Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Prudhoe S 1985    A monograph on polyclad Turbellaria. British Museum (Natural History), Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 259 p.

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Amplimatricata Polycladida (II) Lang, 1884 [sensu Prudhoe, 1985] - latest taxonomic authority
Polycladida (II) Acotylea Lang, 1884 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplanoidea Cestoplanidae Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplanidae Cestoplana Lang, 1884 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana australis Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana ceylanica Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana cuneata Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana faraglionensis Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana filiformus Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana lactea Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana maldivensis Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana marina Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana meridionalis Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana microps (Verrill, 1901) - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana nexa Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana polypora Meyer, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana raffaelei Ranzi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana rubrocincta (Grube, 1840) - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana salar Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana species Child, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana species Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana species Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplana techa Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1957 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplanidae Orthostomum Grube, 1840 - latest taxonomic authority
Orthostomum rubrocinctum Grube, 1840 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplanidae Tricelis Quatrefage, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Tricelis fasciatus Quatrefage, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplanoidea Diplopharyngeatidae Plehn, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Diplopharyngeatidae Diplopharyngeata Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Diplopharyngeata filiformis Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Cestoplanoidea Emprosthopharyngidae Bock, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Emprosthopharyngidae Emprosthopharynx Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Emprosthopharynx `n.sp.' Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Emprosthopharynx opisthoporus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Emprosthopharynx rasae Prudhoe, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Emprosthopharynx vanhoffeni Bock, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Acotylea Planoceroidea Poche, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Apidioplanidae Bock, 1926 - latest taxonomic authority
Apidioplana mira Bock, 1926 - latest taxonomic authority
Apidioplana okadai Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Apidioplana similis Bock, 1926 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Callioplanidae Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplanidae Asolenia Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Asolenia deilogyna Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplanidae Callioplana Stimpson, 1857 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplana evelinae Marcus, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplana marginata Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplanidae Diplosolenia Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Diplosolenia johnstoni Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplanidae Discosolenia Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Discosolenia washingtonensis Freeman, 1933 w latest taxonomic authority
Callioplanidae Monosolenia Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Monosolenia asymmetrica Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Callioplanidae Pseudostylochus Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus aino Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus bellus Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus burchami Heath & McGregor, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus edurus Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus elongatus Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus fulvus Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus fuscoviridus Kato, 1934 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus intermedius Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus longipenis Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus maculatus Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus meridialis Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus nationalis Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus notoensis Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus obscurus (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus okudai Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus ostreophagus Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus sadoensis Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus stimpsoni Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudostylochus takeshitai Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Enantiidae Graff, 1889 - latest taxonomic authority
Enantiidae Enantia Graff, 1889 - latest taxonomic authority
Enantia pellucida (Pearse, 1938) - latest taxonomic authority
Enantia spinifera Graff, 1889 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Gnesiocerotidae Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Amyris Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Amyris favis Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Amyris hummelincki Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Amyris ujara Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Echinoplana Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Echinoplana celerrima Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Gnesioceros Diesing, 1862 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesioceros floridana (Pearse, 1938) - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesioceros mertens (Diesing, 1850) w latest taxonomic authority
Gnesioceros pellucidus (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesioceros sargassicola (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesioceros sargassicola lata Hyman, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Gnesioceros verrilli Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Neoplanocera Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Neoplanocera elongata Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Neoplanocera steueri (Steinböck, 1937) - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Pelagoplana Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Pelagoplana sargassicola (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Planctoplanella Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Planctoplanella atlantica Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority 105
Pseudalloioplana californica (Heath & McGregor, 1913) w latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Spinicirrus Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Spinicirrus inequalis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Spinicirrus species Taneja, 1978 - latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Styloplanocera Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Styloplanocera fasciata (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Styloplanocera papillifera Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Hoploplanidae Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 w other taxonomic work
Hoploplanidae Hoploplana Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana californica Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana cupida Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana deanna Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana divae Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana grubei (Graff, 1892) - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana inquilina (Wheeler, 1894) - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana inquilina thaisana (Pearse) Hyman, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana insignis (Lang, 1884) - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana luracola Smith, 1961 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana ornata Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana papillosa (Lang, 1884) - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana rosea Prudhoe, 1978 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana rubra Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana schizoparellae Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana thaisana Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana usaguia Smith, 1960 - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplana villosa (Lang, 1884) - latest taxonomic authority
Hoploplanidae Itannia Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Itannia ornata Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Itannia ornata murna Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1957 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Leptoplanidae Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplanidae Leptoplaninae Marcus, 1947 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Conjuguterus Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Conjuguterus parvus Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Crassandros Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Crassandros dominicanus Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Diplanaria Darwin, 1844 - latest taxonomic authority
