site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Aschaffenburg (Auscheffenburg), Germany |
map | prior to 1882 |
Graff Lvon (1882): 314 |
B |
Neudorf, Switzerland |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 257 |
C |
Michelfelden near Basel, Switzerland |
map | prior to 1894 |
freshwater |
Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 257 |
D |
Lake Windermere, United Kingdom |
map | prior to 1934 |
1 m |
freshwater |
on drift shore at 'Sign Post Fence', Lake WIndemere, England. |
Moon HP (1934): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p. 220 |
E |
Razelm-Sinoë, Sahalin Island, Danube Delta, Romania |
map | 1974 or earlier |
freshwater |
Numerous specimens, freshwater area of the 'melea' Sahalin. |
Mack-Fira V (1974): 261 |
F |
Catusa swamp, Siret River Meadow, Romania |
map | 1974 or earlier |
freshwater |
the Catusa swamp. |
Mack-Fira V (1970): ; Mack-Fira (citation)- p 261 |
G |
Danube Delta, Romania |
map | 1974 or earlier |
freshwater |
The delta and the flooded zone of the Danube. |
Mack-Fira V (1970): ; Mack-Fira (citation)- p 261 |
H |
Plain of Romania (Romanian Plain), Ilfov County, Romania |
map | 1974 or earlier |
freshwater |
the stagnant freshwater basins of the Romanian Plain. |
Mack-Fira V (1970): ; Mack-Fira (citation)- p 261 |
I |
Netherlands (Holland) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
J |
France (Frankreich) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. Northern France. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
K |
Switzerland (Schweiz) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. Altitudes up to 1980 m. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
L |
Sweden (Schweden) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
M |
Denmark (Dänemark) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
N |
Germany (Deutschland) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
O |
Austria (Österreich) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
P |
Charkov (Kharkiv, Charkow, Khar'kov, Kharkow), Ukraine |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
Q |
Tomsk, Siberia, Russia |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
R |
Lapland (Lappland, Lappi, Laplandiya) |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. Finland and Russia. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
S |
Kasan Island (Kasaholm, Kasa), Finland |
map | 1913 or earlier |
freshwater |
ponds and lakes. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
T |
Lake Geneva (Genfer, Genfersees, Ginevra, Geneve, Leman, Lac Léman, Lemano), Switzerland |
map | 1913 or earlier |
10-72 m |
mud |
freshwater |
also pelagic. |
Graff Lvon (1913): 218 |
U |
Kola Peninsula (Halbinsel Kola, Alexandrowsk, Kandalakscha, Kantalahti, Alexandrovsk), Russia |
map | 1932 or earlier |
freshwater |
Steinböck O (1932): 313 |
V |
Abisko, Sweden |
map | 1932 or earlier |
freshwater |
pool near Abisko, Torne Lappmark. |
Steinböck O (1932): 313 |
W |
Heegermeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
Bricks, rough stones |
freshwater |
North shore. Bricks, rough stones. Vegetation, Phragmites, little detritus. 1-10 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
X |
Tjeukemeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
vegetation |
freshwater |
South shore. Broken bricks. Vegetation, Phragmites, medium detritus. 11-30 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
Y |
Tjeukemeer Lake, Netherlands (Holland) |
map | Jun 7-12, 1971 |
littoral |
vegetation |
freshwater |
South shore, adjacent irrigation/drainage ditches. Broken bricks. Vegetation, Phragmites, medium detritus. 11-30 individuals per hour. |
Young JO (1972): 61 |
Z |
Hanmer Mere, Hanmer, Chester (Cheshire), United Kingdom |
map | May 1966 - Feb 1967 |
littoral |
freshwater |
calcium rich lake (48.0 mg/l). |
Young JO (1973): 204 |
A1 |
Kenya |
map | 1976 or earlier |
freshwater |
Young JO, Young BM (1976): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- 423 |
B1 |
