History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling
Listing of publications with author Jennings J
author date title journal / publication
Calow P, Jennings JB 1974 Calorific values in the phylum Platyhelminthes: the relationship between potential energy, mode of life, and the evolution of endoparasitism. Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 147:81-94.
Cannon LRG, Jennings JB 1987 Occurrence and nutritional relationships of four ectosymbiotes of the freshwater crayfishes Cherax dispar Riek and Cherax punctatus Clark (Crustacea: Decapoda) in Queensland. Aust J Mar Freshw Res 38:419-427
Cannon LRG, Jennings JB 1988 Monocystella epibatis n. sp., a new aseptate gregarine hyperparasite of rhabdocoel turbellarians parasitic in the Crown of Thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci Linnaeus, from the Great Barrier Reef. Arch Protistenkd 136: 267-272
Gelder SR, Jennings JB 1975 The nervous system of the aberrant symbiotic polycheate Histriobdella homariiand it implications for the taxomomic position of the Histriobdellidae. Zool Anz Jena 194:293-304
Gibson R, Jennings JB 1967 Leucine aminopeptidase activity in the blood system of rhynchocoelan worms.  
Halton DW, Jennings JB 1964 Demonstration of the nervous system in the monogenetic trematode Diplozoon paradoxum Nordmann by the indoxyl acetate method for esterases.  
Halton DW, Jennings JB 1965 Observations on the nutrition of monogenetic trematodes.  
Jennings JB 1956 A technique for the detecion of Polystoma integerrimum in the common frog (Rana temporaria).  
Jennings JB 1957 Studies on feeding, digestion, and food storage in free-living flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria). Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 112:63-80.
Jennings JB 1959 Studies on digestion in the monogenetic trematode Polystoma integerrinum.  
Jennings JB 1959 Observations on the nutrition of the land planarian Orthodemus terrestris (O.F. Muller). Biol Bull 117:119-124
Jennings JB 1960 Observations on the nutrition of the rhynchocoelan Lineus ruber (of Muller). Biological Bulletin 119: 189-196
Jennings JB 1961 Periodic acid-Schiff technique for the demonstration of extra- and intra-cellular stages of gregarine and coccidian protozoa.  
Jennings JB 1962 Further studies on feeding and digestion in triclad turbellaria. Biol. Bull. 123: 571-581
Jennings JB 1962 A histochemical study of digestion and digestive enzymes in the rhynchocoelan Lineus ruber (OF Muller).  
Jennings JB 1963 Digestion in triclad turbellaria. Proceedings 16 internat Congr of Zool Wash :28
Jennings JB 1963 Some aspects of nutrition in the Turbellarian, Trematoda, and Rhynchocoela In: The Lower Metazoa, Dougherty et al. pages 345-353
Jennings JB 1968 Feeding, digestion and food storage in two species of temnocephalid flatworms (Turbellaria: Rhabdocoela). J Zool (London) 156: 1-8.
Jennings JB 1968 A new temnocephalid faltworm from Costa Rica. Journal of Natural History, 2, 117-120.
Jennings JB 1968 A new astomatous ciliate from the entocommensal rhynchocoelan Malacobdella grossa (OF Muller).  
Jennings JB 1968 Platyhelminthes: Nutrition and digestion. In M. Florkin and B.T. Scheer (eds): Chemical Zoology, vol. 2. New York: Academic Press, pp. 303-326.
Jennings JB 1968 Platyhelminthes, nutrition. In: Florkin M, Schaer BT (eds) Chemical zoology. 2, 640. Academic Press, New York, London
Jennings JB 1969 Ultrastructural observations on the phagocytic uptake of food materials by the ciliated cells of the rhynchocoelan intestine. Biol Bull 137:476-485.
Jennings JB 1970 Digestion physiology of Turbellaria. (Hyman Suppl) Abstract. Am. Zoo. 10(4): 549
Jennings JB 1971 Parasitism and commensalism in the Turbellaria. In: Advances in Parasitology, vol 9 (ed. Ben Dawes):1-32. Academic Press, New York.
Jennings JB 1972 Feeding, digestion and assimilation in animals. 2nd edition; London, MacMillan
Jennings JB 1974 Symbioses in the Turbellaria and their implications in studies on the evolution of parasitism. In: Symbiosis of the Sea (ed. WB Vernberg):127-160. Univ South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC
Jennings JB 1974 Digestive physiology of the Turbellaria. In: Riser NW, Morse MP (eds) Biology of the Turbellaria. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 173-197
Jennings JB 1977 Patterns of nutritional physiology in free-living and symbiotic Turbellaria and their implications for the evolution of entoparasitism in the phylum Platyhelminthes. Acta Zool. Fenn. 154:63-79.
