Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Tetracelis viridata Tu, 1939]

(Tetracelis viridata Tu, 1939) = Typhloplana viridata

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Aschaffenburg (Auscheffenburg), Germany 1150
prior to 1882           Graff Lvon (1882): 306
B west Wide Waters (of the Erie Canal), near Rochester , New York, USA 1188
between May and Aug 1907         in Spirogyra, a few specimens, some with subitaneous eggs and embryos. Graff Lvon (1911): 377
C Havana, Illinois, USA 1427
1915-1917     algae freshwater taken from algae close to the bottom in April and occasionally in the summer and fall. Many individuals. Higley R (1918): 12-17, 71, 81
D Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg, Petrogrado, Petrograd, Leningrad), Russia 1708
1844 or earlier         near city Eichwald E (1844): 277
E Neudorf, Switzerland 1949
prior to 1894       freshwater marsh. Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243
F Michelfelden near Basel, Switzerland 1953
prior to 1894       freshwater marsh. Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243
G Kleinhüningen near Basel, Switzerland 1959
prior to 1894       freshwater marsh. Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243
H Allschwil (Allschwil-Switzerland), Switzerland 1951
prior to 1894       freshwater marsh. Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243
I Istein, Germany 1952
prior to 1894       freshwater marsh. Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 243
J Clare Island, County Mayo, Ireland 2127
prior to 1912       freshwater in moss from pools on Clare Island. Southern R (1912): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 219
K Epping Forest, United Kingdom 2118
prior to 1926       freshwater High Beach, Epping Forest. Jane FW (1926): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 219
L County Louth, Ireland 2130
prior to 1936       freshwater   Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 219
M London, England, United Kingdom 2115
Oct 21, 1916       freshwater British Museum whole mount from London. Unidentifiable because of poor quality. Young JO (1970): 219
N Twin Lakes, Charlevoix, Michigan, USA 2479
Aug 13, 1894       freshwater seven specimens from Utricularia washings, West Twin Lakes, Charlevoix. Woodworth WM (1896): 241
O Round Lake, Charlevoix, Michigan, USA 2480
Jul 13, 1894       freshwater Old Channel, Round Lake, Charlevoix, on algae. Woodworth WM (1896): 242
P Razelm-Sinoë, Sahalin Island, Danube Delta, Romania 2585
1974 or earlier       freshwater a few specimens, among Salvinia natans, from the freshwater area of the 'melea', Sahalin Island, predeltaic region. Mack-Fira V (1974): 260
Q Danube Delta, Romania 2576
1970 or earlier       freshwater The delta and the flooded zone of the Danube. Mack-Fira V (1967): ; Mack-Fira 1968 (citation); Mack-Fira 1970 (citation); Paradi 1882 (citation); from Mack-Fira 1974 (citation)- p 260
R Transilvania (Transylvania, Siebenburgen, Siebenbürgen, Ardeal, Erdely) 2594
1970 or earlier       freshwater the stagnant freshwater of the Romanian Plain and Transylvania. Mack-Fira V (1967): ; Mack-Fira 1968 (citation); Mack-Fira 1970 (citation); Paradi 1882 (citation); from Mack-Fira 1974 (citation)-260
S Plain of Romania (Romanian Plain), Ilfov County, Romania 2590
1970 or earlier       freshwater the stagnant freshwater of the Romanian Plain and Transylvania. Mack-Fira V (1967): ; Mack-Fira 1968 (citation); Mack-Fira 1970 (citation); Paradi 1882 (citation); from Mack-Fira 1974 (citation)-260
T Lake Geneva (Genfer, Genfersees, Ginevra, Geneve, Leman, Lac Léman, Lemano), Switzerland 2635
1913 or earlier   150 m   freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
U Switzerland (Schweiz) 2455
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Up to 2189 m altitude. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
V Greenland (Grönland) 2726
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
W Sweden (Schweden) 2625
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
X Denmark (Dänemark) 2469
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
Y Netherlands (Holland) 2639
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
Z France (Frankreich) 2454
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
A1 Switzerland (Schweiz) 2455
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Subalpine Switzerland. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
B1 Austria (Österreich) 2456
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
C1 Hungary (Ungarn) 2457
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