East Prussia (Ostpreussen, Prusy Wschodnie, Prusse Orientale), Poland |
map | 1902 or earlier |
default type |
Dorner G (1902): abstract |
C1 |
Tomsk, Siberia, Russia |
map | 1905 or earlier |
Plotnikow W (1905): abstract |
D1 |
Tomsk, Siberia, Russia |
map | 1905 or earlier |
Plotnikow W (1905): abstract |
E1 |
Geneve (Genf, Ginevra, Geneva), Switzerland |
map | 1900 or earlier |
freshwater |
Bassin des Botanischen Gartens in Geneve, Sacconex und Lignon nahe bei dieser Stadt. |
Fuhrmann O (1900): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 633 |
F1 |
Lac de Joux, Vallée de Joux, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
15-20 m |
freshwater |
Grund des Lac de Joux (15-20 m). |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 633 |
G1 |
Yverdon-les-Bains (Yverdon, Yverden), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
freshwater |
Teich bei Yverdon. |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 633 |
H1 |
Lago Maggiore (Verbano, Majeur, Locarno, Langensee), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
8-10 m |
freshwater |
Lago Maggiore. |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 633 |
I1 |
Saint Blaise, Switzerland |
map | 1906 or earlier |
freshwater |
Loclat (Lac de St-Blaise) bei Neuchatel. |
Thiébaud M (1906): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 633 |
J1 |
Neuchâtel (Neuchatel, Neuenburg), Switzerland |
map | 1906 or earlier |
freshwater |
Zwei Tümpel auf dem Pouillerel (Neuchateler Jura, 1220 m ü. M.) |
Thiébaud M, Favre J (1906): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 633 |
K1 |
Melchsee, Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
freshwater |
Kleiner See zwischen Melchsee-Frutt und Engstlen-Alp (1980 m ü. M.) |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 634 |
L1 |
Saint Moritz (Sankt Moritz-Dorf, Sankt Murezzan), Switzerland |
map | 1911 or earlier |
freshwater |
Lej Falcum in der Nähe von St. Moritz (1810 m). |
Hofsten N v (1911): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 634 |
M1 |
Lake Naivasha (Enaiposha), Rift Valley, Kenya |
map | Dec 17, 1971 |
freshwater |
Temporary pool near jetty at Naivasha Hotel, Lake Naivasha; about 25 m from edge of lat; 8 x 3 m in size and 0.3 m deep; mud and choked with vegetation. 1 specimen. |
Young JO, Young BM (1976): 97 |
N1 |
Provincia de Guadalajara, Iberian peninsula, Spain |
map | May 30, 1985 |
2 specimens from lagoons of Belena, temporary water bodies (2.1 and 1.9 km in perimeter respectively, and no more than 0.7 m in depth). The lagoons are in north-west of Guadalajra province. 900 m altitude. |
Gamo J, Schwank P (1987): |
O1 |
Provincia de Guadalajara, Iberian peninsula, Spain |
map | Jun 15, 1985 |
3 specimens from lagoons of Belena, temporary water bodies (2.1 and 1.9 km in perimeter respectively, and no more than 0.7 m in depth). The lagoons are in north-west of Guadalajra province. 900 m altitude. |
Gamo J, Schwank P (1987): |
P1 |
Kittilä (Kittila), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Kittilä, Sotkajärvi, Nilivaara, Bootufer von Metsävainio, von Stratiotes abgespült, 21º C (Karling, Luther & Papi). |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
Q1 |
Sotkajärvi, Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Kittilä, Sotkajärvi, Nilivaara, Bootufer von Metsävainio, von Stratiotes abgespült, 21º C (Karling, Luther & Papi). |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
R1 |
Nilivaara, Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Kittilä, Sotkajärvi, Nilivaara, Bootufer von Metsävainio, von Stratiotes abgespült, 21º C (Karling, Luther & Papi). |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
S1 |
Metsävainio, Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Kittilä, Sotkajärvi, Nilivaara, Bootufer von Metsävainio, von Stratiotes abgespült, 21º C (Karling, Luther & Papi). |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
T1 |
Salla (Kuolajärvi), Finland |
map | Aug 20, 1898 |
