History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling
Listing of publications with author Mortensen T
author date title journal / publication
Mortensen T 1904 The Danish Expedition to Siam, 1899-1900. II. Echinoidea (I). København. 124 pages.
Mortensen T 1910 The Echinoidea of the Swedish South Polar Expedition. 114 pages.
Mortensen T 1912 Ctenophora. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition 5, no. 2: 1-98
Mortensen T 1913 Die Echinodermenlarven der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. Berlin : G. Reimer
Mortensen T 1914-1916 Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-16.  
Mortensen T 1921 Studies of the developmental and larval forms of echinoderms. GEC Gad, Copenhagen
Mortensen T 1925 An apparatus for catching the micro-fauna of the sea bottom. Publ. Museum Kobenhaven no. 2 [Vidensk Meddel. Densk. Natur. Foren. 80: 445-451]
Mortensen T 1935 A monograph of the Echinoidea. I.-V. Copenhagn, C.A. Reitzel; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1928-1951

8 publications found in database. (Max listing set to 500)

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