D1 Russia 2458
1913 or earlier       freshwater moors and lakes. Graff Lvon (1913): 226
E1 New Zealand 1752
1859 or earlier       freshwater Graff questions this Schmarda citation. Schmarda LK (1859): 9; Graff 1913 [15437}- 226; [Bush note on Schmarda reference card]
F1 Mys Rebalda, Russia 2888
1932 or earlier       freshwater   Steinböck O (1932): 314
G1 Godhavn, Disko Bay, Greenland 2776
1932 or earlier type locality     freshwater moss in a lagoon in front of the Dänisch-arktischen Station. Steinböck O (1932): 314
H1 Egedesminde (Aasiaat), Disko Bay, Greenland 276
1879 or earlier type locality     freshwater   Levinsen GMR (1879): ; from Steinbock (citation)- p. 314
I1 Brandemeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) 3324
Jun 7-12, 1971   littoral Vegetation freshwater West shore. Adjacent irrigation/drainage ditches. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 1-10 individuals. Young JO (1972): 61
J1 Heegermeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) 1319
Jun 7-12, 1971   littoral vegetation freshwater North shore, adjacent irrigation/drainage ditches. Bricks, rough stones. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 1-10 individuals. Young JO (1972): 61
K1 Lake Geneva (Genfer, Genfersees, Ginevra, Geneve, Leman, Lac Léman, Lemano), Switzerland 2635
1911 or earlier   2 m   freshwater Litoral (2 m). Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643
L1 Geneve (Genf, Ginevra, Geneva), Switzerland 3925
1900 or earlier       freshwater Bassin des Botanischen Gartens in Geneve. Fuhrmann O (1900): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643
M1 Saint Blaise, Switzerland 3931
1901 or earlier       freshwater Loclat (Lac de St-Blaise) bei Neuchatel. Volz W (1901): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643
N1 Saint Blaise, Switzerland 3931
1911 or earlier       freshwater Loclat (Lac de St-Blaise). Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643
O1 Neuchâtel (Neuchatel, Neuenburg), Switzerland 4097
1911 or earlier       freshwater Bassin des Botanischen Gartens in Neuchatel. Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643
P1 Yverdon-les-Bains (Yverdon, Yverden), Switzerland 4129
1911 or earlier       freshwater Teich bei Yverdon. Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 643
Q1 Thuner Lake (Thunersee, Thuner See, Lake of Thoune, Lago di Thun), Switzerland 2697
1907 or earlier       freshwater Ufer des Thuner Sees, Teiche am Einfluss der Kander und der Aare in diesen See. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
R1 Interlaken, Switzerland 4115
1907 or earlier       freshwater Teich bei Interlaken. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
S1 Brienzersee (Brienzer See, Lake of Brienz), Switzerland 2725
1907 or earlier       freshwater Sümpfe bei Kienholz nahe am Brienzer See. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
T1 Faulensee, Switzerland 4099
1907 or earlier       freshwater Faulensee. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
U1 Amsoldingensee, Amsoldingen, Switzerland 4105
1907 or earlier       freshwater Amsoldingensee. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
V1 Geistsee, Längenbühl, Canton of Berne, Switzerland 4104
1907 or earlier       freshwater Geistsee. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
W1 Uebeschisee, Uebeschi, near Thun, Switzerland 4132
1907 or earlier       freshwater Geistsee. Hofsten N v (1907): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 644
X1 Pohjanlahti (Pojo Wiek, Pojowiek, Pojoviken, Pohjanpitäjanlahti), Finland 5465
1963 or earlier         Finnischer Meerbusen. Tvärminne, Pojo-Wiek. Die in Zentraleuropa häufige und weit verbreitete Süsswasser-Art wurde von Luther (1963) in Ostfennoskandien nur in sehr schwach brackigem Wasser gefunden. Luther A (1963): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 404
Y1 Kurmark, Germany 3468
1942 or earlier         Deutschland: Kurmark Weise M (1942): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
Z1 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5786
1961 or earlier         Deutschland: Schleswig-Holstein Rixen J-U (1961): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
A2 Oppenheim, Germany 5788
Jul 16, 1907         Oppenheim, in überschwemmten, mit dem Rhein in Verbindung stehenden Teihen. Luther A (1963): 22
B2 Pfal (Bayrischer Pfahl, Bayrische Pfalz), Germany 5789
Jun 6, 1907         Bayrische Pfalz, Altrip, Tümpel mit Limnadia. Luther A (1963): 22
C2 Puy de Dôme (Puis de Dome), France 5790
