History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling
Listing of publications with author Child C
author date title journal / publication
Child CM 1897 A preliminary account of the cleavage of Arenicola cristata, with remarks on the mosaic theory. I. Cleavage. Unknown, 1(2): 71-94
Child CM 1899 The significance of the spiral type of cleavage and its relation to the process of differentiation. (Fourteenth Lecture) Biological Lectures 231-266 [Woods Hole MBL?]
Child CM 1901 The habits and natural history of Stichostemma. Amer. Nat. 35: 975-1006
Child CM 1901 Regulation in Stenostomum. Science. N.S. Vol. 14, No. 340. New York 1901. pages 28-29.
Child CM 1901 Fission and Regulation in Stenostomum leucops. Biol. Bull. 2: 329-331. Boston.
Child CM 1902 Studies on regulation. I. Fission and Regulation in Stenostoma. Arch Entw mech 15:187-237
Child CM 1902 An Experimental Study of Regulation in Stenostoma. Science N.S. Vol. 15. No. 379. New York 1902. pages 527-529.
Child CM 1903 Studies on regulation. I. Fission and regulation in Stenostoma. Part I. The structure and movements of Stenostoma and the process of fission. Arch Entwicklungsmech Org (Wilhelm Roux)15:13-236
Child CM 1903 Studies on regulation. II. Experimental control of form regulation in zooids and pieces of Stenostoma. Arch. Entw. -Mech. 15: 603-637, 2 plates.
Child CM 1903 Studies on regulation. III. Regulative destruction of zooids and parts of zooids in Stenostoma. Arch. Entw. -Mech. 17: 1-40, 3 plates
Child CM 1904 Studies on Regulation. IV. Some experimental modifications of form-regulation in Leptoplana. J. exp. Zool. 1: 95-133
Child CM 1904 Studies on Regulation. VI. The Relation between the Central Nervous System and Regeneration in Leptoplana: Anterior and Lateral Regeneration. Journal of Exper. Zool. Vol. 1. Baltimore 1904. pages 513-557, 64 text figures. Journal of Exper. Zool. Vol. 1. B
Child CM 1904 Studies on Regulation. V. The Relation between the Central Nervous System and Regeneration in Leptoplana: Posterior Regeneration. Journal of Exper. Zool. Vol. 1. Baltimore 1904. pages 463-512, 47 text figures.
Child CM 1904 Form-regulation in Coelentera and Turbellaria. Smithson. Collect. quart. : 134-143
Child CM 1905 Studies on Regulation. X. The Positions and Proportions of Parts during Regulation in Cestoplana in the Absence of the Cephalic Ganglia. Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. 20. Bd. Leipzig 1905. page 157-186, 68 textfig.
Child CM 1905 Studies on Regulation. IX. The Positions and Proportions of Parts during Regulation in Cestoplana in the Presence of the Cephalic Ganglia. Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. 20. Bd. Leipzig 1905. page 48-75.
Child CM 1905 Studies on Regulation. VIII. Functional Regulation and Regeneration in Cestoplana. Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. 19: 261-294, with 46 text figures.
Child CM 1905 Studies on Regulation. VII. Further Experiments on Form-Regulation in Leptoplana. Journal of Exper. Zool. Vol. 2. Baltimore 1905. pages 253-285, 34 text figures.
Child CM 1906 The Relation between Regulation and Fission in Planaria. Biol Bull. Vol. 11: 113-123, textfig 1-19 (31 Figures). Lancaster Pennsylvania 1906.
Child CM 1906 Contributions Toward a Theory of Regulation. I. The Significance of the Different Methods of Regulation in Turbellaria. Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. 20: 380-406, 65 textfigs. Leipzig 1906.
Child CM 1907 The localization of different methods of form-regulation in Polychoerus caudatus. Arch Entwicklungsmech Org (Wilhelm Roux) 2:227-248
Child CM 1907 Studies on regulation XI. Functional regulation in the intestine of Cestoplana. Journ exp Zool 4:357-398
Child CM 1909 The regulatory change of shape in Planaria dorotecephala. Biol. Bull. 16: 277-296
Child CM 1910 The central nervous system as a factor in the regeneration of polyclad Turbellaria. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole 19: 333-338
Child CM 1910 Physiological isolation of parts and fission in Planaria. Arch. Entw. 30: 159-205
Child CM 1910 Analysis of form regulation with the aid of anaesthetics. Biol. Bull. 18(4): 161-173
Child CM 1911 A study ofsenescence and rejuvenescense based on experimonts with Planaria dorotocephala. Arch Entwicklungemec 31:537-616
Child CM 1911 Studies on the dynamics oc morchogenesis and inheritance in expermentalreproduction. I. The axial gradient in Planaria dorotocephala as a limiting factor in regulation. Journal exp Zool 10:265-320
Child CM 1911 The axial gradient in Planaria dorotocephala as a limiting factor in regulation. J. Exp. Zo. 10.
Child CM 1912 Studies on the dynamics of morphogenesis and inheritance in experimental reproduction. IV. Certain dynamic factors in the regulatorymorphogenesis of Planaria dorotocephala in relation to the axial gradient. Journ of Exp Zool 13:103-152
Child CM 1912 The process of reproduction in organisms. Biol. Bull. 23(1): 1-39
Child CM 1913 Studies on the dynamics of morphogenesis and inheritance in experimental reproduction. V. The relation between resistance to depressing agents and rate of metabolism in Planaria dorotocephala and its J. Exp. Zool. 14: 154-206
Child CM 1913 The asexual cycle in Planaria velata in relation to senescence and rejuvenescence. Biol. Bull. 25: 181-203
Child CM 1913 Studies on the Dynamics of Morphogenesis and Inheritance in Experimental Reproduction. VI. The Nature of the Axial Gradients in Planaria and Their Relation to Antero-Posterior Dominance, Polarity and Symmetry. Archiv. für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, 37: 108-158
Child CM 1914 Asexual breeding and prevention of senescence in Planaria velata. Biol. Bull. 26: 286-293
Child CM 1916 Studies on the dynamica of morphogenesis and inheritance in experimental reproduction. IX. The control of head-form and head-frequency in Planaria by means of potassium cyanide. Journ Exp Zoology 21:101-126
Child CM 1920 Studies on the dynamica of morphogenesis and inheritance in experimental reproduction. X. Head-frequency in Planaria dorotocephala in relation to age nutrition and motor activity. Journ Exp Zoology 30:403-418
Child CM 1929 Physiological Dominance and physiological Isolation in Development and Reconstruction. Arch. Entw. Mech. v. 117 (Festschr. Spemann v. 2), pages 21-66. Berlin
Child CM 1941 Patterns and Problems of Development. IX + 811 pages. Chicago, Illinois. (The University of Chicago Press).
Child CM 1960 The significance of the spiral type of cleavage and its relation to the process of differentiation. Biol Lectures MBL 1899 231-266
Child CM, Watanabe Y 1935 The head-frequency gradient in Euplanaria dorotocephala. Physiol Zool 8(1): 1-40
Hyman LH, Child CM 1919 The axial gradients in hydrozoa. Biol Bull 36: 183-223
Rulon O, Child CM 1937 Experiments on scale of organization in Euplanaria dorotocephala. Physiol Zool 10(4): 396-404
Watanabe Y, Child CM 1933 The longitudinal gradient in Stylochus ijimai: with a critical discussion. Physiological Zool. 6:542-591

44 publications found in database. (Max listing set to 500)

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