, Sluys R, Romero R (2008): Table 1, page 15
K Collsacabra, Puig de Rajols, Girona, Iberian Peninsula, Spain 5429
1998-2006         Terrestrial Vila-Farre M, Mateos E, Sluys R, Romero R (2008): Table 1, page 15
L Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) 6707
1944 or earlier         first recorded from Britain by Pantin (1944) Pantin CFA (1944): from Ball & Reynoldson 1981 (citation)- p. 110
M Belgium 2626
1981 or earlier         Early records of this species were mostly from greenhouses, but the Belgium and British populations were well established outdoors. Ball IR, Reynoldson RB (1981): 110
N County of Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom 6711
1981 or earlier         is known from woods in south Devon and Cambridgeshire, and also from near Swansea in Wales. Ball IR, Reynoldson RB (1981): 110
O County of Swansea (Dinas a Sir Abertawe), Wales, United Kingdom 6724
1981 or earlier         is known from woods in south Devon and Cambridgeshire, and also from near Swansea in Wales. Ball IR, Reynoldson RB (1981): 110
P County of Devon, United Kingdom 6708
1981 or earlier         is known from woods in south Devon and Cambridgeshire, and also from near Swansea in Wales. Ball IR, Reynoldson RB (1981): 110
Q Austria (Österreich) 2456
1981 or earlier         found in various localities in Germany, Austria and Belgium. Ball IR, Reynoldson RB (1981): 110
R Germany (Deutschland) 2628
1981 or earlier         found in various localities in Germany, Austria and Belgium. Ball IR, Reynoldson RB (1981): 110
S Amory, Monroe County, Mississippi 7819
May 2006         ....."bedding plants at a retail garden center." Glasgow B (2021): 189, 190

MAP ALL (19) .

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