Diplanaria notabilis Darwin, 1844 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Discoplana Bock, 1913 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana concolor (Meixner, 1907) - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana gigas Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana inquieta (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana longipenis Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana malayana (Laidlaw, 1903) - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana pacificola (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana species Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana subviridis (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana takewakii Kato, 1935 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Euplana Girard, 1893 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana carolinensis Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana clippertoni Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana concolor (Meixner, 1907) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana gigas (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana gracilis (Girard, 1850) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana hymanae Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana inquieta (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana longipenis (Kato, 1943) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana pacificola (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana takewakii (Kato, 1935) - latest taxonomic authority
Euplana tropicalis Hyman, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Euplanina Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Euplanina horrida Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Haploplana Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Haploplana elioti Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Indiplana Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Indiplana oosora (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Leptoplana Ehrenberg, 1831 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana acticola Boone, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana acuta Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana affinis (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana alba (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana alba Lang, 1880 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana alcinoi Schmidt, 1861 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana angusta Verrill, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana arcta (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana atomata (Müller, 1776) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana aurantiaca Collingwood, 1876 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana australis (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana australis Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana bacteoalba Palombi, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana badia (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana brunnea Cheeseman, 1882 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana californica Plehn, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana capensis (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana chierchiae Plehn, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana chilensis Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana chloranota (Boone, 1929) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana collaris Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana concolor Meixner, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana constipata (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana crassiuscula (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana cribraria (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana delicatula Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana diaphana Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana discus (Le Conte, 1851) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana droebachensis Ørsted, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana drowbachensis Hyman, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana dubia Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana ellipsis (Dalyell, 1853) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana ellipsoides Girard in Stimpson, 1853 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana elongata (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana erythrotaenia (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana fallax Quatrefage, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana ferruginea (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana flexilis (Dalyell, 1814) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana folium Verrill, 1873 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana formosa (Darwin, 1844) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana fulva (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana fusca Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana gardineri Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana genicotyla (Palombi, 1939) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana gigas Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana gracilis (Girard, 1850) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana graffii Laidlaw, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana grandis (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana haloglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana hamata (Schmidt, 1861) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana humilis Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana hyalina Ehrenberg, 1831 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana inconspicua (Pease, 1860) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana inquieta Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana irrorata (Pease, 1860) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana jaltensis (Czerniavsky, 1881) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana kuekenthalli Plehn, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lactea (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lacteoalba Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lactoalba Verrill, 1900 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lactoalba tincta Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lanceolata Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana levigata (Quatrefage, 1845) w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lichenoides (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana limnoriae Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana littoralis Morgan, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lutea Ørsted, 1844 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana luteola (Delle Chiaje, 1822) w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana lyrosora (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana macrorhyncha (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana macrosora Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana maculosa Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana malayana Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana mertemsii (Claperede, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana microsora Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana modesta (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana monosora Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana moseleyi Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana nadiae Melouk, 1941 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana nationalis Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana nigripunctata Ørsted, 1843 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana notabilis (Darwin, 1844) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana oblonga Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana obovata (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana obscura Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana obtusum (Collingwood, 1876) w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana oosora (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana ophryoglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana orbicularis (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana otophora Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana pacificola Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana pallida (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana panamensis Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana pardalis Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana patellarum Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana patellensis Collingwood, 1876 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana pellucida Grube, 1840 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana polycyclia (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana polysora (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana punctata Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana punctata (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana purpurea Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana rupicola Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana saxicola Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana schizoporellae Hallez, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana schoenbornii Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sciophila Boone, 1929 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sparsa Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. (Schultze, 1854) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Uljanin, 1870 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. (Dicelis) Studer, 1876 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Moseley, 1877 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Andrews, 1892 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Wilson, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Shelford, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Child, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Graw & Darsie, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana sp. Dakin, Bennett & Pope, 1948 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana stimpsoni Diesing, 1862 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana striata Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana subauriculata (Johnston, 1836) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana subviridis Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana suteri Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana taenia (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana tenebrosa (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana tenella (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana tigrina (Blanchard, 1847) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana timida Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana trapezoglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana tremellaris (Müller, 1773) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana tremellaris mediterranea Bock, 1913 - other taxonomic work