Salla, See Kursujärvi, im Plankton (AA. Rantaniemi, A.L. det.) |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
U1 |
Kandalaksha (Kantalahti, Kandalakscha, Kandalaska, Kandalasksa), Russia |
map | 1923 or earlier |
Kandalaksa |
Nasonov NV (1923): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 78 |
V1 |
Lohjanjarvi (Lohjanjärvi, Lojo-See, Lojosjö, Lojosee), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
7 m |
Lojo = Lohja, Lojo-See, Ufervegetation u. Ufertümpel an verschiedenen Stellen; Aurlaks fjärd, in mit Fleisch beköderter Reuse (A.L.) |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
W1 |
Finby, Finland |
map | 1902 |
Finby, Tässver, Sumpf bei Sotargropen mit Calla, Utricularia, Menyanthes etc. (A.L.) |
Luther A (1963): 78 |
X1 |
Gulltjärn, Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Gulltjärn |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
Y1 |
Taktom (Täcktom, Taktun), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Bromarv, Täktom träsk. |
Luther A (1963): 78-79 |
Z1 |
Skogbyträsket (Skogbyträsk, Skogby träsk), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Tenala: Skogby träsk; |
Luther A (1963): 78-79 |
A2 |
Hylta Långträsk (Hylta Långsträsket), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Hylta Långträsk |
Luther A (1963): 78-79 |
B2 |
Dotterböle träsk (Dotterböleträsket), Raseborg, Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Dotterböle träsk (A.L.). |
Luther A (1963): 78-79 |
C2 |
Åminne (Åmiune), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Pojo-Wiek: Pojo Aminne, Sandufer; |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
D2 |
Pohjanlahti (Pojo Wiek, Pojowiek, Pojoviken, Pohjanpitäjanlahti), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Pojo-Wiek: Pojo Aminne, Sandufer; |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
E2 |
Ekenas (Ekenäs, Tammisaari, Tammisari), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Ekenäs: Stadsfjärden; |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
F2 |
Stadsfjärden (Stadsfjärd ), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Ekenäs: Stadsfjärden; |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
G2 |
Tvärminneträsket (Tvärminne träsk, Tvärminneträsk), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Tvärminne träsk |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
H2 |
Algsjo (Elgo, Olishe Landet, Elgsjo, Elgö), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Elgö Nästräsk, Moor. |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
I2 |
Langskar (Långskär), Finish Gulf, Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Långskär, Tümpel mit Typha |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
J2 |
Tuusula (Thusby, Tusby), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Tuusula = Tusby, Tuusulanjärvi |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
K2 |
Tuusulanjarvi (Tuusulanjärvi, Tusbyträsk, Tusby träsk), Finland |
map | 1963 or earlier |
Tuusula = Tusby, Tuusulanjärvi |
Luther A (1963): 79 |
L2 |
Gvardeyskoye (Гвардейское, Karisalmi), Russia |
map | 1917 or earlier |
Karisalmi, Waldtümpel u. See Salojärvi |
Nasonov NV (1917): from Luther (citation)- p. 79 |
M2 |
Salojärvi, Finland |
map | 1917 or earlier |
Karisalmi, Waldtümpel u. See Salojärvi |
Nasonov NV (1917): from Luther (citation)- p. 79 |
N2 |
Tåkern, Sweden |
map | 1920 or earlier |
Hofsten N v (1920): from Luther (citation)- p. 79 |
O2 |
Copenhagen (København, Kjobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Kopenhagen)), Denmark |
map | 1844 or earlier |
Kopenhagen |
Örsted AS (1844): from Luther (citation)- p. 79 |
P2 |
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
map | 1961 or earlier |
Rixen J-U (1961): from Luther (citation)- p. 79 |
Q2 |
Denmark (Dänemark) |
map | 1961 or earlier |
Dänemark: mehrere Seen. |
Brinkmann A (1905): from Luther (citation)- p. 79 |
R2 |
Kurmark, Germany |
map | 1943 or earlier |
Deutschland: Kurmark. |
Weise M (1942): and Weise 1943 (citation); from Luther (citation)- p. 79-80 |
S2 |
Leiden, Netherlands |
