Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Porfirjeva NA 1977 index card avail.
Planarii Ozera Baikal. (Planarians of Lake Baikal.) [In Russian.] [in Zool. Rec. as In: M. Yu. Bekman (ed) Izdatel'stvo 'Nauka' sibirskoe Otdelenie. Novosibirsk: 3-206] Akad. Nauk. SSSR Novosibirsk, 207 pp.
Archicotylus rubzowi Porfirieva, 1977 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 33-35, Fig. 10, 11
Dendrocoelidae Baikalocotylus Porfirieva, 1977 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 101-102
Baikalocotylus limnosus Porfirieva, 1977 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 102-105, fig. 50-51
Hyperbulbina bekmanae Porfirieva, 1977 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 61-63, fig. 27
Hyperbulbina nana Porfirieva, 1977 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 63-64, figs. 28-29
Bdellocephala angarensis melanocinerea (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work 81
Protocotylus magnus (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelidae Archicotylus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Armilla Livanov, 1961 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Papilloplana Kenk, 1974 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Hyperpapillina Porfirieva, 1973 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Bdellocephala de Man, 1875 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelidae Rimacephalus Sabussov, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority 86-87
Dendrocoelidae Baikaloplana Berg, 1925 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 97-98
Dendrocoelidae Atria Porfirieva, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority 105
Dendrocoelidae Sorocelis Grube, 1872 w other taxonomic work 108-109
Dendrocoelidae Protocotylus Korotneff, 1908 w other taxonomic work 116-117
Dendrocoelidae Baikalobia Kenk, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority 129-130
Baikaloplana valida (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 98-101, fig. 48, 49
Archicotylus decoloratus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work 23
Archicotylus cinereus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus elongatus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus maculatus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus rutilus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus flavus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus lacteus Korotneff, 1912 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Microarchicotylus stringulatus (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus junca (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus parvipunctatus (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work 36-37, Fig. 12
Archicotylus planus (Sabussow, 1903) w other taxonomic work 37-40, Figs. 13, 14
Armilla armata (Sabussow, 1903) w other taxonomic work 42-46, figs. 15-18
Armilla pardalina (Grube, 1872) w other taxonomic work 46-48, figs. 19-20
Papilloplana leucocephala (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 50-53, figs. 21-22
Papilloplana grisea (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 53-54, figs. 22
Papilloplana zebra Grube, 1872 w other taxonomic work 54-56, fig. 23
Hyperbulbina bifasciata (Sabussow, 1903) w other taxonomic work 57-58, fig. 24
Dendrocoelidae Hyperbulbina Livanov & Porfirjeva, 1962 w other taxonomic work 56-57
Hyperbulbina grubei (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 59-61, fig. 25
Alaoplana sublanceolata (Livanov & Porfirjeva, 1964) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 66-68, 196 [bibliography with 1964 reference], Fig
Alaoplana lanceolata (Grube, 1872) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 68-69, fig. 31
Hyperpapillina graffi (Sabussow, 1903) w other taxonomic work 70-72, figs 32, 33
Hyperpapillina ocellata (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work 72-73, figs. 33-35
Bdellocephala angarensis angarensis (Gerstfeldt, 1858) w other taxonomic work 75-81, figs. 36-37
Bdellocephala angarensis (Gerstfeldt, 1858) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 75-81, figs. 36-37
Bdellocephala angarensis melanocinerea (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work 75-81, fig. 38
Bdellocephala baicalensis (Zabusova, 1903) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 81-86, fig. 39-40
Rimacephalus pulvinar (Grube, 1872) w other taxonomic work 87-90, fig. 41
Rimacephalus arecepta Porfirieva, 1969 w other taxonomic work 90-97, figs. 42-47
Atria kozhowi Porfirieva, 1970 w other taxonomic work 105-108, figs. 52-55
Sorocelis nigrofasciata (Grube, 1872) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 109-113, figs. 56-58
Sorocelis hepatizon (Grube, 1872) w other taxonomic work 113-116, fig. 59-60
Protocotylus flavus Korotneff, 1908 w other taxonomic work 118-123, figs. 61a, 62-64
Protocotylus fungiformis (Sabussow, 1903) w other taxonomic work 123-129, figs. 65-67
Baikalobia guttata (Gerstfeldt, 1858) w other taxonomic work 130-134, figs. 68-72
Baikalobia variegata (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work 134-137, fig. 70-73
Baikalobia copulatrix (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work 137-139, figs. 74-75
Baikalobia raddei (Sabussowa, 1911) w other taxonomic work 139-141, fig. 76
Planarioidea Dendrocoelidae Hallez, 1892 w other taxonomic work