History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling
Listing of publications with author Karling T
author date title journal / publication
Bashiruddin M, Karling TG 1970 A new entocommensal turbellarian (Fam. Pterastericolidae) from the sea star Astropecten irregularis. Z Morph Tiere 67:16-28.
Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 Species of Turbellaria Acoela in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with remarks on their anatomy, taxonomy and distribution. Zool Scr 4: 175-189
Holmquist C, Karling TG 1972 Two new species of interstitial marine triclads from the North American Pacific coast, with comments on evolutionary trends and systematics in Tricladida (Turbellaria). Zool Scr 1:175-184
Karling TG 1930 Bresslauilla relicta Reisinger (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) zum ersten Male in Finnland angetroffen. Mem Soc Fauna Flora fenn 6:128-130
Karling TG 1931 Untersuchungen ueber Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) aus dem Brackwasser des Finnischen Meerbusens. Acta Zool Fenn, 11: 1-67
Karling TG 1934 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nemertinen des Finnischen Meerbusens. Mem Soc Fauna Flora fenn 10:76-90
Karling TG 1934 Haplobranchus balticus n.sp. Eine neue sedentare Polychaete aus dem Finnischen Meerbusen. Mem Soc Fauna Flora fenn 10:242-244
Karling TG 1935 Mitteilungen ueber Turbellarien aus dem Finnischen Meerbusen: 1. Dalyellia nigrifrons n. sp. 2. Promesostoma cochlearis n.sp. Mem Soc Fauna Flora fenn 10:388-395
Karling TG 1937 Ein Apparat zum Auffangen von Kleintieren des Meeressandes. Acta Soc Fauna Flora fenn 60:387-391
Karling TG 1940 Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Alloeocoela Cumulata und Rhabdocoela Lecithophora (Turbellaria). Acta zool fenn 26:1-260
Karling TG 1943 Studien an Halammovortex nigrifrons Karling (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela). Acta Zool Fenn 37:1-23
Karling TG 1947 Studien ueber Kalyptorhynchien (Turbellaria). I. Die Familien Placorhynchidae und Gnathorhynchidae. Acta zool fenn 50:1-64
Karling TG 1949 Studien ueber Kalyptorhynchien (Turbellaria). II. Die Familien Karkinorhynchidae und Diascorhynchidae. Acta Zool Fenn 58:1-42
Karling TG 1950 Studien über Kalyptorhynchien (Turbellaria). III. Die Familie Schizorhynchidae. Acta Zool Fenn 59:1-33
Karling TG 1952 Studien ueber Kalyptorhynchien (Turb). IV. Einige Eukalyptorhynchia. Acta Zool Fenn 69:1-49
Karling TG 1952 Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria). In: Further zoological results of the Swedish Antarctic expedition of 1901-03. 4, 9:1-50. Norstedt & Soener, Stockholm
Karling TG 1953 Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Rogneda Ulianin (Turbellaria: Kalyptorhynchia). Ark Zool (2) [Sverige] 5:349-368
Karling TG 1953 Cytocystis clitellatus n.gen., n.sp., ein neuer Eukalyptorhynchien-Typus (Turbellaria). Ark Zool (2) 4:493-504
Karling TG 1954 Einige marine Vertreter der Kalyptorhynchien-Familie Koinocystididae. Ark Zool (2) 7:165-183
Karling TG 1954 Echinoderes levanderi n.sp. (Kinorhyncha) aus der Ostsee. Ark Zool (2) 7:189-192
Karling TG 1954 Ueber einige Kleintiere des Meeressandes des Nordsee-Ostsee-Gebietes. Ark Zool (2) 7:241-249
Karling TG 1955 Studien ueber Kalyptorhynchien (Turbellaria) V. Der Verwandtschaftskreis von Gyratrix Ehrenberg. Acta Zool Fenn 88:1-39
Karling TG 1956 Morphologisch-histologische Untersuchungen an den männlichen Atrialorganen der Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria). Ark Zool (2) 9:187-279.
Karling TG 1956 Zur Kenntnis einiger Gnathorhynchiden nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Gattung. Arkiv Zool (2) 9:343-353
Karling TG 1956 Alexlutheria acrosiphoniae n. gen., n. sp., ein bemerkenswerter mariner Vertreter der Familie Dalyelliidae (Turbellaria). Ark Zool (2) 10:331-345
Karling TG 1957 Drei neue Turbellaria Neorhabdocoela aus dem Grundwasser der schwedischen Ostseeküste. Kungl Fysiograf Saellskap Lund Foerh 27:25-33
Karling TG 1958 Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Coelogynopora Steinboeck (Turbellaria Proseriata). Ark Zool (2) 11:559-568
Karling TG 1958 Zur Kenntnis von Stygocapitella subterranea Knoeller und Parergodrilus heideri Reisinger (Annelida). Ark Zool (2)11:307-342
Karling TG 1961 Zur Morphologie, Entstehungsweise und Funktion des Spaltruessels der Turbellaria Schizorhynchia. Ark Zool (2) 13:252-286.