map | 1875 or earlier |
Holland Leiden. |
de Man JG (1875): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
T2 |
Lille, Nord Pas de Calais, France |
map | 1890 or earlier |
Frankreich, Lille |
Hallez P (1890): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
U2 |
Japan (Nippon, Yaponiya, Nihon, Japon, Giappone) |
map | 1953 or earlier |
Okugawa KI (1953): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
V2 |
Lake Baikal (Baykal, Holy Sea), Russia |
map | 1935 or earlier |
Bucht des Bailkalsees, nicht im See selbst. |
Nasonov N (1935): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
W2 |
Lake Titicaca, Peru |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Südamerika, Titicaca-see. |
Beauchamp Pde (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
X2 |
Danau Toba (Toba-meer, Toba See), Sumatra (Sumatera, Andalus,Andalas), Indonesia |
map | 1933 or earlier |
Sunda-Inseln: Sumatra, Toba-See, juv. im Plankton. |
Reisinger E (1933): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
Y2 |
Tomsk, Siberia, Russia |
map | 1921 and earlier |
Plotnikow W (1905): and Beklemischev 1921 (citation); from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
Z2 |
Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg, Petrogrado, Petrograd, Leningrad), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
A3 |
Kirov (Wjatka, Киров, Khlynov , Kirow, Viatka, Vyatka, Vjatka), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
B3 |
Perm (Perm'), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
C3 |
Moskva (Moskau, Moskwa, Moscow, Moscou), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
D3 |
Kaluga (Kalouga, Kalyga, Kanyra), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
E3 |
Kazan' (Kasan), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
F3 |
Saratov (Saretow, Saratow), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
G3 |
Charkov (Kharkiv, Charkow, Khar'kov, Kharkow), Ukraine |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
H3 |
Orenburg (Оренбург, Chkalov, Tschkalow), Russia |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
I3 |
Poltava (Полтава), Ukraine |
map | 1924 or earlier |
Nasonov NV (1924): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
J3 |
Dorpat (Tartu, Terbata, Tartto, Derpt, Yurev, Yur'yev), Estonia |
map | 1885 or earlier |
Braun M (1885): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
K3 |
Lake Ohrid (Ohrida See, Ohris, Ohrit, Lychnitis, Ochrida, Ohridsko, Ochridasee, Okhridsko, Akhris), Albania Macedonia border |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Jugoslavien, Ochrid-See |
An der Lan H (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
L3 |
Lake Balaton (Platten See), Hungary (Ungarn) |
map | 1933 or earlier |
Ungarn, Balaton. |
Gelei J v (1933): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
M3 |
Jezioro Harsz (Harsz See, Haarszen See, Haarschien See), Poland |
map | 1960 or earlier |
Harsz-See |
Chodorowski A (1959): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
N3 |
Jezioro Wigry (Wigrysee, Wigry See, Wigry lake), Poland |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
O3 |
Vilnius (Vilna, Wilna), Lithuania |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
P3 |
Warszawa (Warschau, Varsavia, Varshava, Warsaw, Varsovie), Poland |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
Q3 |
Krakau (Krakow, Cracovia, Krakov, Cracovie, Cracow), Poland |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
R3 |
L'viv (Lwow, Lvyv, Leopol, Lemberg, L'vov), Ukraine |
map | 1939 or earlier |
Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
S3 |
Italy (Italien) |
map | 1952 or earlier |
Ital. centr. |
Papi F (1952): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
T3 |
Lago di Como (Larius Lacus, Lario), Lombardia, Italy |
map | 1949 or earlier |
Steinböck O (1949): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |
U3 |
Lago Maggiore, Italy |
map | 1949 or earlier |
Steinböck O (1949): from Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 80 |