Leptoplana tremellaris taurica Jacubowa, 1909 w latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana trullaeformis Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana tuba Grube, 1871 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana variabilis (Girard, 1850) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana vesiculata Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana virilis Verrill, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplana vitrea Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Mucroplana Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Mucroplana caelata Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Phylloplana Laidlaw, 1903 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Phylloplana chloranota Boone, 1929 - latest taxonomic authority
Phylloplana lactea Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Phylloplana litoricola Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Phylloplana species (part) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Phylloplana tropicalis (Hyman, 1954) - latest taxonomic authority
Phylloplana viridis (Freeman, 1933) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Pulchriplana Palombi, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pulchriplana insignis Palombi, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Suzakia Kato, 1934 w latest taxonomic authority
Suzakia badiomaculata (1) Kato, 1934 w latest taxonomic authority
Suzakia badiomaculata (2) Kato, 1934 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplaninae Tripylocelis Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Tripylocelis typica Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoplanidae Stylochoplaninae Meixner, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Alloioplana Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Alloioplana californica (Heath & McGregor 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Alloioplana delicata Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Alloioplana sandiegensis (Boone, 1929) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Candimboides Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Candimboides cuneiformis Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Candimboides rabita (Marcus & Marcus, 1968) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Candimba Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Candimba divae Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Candimba rabita Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Ceratoplana Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Ceratoplana colobocentroti Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Ceratoplana colobocentroti hawaiiensis Bock, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Copidoplana Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Copidoplana paradoxa Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Copidoplana tripyla Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Copidoplana virgae Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Digynopora Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Digynopora americana Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Diplandros Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Diplandros singularis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Freemania Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Freemania litoricola (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Leptocera Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptocera delicata Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Macginitiella Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Macginitiella delmaris Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Notoplanides Palombi, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Notoplanides alcha Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplanides opisthopharynx Palombi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplanides species Palombi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Notoplanella Bock, 1931 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplanella inarmata Bock, 1931 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Notoplana Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana similis Dawydoff, 1952 - other taxonomic work
Notoplana acticola (Boone, 1929) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana alcinoi (Schmidt, 1861) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana annula Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana atlantica Bock, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana atomata (Müller, 1776) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana australis (Laidlaw, 1904) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana australis (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana australis huina Marcus, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana bahamensis Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana binoculata (Verrill, 1901) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana caribbeana Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana celeris Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana chierchiae (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana cotylifera Meixner, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana delicata (Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana distincta Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana divae Marcus, 1948 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana dubia (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana erythrotaenia (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana evansii Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana fallax (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana ferruginea (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana gardineri (Laidlaw, 1904) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana haloglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana humilis (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana igiliensis Galleni, 1974 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana inquieta (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana inquilina Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana insularis Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana japonica Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana koreana Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana kuekenthali Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana lactoalba (Verrill, 1900) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana lapunda Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana libera Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana longastyletta (Freeman, 1933) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana longicrumena Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana longiducta Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana longisaccata Hyman, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana martae Marcus, 1948 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana megala Marcus, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana micheli Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana micronesiana Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana microsora (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana mortenseni Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana natans Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana nationalis (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana otophora (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana ovalis Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana palaoensis Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana palta Marcus, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana parvula Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana patellarum (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana pegnis Nicoll, 1934 - other taxonomic work
Notoplana plecta Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana puma Marcus, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana queruca Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana robusta Palombi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana rupicola (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana sanguinea Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana sanjuania Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana sanpedrensis Freeman, 1930 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana sawayai Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana saxicola (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana sciophila (Boone, 1929) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana segnis Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana septentrionalis Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana serica Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana sophia Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana species Miller & Batt, 1973 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana stilifera Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana syntoma Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana tavoyensis Prudhoe, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana virilis (Verrill, 1893) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana vitrea (Lang, 1884) - latest taxonomic authority