Karling TG 1961 On a species of the genus Multipeniata Nasonov (Turbellaria) from Burma. Ark Zool (2) 15: 105-111
Karling TG 1961 Ulianinia mollissima Levinsen, 1879, re-discovered (Turbellaria Prolecithophora). Vidensk Medd Dan Naturhist Foren 125:495-510
Karling TG 1962 Marine Turbellaria from the Pacific coast of North America. I. Plagiostomidae. Ark Zool (2) 15:113-141
Karling TG 1962 Gnathostomula paradoxa Ax, 1956 (Gnathostomulida) from the vicinity of Bergen, Norway. Sarsia 7:23-24
Karling TG 1962 Marine Turbellaria from the Pacific coast of North America. II. Pseudostomidae and Cylindrostomidae. Ark Zool 15: 181-209
Karling TG 1963 Ulianinia mollissima Levinsen, 1879, re-discovered (Turbellaria Prolecithophora). Vidensk Medd dansk naturh Foren 125:496-508
Karling TG 1963 Some evolutionary trends in turbellarian morphology. In: Dougherty, E.C. (ed) The Lower Metazoa. Univ Calif Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles pp 225-233
Karling TG 1963 Die Turbellarien ostfennoskandiens. V. Neorhabdocoela. 3. Kalyptorhynchia. Soc Fauna Flora Fenn Fauna Fenn 17: 5-59
Karling TG 1963 Einar Westblad. Mem. Soc. Fauna et Flora Fennica, 39: 172-174, and Portrait.
Karling TG 1964 Ueber einige neue und ungenuegend bekannte Turbellaria Eukalyptorhynchia. [Cicerinidae, Cystiplanidae, Koinocystidae, Polycystidae] Zool Anz 172: 159-183
Karling TG 1964 Marine Turbellaria from the Pacific coast of North America. III. Otoplanidae. Arkiv Zool (2) 16: 527-541
Karling TG 1965 Haplopharynx rostratus Meixner (Turbellaria) mit den Nemertinen verglichen. Z zool syst Evolutionsforsch 3:1-18.
Karling TG 1966 On nematocysts and similar structures in turbellarians. Act Zool Fenn 116:1-28.
Karling TG 1966 On the defecation apparatus in the genus Archimonocelis (Turbellaria, Monocelididae). Sarsia 24:37-44.
Karling TG 1966 Marine Turbellaria from the Pacific Coast of North America. IV. Coelogynoporidae and Monocelididae. Ark Zool (2) 18: 493-528
Karling TG 1966 Rhodope veranyi (Gastropoda, Euthyneura) von der norwegischen Kueste. Sarsia 24:33-35
Karling TG 1967 Zur Frage von dem systematischen Wert der Kategorien Archoophora und Neoophora (Turbellaria). Comment Biol Soc Scien Fenn 30:1-11.
Karling TG 1967 On the genus Promesostoma (Turbellaria), with descriptions of four new species from Scandinavia and California. Sarsia 29: 257-268
Karling TG 1968 On the genus Gnosonesima Reisinger (Turbellaria). Sarsia 33: 81-108
Karling TG 1969 Ein überzähliger Genitalapparat bei einem rhabdocoelen Turbellar. Z Morphol Tiere, 65: 202-208
Karling TG 1970 On Pterastericola fedotovi (Turbellaria), commensal in sea stars. Z Morph Tiere 67:29-39.
Karling TG 1970 Bothriomolus balticus Meixner 1938 (Turbellaria) in dem schwedischen Binnensee Vaetern. Zool Anz 184:120-121
Karling TG 1970 Aspects on the anatomy and affinities of the turbellarian groups. Am Zool 10(4):525
Karling TG 1970 Kinorhyncha. In: Gray P (ed), The Encyclopedia of the Biological Sciences. Reinhold Co, New York, pp 470-471
Karling TG 1970 A new entocommensal turbellarian (Fam. Pterastericolidae) from the sea star Astropecten irregularis. Z.Morph.Tiere 67:16-28
Karling TG 1970 Alexander Luther b. Luonnon Tutkija, 74: 147-149.
