site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Aschaffenburg (Auscheffenburg), Germany |
map | prior to 1882 |
Graff Lvon (1882): 306 |
B |
west Wide Waters (of the Erie Canal), near Rochester , New York, USA |
map | between May and Aug 1907 |
in Spirogyra, a few specimens, some with subitaneous eggs and embryos. |
Graff Lvon (1911): 377 |
C |
Havana, Illinois, USA |
map | 1915-1917 |
algae |
freshwater |
taken from algae close to the bottom in April and occasionally in the summer and fall. Many individuals. |
Higley R (1918): 12-17, 71, 81 |
D |
Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg, Petrogrado, Petrograd, Leningrad), Russia |
map | 1844 or earlier |
near city |
Eichwald E (1844): 277 |
E |
Neudorf, Switzerland |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
marsh. |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243 |
F |
Michelfelden near Basel, Switzerland |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
marsh. |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243 |
G |
Kleinhüningen near Basel, Switzerland |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
marsh. |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243 |
H |
Allschwil (Allschwil-Switzerland), Switzerland |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
marsh. |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243 |
I |
Istein, Germany |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
marsh. |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243 |
J |
Clare Island, County Mayo, Ireland |
map | prior to 1912 |
freshwater |
in moss from pools on Clare Island. |
Southern R (1912): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 219 |
K |
Epping Forest, United Kingdom |
map | prior to 1926 |
freshwater |
High Beach, Epping Forest. |
Jane FW (1926): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 219 |
L |
County Louth, Ireland |
map | prior to 1936 |
freshwater |
Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 219 |
M |
London, England, United Kingdom |
map | Oct 21, 1916 |
freshwater |
British Museum whole mount from London. Unidentifiable because of poor quality. |
Young JO (1970): 219 |
N |
Twin Lakes, Charlevoix, Michigan, USA |
map | Aug 13, 1894 |
freshwater |
seven specimens from Utricularia washings, West Twin Lakes, Charlevoix. |
Woodworth WM (1896): 241 |
O |
Round Lake, Charlevoix, Michigan, USA |
map | Jul 13, 1894 |
freshwater |
Old Channel, Round Lake, Charlevoix, on algae. |
Woodworth WM (1896): 242 |
P |
Razelm-Sinoë, Sahalin Island, Danube Delta, Romania |
map | 1974 or earlier |
freshwater |
a few specimens, among Salvinia natans, from the freshwater area of the 'melea', Sahalin Island, predeltaic region. |
Mack-Fira V (1974): 260 |
Q |
Danube Delta, Romania |
map | 1970 or earlier |
freshwater |
The delta and the flooded zone of the Danube. |
Mack-Fira V (1967): ; Mack-Fira 1968 (citation); Mack-Fira 1970 (citation); Paradi 1882 (citation); from Mack-Fira 1974 (citation)- p 260 |
R |
Transilvania (Transylvania, Siebenburgen, Siebenbürgen, Ardeal, Erdely) |
map | 1970 or earlier |
freshwater |
the stagnant freshwater of the Romanian Plain and Transylvania. |
Mack-Fira V (1967): ; Mack-Fira 1968 (citation); Mack-Fira 1970 (citation); Paradi 1882 (citation); from Mack-Fira 1974 (citation)-260 |
S |
Plain of Romania (Romanian Plain), Ilfov County, Romania |
map | 1970 or earlier |
freshwater |
the stagnant freshwater of the Romanian Plain and Transylvania. |
Mack-Fira V (1967): ; Mack-Fira 1968 (citation); Mack-Fira 1970 (citation); Paradi 1882 (citation); from Mack-Fira 1974 (citation)-260 |
T |
Lake Geneva (Genfer, Genfersees, Ginevra, Geneve, Leman, Lac Léman, Lemano), Switzerland |
map | 1913 or earlier |
150 m |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
U |
Switzerland (Schweiz) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. Up to 2189 m altitude. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
V |
Greenland (Grönland) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
W |
Sweden (Schweden) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
X |
Denmark (Dänemark) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
Y |
Netherlands (Holland) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
Z |
France (Frankreich) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
A1 |
Switzerland (Schweiz) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. Subalpine Switzerland. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
B1 |
Austria (Österreich) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
C1 |
Hungary (Ungarn) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
D1 |
Russia |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