Notoplana willeyi Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Parviplana Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Parviplana californica (Woodworth, 1894) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Plagiotata Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Plagiotata promiscua Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Pucelis Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Pucelis evelinae Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Stylochoplana Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana Stylochoplanoides Bock, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana (Stylochoplanoides) pusilla Bock, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana aberrans Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana affinis Palombi, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana agilis Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana amica Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana angusta (Verrill, 1893) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana aulica Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana bayeri Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana californica Woodworth, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana caraibica Palombi, 1924 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana challengeri (Graff, 1892) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana chilensis (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana chloranota Boone, 1929 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana clara Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana conoceraea (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana diaphana (Stummer-Traunfels, 1933) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana divae Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana elegans (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana evelinae Marcus, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana fasciata (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana floridana Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana folium (Grube, 1840) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana genicotyle Palombi, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana gracilis Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana graffi (Laidlaw, 1906) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana hancocki Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana heathi Boone, 1929 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana inquilina Hyman, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana lactoalba (Verrill, 1900) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana lactoalba tincta (Verrill, 1900) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana leptalea Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana limnoriae (Hyman, 1953) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana longastyletta Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana longipenis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana lynca Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1958 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana maculata (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana meleagrina (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana minuta Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana nadiae (Melouk, 1941) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana nationalis Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana oculifera (Girard, 1853) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana pallida (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana palmula (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana panamensis (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana parasitica Kato, 1935 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana parva Palombi, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana plehni Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana pusilla Bock, 1924 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana reishi Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana reticulata (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana robusta (Palombi, 1928) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana sargassicola (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana selenopsis Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana siamensis Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana snadda Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana species Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana species Day, Field & Penrith, 1970 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana species Morton & Miller, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana suesensis Palombi, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana suoensis Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana taiwanica Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana tarda (Graff, 1878) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana taurica Jacubowa, 1909 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana tenera Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana tenuis Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana tenuis Palombi, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana utinomii Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana vesiculata Palombi, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana viridis Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana walsergia Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplana wyona Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoplaninae Zygantroplana Laidlaw, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana angusta (Verrill, 1893) - latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana elepeasta Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana henriettae Correa, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana plesia Correa, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana stylifera Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana verrilli Laidlaw, 1906 w latest taxonomic authority
Zygantroplana yrsa Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Planoceridae Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceridae Aquaplana Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Aquaplana oceanica Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Aquaplana pacifica Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceridae Disparoplana Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Disparoplana dubia Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceridae Paraplanocera Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera aurora Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera discus (Willey, 1897) - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera fritillata Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera laidlawi Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera langii (Laidlaw, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera marginata Meyer, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera misakiensis Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera oligoglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera rotumanensis Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplanocera rubrifasciata Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceridae Planocera Blainville, 1828 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera amphibolus (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera armata Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera aurea (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera bituberculata (Leuckart, 1828) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera burchami Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera californica Heath & McGregor, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera corniculata (Dalyell, 1853) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera crosslandi Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera dictyotus (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera discoidea Willey, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera discus Willey, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera edmondsi Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera elegans (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera elliptica Girard, 1851 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera folium (Grube, 1840) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera gaimardi Blainville, 1828 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera gilchristi Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera graffi Lang, 1879 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera grubei Graff, 1892 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera hawaiiensis Heath, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera heda Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera heteroglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera inquilina Wheeler, 1894 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera insignis Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera langii Laidlaw, 1902 w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera marginata (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera muelleri Audouin, 1827 w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera multitentaculata Kato, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera nebulosa Girard, 1853 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera oligoglena (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera oxyceraea (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera pacifica Hyman, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera papillosa Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera pelagica (Moseley, 1877) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera pellucida (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera profunda Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera purpurea Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera rainieri Belloc, 1961 w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera reticulata (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera reticulata (Gray, 1860) w latest taxonomic authority
