Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geoplana chilensis Graff, 1899]

(Geoplana chilensis Graff, 1899) = Pasipha chilensis

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A central Chile 4647
1899 or earlier         Mittelchile. Graff Lvon (1899): 332; from Marcus 1954 (citation)- p. 4
B southern Chile 4646
1899 or earlier         Südchile. Graff Lvon (1899): 332; from Marcus 1954 (citation)- p. 4
C Valdivia, Coquimbo, Chile 5262
1899 or earlier default type       Coyinhue, Valdivia and Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile Graff Lvon (1899): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 146
D Quinta Normal, Chile 5263
1899 or earlier default type       Coyinhue, Valdivia and Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile Graff Lvon (1899): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 146
E Santiago, Chile 3899
1899 or earlier default type       Coyinhue, Valdivia and Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile Graff Lvon (1899): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 146
F Las Palmas de Cocalán, Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile 5264
1978 or earlier         Palmas de Cocalán, near Santiago, Chile. Froehlich EM (1978): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 146

MAP ALL (6) .

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