Karling TG 1972 Alexander Luther. Verh Deutsch Zool Ges 65. Jahresvers 314-315
Karling TG 1973 Anatomy and taxonomy of a new otoplanid (Turbellaria Proseriata) from South Georgia. Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens 16:1-11 [361-369]
Karling TG 1973 Ist Hypoblepharina Böhmig (Turbellaria) eine kommensalistische Gattung? Mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art aus der Amphipode Cheirimedon femoratus. Z Morph Tiere 75:51-58
Karling TG 1974 On the anatomy and affinities of the turbellarian orders. In: Biology of the Turbellaria (eds. NW Riser & MP Morse):1-16. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Karling TG 1974 Turbellarian fauna of the Baltic proper. Identification, ecology and biogeography. Fauna Fenn 27:1-101
Karling TG 1974 Further studies on the genus Hypoblepharina Böhmig (Turbellaria, Dalyelloida), with description of H. serrifera sp.n. Zool Scr 3: 59-63.
Karling TG 1977 Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Austrorhynchus Karling (Turbellaria, Polycystididae). In: Sterrer W & Ax P (eds), The meiofauna species in time and space. Mikrofauna Meeresboden 61, pp 153-165
Karling TG 1977 On Alex. Luther's contribution to our knowledge of the Turbellaria. In: Karling TG, Meinander M (eds), The Alex. Luther Centennial Symosium on Turbellaria. Acta Zool fenn 154:4-9
Karling TG 1978 Anatomy and systematics of marine Turbellaria from Bermuda. Zool Scr 7:225-248.
Karling TG 1980 Revision of Koinocystididae (Turbellaria). Zoologica Scripta 9:241-269.
Karling TG 1981 Typhlorhynchus nanus Laidlaw, a kalyptorhynch turbellarian without proboscis (Platyhelminthes). Ann Zool Fennici 18:169-177
Karling TG 1982 Anatomy and taxonomy of Phonorhynchus Graff (Turbellaria), with special reference to P. helgolandicus (Mecznikow). Zool Scr 11:165-172.
Karling TG 1983 Structural and systematic studies on Turbellaria Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes). Zool Scr 12:77-89.
Karling TG 1983 Phylogeny of Paragnathorhynchus Meixner and Aculeorhynchus Schilke (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia). Zoologica Scripta 12:73-76.
Karling TG 1985 Revision of Byrsophlebidae (Turbellaria Typhloplanoida). Ann Zool Fennici 22:105-116.
Karling TG 1986 Free-living marine Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes) from the N. American Pacific coast. With remarks on species from other areas. Zool Scr 15(3): 201-219
Karling TG 1989 New taxa of Kalyptorhynchia (Platyhelminthes) from the N. American Pacific coast. Zoologica Scripta 18(1):19-32
Karling TG 1992 Identification of the Kalyptorhynchia (Plathelminthes) in Meixner's 'Turbellaria' 1938 with remarks on the morphology and distribution of the species in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Zool Scr 21:103-118
Karling TG 1993 Anatomy and evolution in Cylindrostomidae (Plathelminthes, Prolecithophora). Zool Scripta 22:325-339
Karling TG 1995 Two new species of Kalyptorhynchia (Plathelminthes) from the N. American Atlantic coast. Belg J Zool 125:395-402
Karling TG, Jondelius U 1995 An East-Pacific species of Multipeniata Nasonov and three Antarctic Plagiostomum species (Platyhelminthes, Prolecithophora). Microfauna Marina 10:147-158
Karling TG, Kinnander H 1953 Några vievelmaskar från Oestersjoen. Svensk Faunistisk Revy (3)1953:73-79
Karling TG, Mack-Fira V 1973 Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Gattung Paramesostoma Attems (Turbellaria Typhloplanoida). Sarsia 52: 155-170
Karling TG, Mack-Fira V, Doerjes J 1972 First report on marine microturbellarians from Hawaii. Zool Scr 1: 251-269
Karling TG, Meinander M 1977 The Alex Luther Centennial Sympsium on Turbellaria. Proceedings of a symposium at Tvarminne Zoological Station, Finland, 1977. Acta Zool fenn 154
Karling TG, Nilsson AM 1974 Further studies on the genus Hypoblepharina Boehmig (Turbellaria, Dalyellioida), with description of H. serrifera sp. n. Zool Scr 3:59-63.
Karling TG, Schockaert ER 1977 Anatomy and systematics of some Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Pacific and S. Atlantic. Zool Scr 6: 5-19
Schockaert ER, Karling TG 1970 Three new anatomically remarkable Turbellaria Eukalyptorhynchia from the North American Pacific coast. Arkiv Zool (2) 23: 237-253
Schockaert ER, Karling TG 1975 Anatomy and taxonomy of some species of Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from N. Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal areas. Zool Scr 4: 133-143

84 publications found in database. (Max listing set to 500)

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