moors and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 226 |
E1 |
New Zealand |
map | 1859 or earlier |
freshwater |
Graff questions this Schmarda citation. |
Schmarda LK (1859): 9; Graff 1913 [15437}- 226; [Bush note on Schmarda reference card] |
F1 |
Mys Rebalda, Russia |
map | 1932 or earlier |
freshwater |
Steinböck O (1932): 314 |
G1 |
Godhavn, Disko Bay, Greenland |
map | 1932 or earlier |
type locality |
freshwater |
moss in a lagoon in front of the Dänisch-arktischen Station. |
Steinböck O (1932): 314 |
H1 |
Egedesminde (Aasiaat), Disko Bay, Greenland |
map | 1879 or earlier |
type locality |
freshwater |
Levinsen GMR (1879): ; from Steinbock (citation)- p. 314 |
I1 |
Brandemeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
Vegetation |
freshwater |
West shore. Adjacent irrigation/drainage ditches. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 1-10 individuals. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
J1 |
Heegermeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
vegetation |
freshwater |
North shore, adjacent irrigation/drainage ditches. Bricks, rough stones. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 1-10 individuals. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
K1 |
Lake Geneva (Genfer, Genfersees, Ginevra, Geneve, Leman, Lac Léman, Lemano), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
2 m |
freshwater |
Litoral (2 m). |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643 |
L1 |
Geneve (Genf, Ginevra, Geneva), Switzerland |
map | 1900 or earlier |
freshwater |
Bassin des Botanischen Gartens in Geneve. |
Fuhrmann O (1900): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643 |
M1 |
Saint Blaise, Switzerland |
map | 1901 or earlier |
freshwater |
Loclat (Lac de St-Blaise) bei Neuchatel. |
Volz W (1901): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643 |
N1 |
Saint Blaise, Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
freshwater |
Loclat (Lac de St-Blaise). |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643 |
O1 |
Neuchâtel (Neuchatel, Neuenburg), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
freshwater |
Bassin des Botanischen Gartens in Neuchatel. |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643 |
P1 |
Yverdon-les-Bains (Yverdon, Yverden), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
freshwater |
Teich bei Yverdon. |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643 |
Q1 |
Thuner Lake (Thunersee, Thuner See, Lake of Thoune, Lago di Thun), Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Ufer des Thuner Sees, Teiche am Einfluss der Kander und der Aare in diesen See. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
R1 |
Interlaken, Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Teich bei Interlaken. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
S1 |
Brienzersee (Brienzer See, Lake of Brienz), Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Sümpfe bei Kienholz nahe am Brienzer See. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
T1 |
Faulensee, Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Faulensee. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
U1 |
Amsoldingensee, Amsoldingen, Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Amsoldingensee. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
V1 |
Geistsee, Längenbühl, Canton of Berne, Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Geistsee. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
W1 |
Uebeschisee, Uebeschi, near Thun, Switzerland |
map | 1907 or earlier |
freshwater |
Geistsee. |
Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644 |
X1 |
Pohjanlahti (Pojo Wiek, Pojowiek, Pojoviken, Pohjanpitäjanlahti), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Finnischer Meerbusen. Tvärminne, Pojo-Wiek. Die in Zentraleuropa häufige und weit verbreitete Süsswasser-Art wurde von Luther (1963) in Ostfennoskandien nur in sehr schwach brackigem Wasser gefunden. |
Luther A (1963): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 404 |
Y1 |
Kurmark, Germany |
map | 1942 or earlier |
Deutschland: Kurmark |
Weise M (1942): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
Z1 |
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
map | 1961 or earlier |
Deutschland: Schleswig-Holstein |
Rixen J-U (1961): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
A2 |
Oppenheim, Germany |
map | Jul 16, 1907 |
Oppenheim, in überschwemmten, mit dem Rhein in Verbindung stehenden Teihen. |
Luther A (1963): 22 |
B2 |
Pfal (Bayrischer Pfahl, Bayrische Pfalz), Germany |
map | Jun 6, 1907 |
Bayrische Pfalz, Altrip, Tümpel mit Limnadia. |
Luther A (1963): 22 |
C2 |
Puy de Dôme (Puis de Dome), France |