1947 or earlier         Frankreich, Puis de Dome. Beauchamp Pde (1947): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
D2 Steiermark (Styria, Styrie), Austria 1962
1904 or earlier         Steiermark. Luther A (1904): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
E2 Kärnten (Bundesland Kärnten, Carinthia, Carinzia, Koruska, Koroska) on the Wörthersee , Austria 1382
1953 or earlier         Österreich, Kärntner Seen. Findenegg I (1953): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
F2 Dorpat (Tartu, Terbata, Tartto, Derpt, Yurev, Yur'yev), Estonia 2451
1885 or earlier         Baltikum, Dorpat. Braun M (1885): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
G2 East Prussia (Ostpreussen, Prusy Wschodnie, Prusse Orientale), Poland 2475
1902 or earlier         Ostpreussen. Dorner G (1902): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
H2 Wilnowo (Willnau,Wilmowo, Wilno), Poland 5791
1939 or earlier         Polen, Wilno, Krakau, Podolien. Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
I2 Krakau (Krakow, Cracovia, Krakov, Cracovie, Cracow), Poland 2654
1939 or earlier         Polen, Wilno, Krakau, Podolien. Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22
J2 western and middle, Czech Republic (Böhmen, Bohmen, Bohemia) 2640
1907 or earlier         Böhmen. Sekera E (1907): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 22-23
K2 Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg, Petrogrado, Petrograd, Leningrad), Russia 1708
1926 or earlier         Russland. Leningrad. (See footnote in Luther) Nasonov NV (1926): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
L2 Kirov (Wjatka, Киров, Khlynov , Kirow, Viatka, Vyatka, Vjatka), Russia 5792
1919 or earlier         Russland. Wjatka. (See footnote in Luther) Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
M2 Perm (Molotov, Perm'), Russia 2993
1921 or earlier         Russland. Perm. Beklemischev VN (1921): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
N2 Ivanovo (Ivanovo-Vosnesensk, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Ivanovo-Vosnessensk Иваново, Iwanowo), Russia 5751
1923 or earlier         Russland. Ivanovo Vosnessensk. Cordé WJ (1923): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
O2 Murom (Murom am Oka, Муром) , Russia 5793
1940 or earlier         Russland. Oka bei Murom. Corde WJ (1940): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
P2 Kaluga (Kalouga, Kalyga, Kanyra), Russia 5561
1915 or earlier         Russland. Kaluga. Beklemischev VN (1917): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
Q2 Orenburg (Оренбург, Chkalov, Tschkalow), Russia 5794
1921 or earlier         Russland. Orenburg. Beklemischev VN (1922): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
R2 Saratov (Saretow, Saratow), Russia 2638
1919 or earlier         Russland. Saratov, Wolga. Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
S2 Volga (Wolga), Russia 5795
1919 or earlier         Russland. Saratov, Wolga. Nasonov NV (1919): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
T2 Spain (Espagne, Espanha, Espana, Hispania, Spagna, Spanien) 2735
1946 or earlier         Spanien. Margalef R (1946): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
U2 Lombardy (Lombardia), Italy 5796
1927 or earlier         Italien. Lombardei. Vialli M (1927): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
V2 Lago Albano, Italy 5797
1951 or earlier         Italien. Lago di Albano. Stella E (1951): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
W2 Lake Ohrid (Ohrida See, Ohris, Ohrit, Lychnitis, Ochrida, Ohridsko, Ochridasee, Okhridsko, Akhris), Albania Macedonia border 2222
1939 or earlier         Jugoslavien, Ochrida-See. An der Lan H (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
X2 middle Japan 3867
1930 or earlier         Asien. Japan. Okugawa KI (1930): from Okugawa 1950 (citation) and Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
Y2 near New Market, Virginia, USA 1677
1956 or earlier         Virginia. Mahan JG (1956): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 23
Z2 Plöner Lake (Grosser Ploner See, Ploner, Plönersee, Plöner See, Great Lake Plön), Germany 2655
1951 and earlier         im Grossen Plöner See beobachtet. Möglicherweise liegt hier eine Verwechslung mit Castrada viridis vor. v. Bülow (1951) wies die Art in Holstein nach. Zacharias O (1893): from Rixen 1961 (citation)- 505
A3 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5786
1961 and earlier         Von Mai bis September sehr zahlreich im Phytal vieler Seen, Teiche und Gräben. Rixen J-U (1961): 505

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