Jennings JB 1980 Nutrition in symbiotic Turbellaria. In: Smith DC, Tiffon Y (eds.) Nutrition in the Lower Metazoa. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 188 pages, 79 illustrations
Jennings JB 1981 Physiological adaptations to entosymbiosis in three species of graffillid rhabdocoels. Hydrobiologia 81:147-153
Jennings JB 1985 Feeding and digestion in the aberrant planarian Bdellasimilis barwicki (Turbellaria:Tricladida:Procerodidae): an ectosymbiote of freshwater turtles in Queensland and New South Wales. Aust J Zool 33:317-327
Jennings JB 1988 Nutrition and respiration in symbiotic Turbellaria. In: P Ax, U Ehlers, B Sopott-Ehlers (eds) Free-living and symbiotic Plathelminthes. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, NY. Fortschr Zool 36:1-13
Jennings JB 1989 Epidermal uptake of nutrients in an unusual turbellarian parasitic in the starfish Coscinasterias calamaria in Tasmanian waters. Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 176:327-336
Jennings JB 1997 Nutritional and respiratory pathways to parasitism exemplified in the turbellaria. Int. J Parasitology 27: 679-691
[doi: 10.1016/s0020-7519(97)00010-6
Jennings JB, Calow P 1975 The relationship between high fecundity and the evolution of endoparasitism. Oecologia (Berlin) 21:109-115.
Jennings JB, Cannon LRG 1985 Observations on the occurrence, nutritional physiology and respiratory pigment of three species of flatworms (Rhabdocoela: Pterastericolidae) entosymbiotic in starfish from temperate and tropical Ophelia 24:199-215 [tc: waters.]
Jennings JB, Cannon LRG 1987 The occurrence, spectral properties and probable role of haemoglobins in four species of entosymbiotic turbellarians (Rhabdocoela: Umagillidae. Ophelia 27:143-154
Jennings JB, Cannon LRG, Hick AJ 1992 The nature and origin of the epidermal scales of Notodactylus handschini--an unusual temnocephalid turbellarian ectosymbiotic on crayfish from northern Queensland. Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 182:117-128
[doi: 10.2307/1542186
Jennings JB, Colam JB 1970 Gut structure, digestive physiology and food storage in Potonema vulgaris (Nematoda: Enoplida).  
Jennings JB, Davenport TRB, Varndell IM 1987 FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity and arylamidase activity in turbellarians and nemerteans - evidence for a novel neurovascular coordinating system in nemerteans. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 86C/2:425-430.
[doi: 10.1016/0742-8413(87)90108-3
Jennings JB, Deutsch A 1975 Occurence and possible adaptive significance of B-glucuronidase and arylamidase ("leucine aminopeptidase") activity in two species of marine nematodes. Comp Biochem Physiol 52A:611-614
Jennings JB, Donworth PJ 1986 Observations on the life cycle and nutrition of Dinophilus taeniatus Harmer 1889 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Ophelia 25:119-137
Jennings JB, Fletcher CR 1985 A simple method for obtaining and analysing the absorption spectra of microscopic specimens. J Microsc (Oxf) 139:271-277
Jennings JB, Gelder SR 1976 Observations on the feeding mechanism, diet and digestive physiology of Histriobdella homari Van Beneden 1858: An aberrant polychaete symbiotic with North American and European lobsters. Biol Bull 151: 489-517
Jennings JB, Gibson R 1968 The structure and life history of Haplosporidium malacobdellae sp. nov., a new sporozoan from the entocommensal rhynchocoelan Malacobdella grossa (OF Muller).  
Jennings JB, Gibson R 1969 Observations on the nutrition of seven species of rhynchocoelan worms.  
Jennings JB, Halverson LG 1971 Variations in subcuticular acid phosphatase activity during the molting cycle of the euphausiid crustacean, Thysanoessa raschii (M. Sars) Hansen.  
Jennings JB, Hanna FS 1988 Studies on the respiratory pigments of three species of serpulid polychaetes at different stages in the life cycle. Ophelia 29:199-212
Jennings JB, Hick AJ 1990 Differences in the distr, mitochondrial content and probable roles of hemoglobin-containing parenchymal cells in 4 species of entosymbiotic turbellarians (Rhabdocoela: Umagillidae & Pterastericolidae) Ophelia 31:163-175
Jennings JB, LeFlore WB 1972 The histochemical demonstration of certain aspects of cercarial morphology.  
Jennings JB, LeFlore WB 1979 Occurrence and possible adaptive significance of some histochemically demonstrable dehydrogenases in two entosymbiotic rhabdocoels (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria). Comp Biochem Physiol 62B:301-304
Jennings JB, Mettrick DF 1968 Observations on the ecology, morphology and nutrition of the rhabdocoel turbellarian Syndesmis franciscana (Lehman, 1946) in Jamaica. Carib J Sci 8:57-69
Jennings JB, Phillips JI 1978 Feeding and digestion in three entosymbiotic grafillid rhabdocoels from bivalve and gastropod molluscs. Biol Bull 155:542-562.
Jennings JB, Van der Lande VM 1967 Histochemical and bacteriological studies on digestion in nine species of leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea).  
Mettrick DF, Jennings JB 1969 Nutrition and chemical composition of the rhabocoel turbellarian Syndesmis franciscana, with notes on the taxonomy of S. antillarum. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 26: 2669-2679
Rao KH, Jennings JB 1959 The alimentary system of a pentastomid from the Indian water-snake Natrix piscator Schneider. Journal of Parasitology, 45: 299–300
Reddien PW, Bermange AL, Murfitt KJ, Jennings JR, Sanchez Alvarado A 2005 Identification of genes needed for regeneration, stem cell function, and tissue homeostasis by systematic gene perturbation in planaria. Dev Cell 8:635-649
Reddien PW, Oviedo NJ, Jennings JR, Jenkin JC, Sanchez Alvarado A 2005 SMEDWI-2 is a PIWI-like protein that regulates planarian stem cells. Science 310:1327-1330

59 publications found in database. (Max listing set to 500)

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