map | 1947 or earlier |
Frankreich, Puis de Dome. |
Beauchamp Pde (1947): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
D2 |
Steiermark (Styria, Styrie), Austria |
map | 1904 or earlier |
Steiermark. |
Luther A (1904): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
E2 |
Kärnten (Bundesland Kärnten, Carinthia, Carinzia, Koruska, Koroska) on the Wörthersee , Austria |
map | 1953 or earlier |
Österreich, Kärntner Seen. |
Findenegg I (1953): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
F2 |
Dorpat (Tartu, Terbata, Tartto, Derpt, Yurev, Yur'yev), Estonia |
map | 1885 or earlier |
Baltikum, Dorpat. |
Braun M (1885): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
G2 |
East Prussia (Ostpreussen, Prusy Wschodnie, Prusse Orientale), Poland |
map | 1902 or earlier |
Ostpreussen. |
Dorner G (1902): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
H2 |
Wilnowo (Willnau,Wilmowo, Wilno), Poland |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Polen, Wilno, Krakau, Podolien. |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
I2 |
Krakau (Krakow, Cracovia, Krakov, Cracovie, Cracow), Poland |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Polen, Wilno, Krakau, Podolien. |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22 |
J2 |
western and middle, Czech Republic (Böhmen, Bohmen, Bohemia) |
map | 1907 or earlier |
Böhmen. |
Sekera E (1907): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22-23 |
K2 |
Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg, Petrogrado, Petrograd, Leningrad), Russia |
map | 1926 or earlier |
Russland. Leningrad. (See footnote in Luther) |
Nasonov NV (1926): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
L2 |
Kirov (Wjatka, Киров, Khlynov , Kirow, Viatka, Vyatka, Vjatka), Russia |
map | 1919 or earlier |
Russland. Wjatka. (See footnote in Luther) |
Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
M2 |
Perm (Molotov, Perm'), Russia |
map | 1921 or earlier |
Russland. Perm. |
Beklemischev VN (1921): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
N2 |
Ivanovo (Ivanovo-Vosnesensk, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Ivanovo-Vosnessensk Иваново, Iwanowo), Russia |
map | 1923 or earlier |
Russland. Ivanovo Vosnessensk. |
Cordé WJ (1923): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
O2 |
Murom (Murom am Oka, Муром) , Russia |
map | 1940 or earlier |
Russland. Oka bei Murom. |
Corde WJ (1940): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
P2 |
Kaluga (Kalouga, Kalyga, Kanyra), Russia |
map | 1915 or earlier |
Russland. Kaluga. |
Beklemischev VN (1917): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
Q2 |
Orenburg (Оренбург, Chkalov, Tschkalow), Russia |
map | 1921 or earlier |
Russland. Orenburg. |
Beklemischev VN (1922): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
R2 |
Saratov (Saretow, Saratow), Russia |
map | 1919 or earlier |
Russland. Saratov, Wolga. |
Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
S2 |
Volga (Wolga), Russia |
map | 1919 or earlier |
Russland. Saratov, Wolga. |
Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
T2 |
Spain (Espagne, Espanha, Espana, Hispania, Spagna, Spanien) |
map | 1946 or earlier |
Spanien. |
Margalef R (1946): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
U2 |
Lombardy (Lombardia), Italy |
map | 1927 or earlier |
Italien. Lombardei. |
Vialli M (1927): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
V2 |
Lago Albano, Italy |
map | 1951 or earlier |
Italien. Lago di Albano. |
Stella E (1951): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
W2 |
Lake Ohrid (Ohrida See, Ohris, Ohrit, Lychnitis, Ochrida, Ohridsko, Ochridasee, Okhridsko, Akhris), Albania Macedonia border |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Jugoslavien, Ochrida-See. |
An der Lan H (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
X2 |
middle Japan |
map | 1930 or earlier |
Asien. Japan. |
Okugawa KI (1930): from Okugawa 1950 (citation) and Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
Y2 |
near New Market, Virginia, USA |
map | 1956 or earlier |
Virginia. |
Mahan JG (1956): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23 |
Z2 |
Plöner Lake (Grosser Ploner See, Ploner, Plönersee, Plöner See, Great Lake Plön), Germany |
map | 1951 and earlier |
im Grossen Plöner See beobachtet. Möglicherweise liegt hier eine Verwechslung mit Castrada viridis vor. v. Bülow (1951) wies die Art in Holstein nach. |
Zacharias O (1893): from Rixen 1961 (citation)- 505 |
A3 |
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
map | 1961 and earlier |
Von Mai bis September sehr zahlreich im Phytal vieler Seen, Teiche und Gräben. |
Rixen J-U (1961): 505 |