Planocera sandiegensis Boone, 1929 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera sargassicola (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera simrothi Graff, 1892 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera species (1) Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera species (2) Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera species Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera sp. Steinbeck & Ricketts, 1941 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera species Prudhoe, 1945 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera species Morton & Miller, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera suesensis (Ehrenberg, 1831) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera thesea (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera tridentata Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera uncinata Palombi, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocera villosa Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceridae Planocerodes Palombi, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Planocerodes ceratommata Palombi, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Stylochocestidae Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochocestidae Stylochocestus Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochocestus gracilis Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Planoceroidea Theamatidae Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Theamatidae Theama Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Theama evelinae Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Theama occidua Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Acotylea Stylochoidea Poche, 1925 - other taxonomic work
Stylochoidea Cryptocelididae Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Amemiyaia Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Amemiyaia pacifica Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Comprostatum Hyman, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Comprostatum insularis Hyman, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Comprostatum veneris Hyman, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Cryptocelis Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis alba Lang, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis amakusaensis Kato, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis arenicola Hallez, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis compacta Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis equiteni Hallez, 1888 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis glandulata Jacubowa, 1909 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis ijimai Bock, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis insularis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis lactea Lang, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis lilianae Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis littoralis Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis occidentalis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis orientalis Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis species (7 in no.) Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis species Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis species Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelis species Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Igluta Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Igluta tipuca Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority 73
Cryptocelidinae Longiprostatum Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Longiprostatum rickettsi Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Mesocela Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Mesocela caledonica Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Microcelis Plehn, 1899 - latest taxonomic authority
Microcelis schauinslandi Plehn, 1899 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Ommatoplana Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Ommatoplana levis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Ommatoplana mexicana Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Ommatoplana oceanica Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Ommatoplana tuberculata Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Phaenocelis Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Phaenocelis medvedica Marcus, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Phaenocelis mexicana Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Phaenocelis peleca Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Phaenocelis purpurea (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelidinae Triadomma Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Triadomma curvum Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Triadomma evelinae Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelididae Taenioplaninae Marcus & Marcus, 1966 w latest taxonomic authority
Taenioplaninae Anandroplana Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Anandroplana muscularis Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Anandroplana portoricensis Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Taenioplaninae Ilyplanoides Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Ilyplanoides mitsuii Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Laidlawiana penangensis (Laidlaw, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Paranandroplana portoricensis (Hyman, 1955) w latest taxonomic authority
Taenioplaninae Semonia Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Semonia maculata Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Semonia penangensis Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Taenioplaninae Taenioplana Hyman, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Taenioplana teredini Hyman, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoidea Discocelididae Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Discocelididae Adenoplana Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Adenoplana antillarum Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Adenoplana evelinae Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Adenoplana obovata (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Adenoplana platae Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelididae Coronadena Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Coronadena mutabilis (Verrill, 1873) - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelididae Discocelis Ehrenberg, 1836 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis australis Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis binoculata Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis cyclops Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis fulva (Kato, 1944) - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis grisea Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis herdmani (Herdman, 1894) w latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis insularis Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis japonica Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis lactea Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis lichenoides (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis mutabilis (Verrill, 1873) - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis pusilla Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis species Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelis tigrina (Blanchard, 1847) - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelididae Thalamoplana Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Thalamoplana herdmani Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoidea Latocestidae Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestinae Alleena Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Alleena callizona Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Alleena mexicana Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestinae Aprostatum Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Aprostatum stiliferum Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestinae Latocestus Plehn, 1896 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus atlanticus Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus brasiliensis Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus caribbeanus Prudhoe, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus galapagensis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus maldivensis (Laidlaw, 1902) - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus marginatus Meixner, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus ocellatus Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus pacificus Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus plehni Laidlaw, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus sp. Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus sp. Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus sp. Steinbeck & Ricketts, 1941 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus sp. Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus viridis Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestus whartoni (Pearse, 1938) - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestinae Nonatona Marcus, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Nonatona euscopa Marcus, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Latocestinae Oculoplana Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Oculoplana whartoni Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporinae Bergendalia Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Bergendalia anomala Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Bergendalia diversa Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Bergendalia mirabilis Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporinae Pentaplana Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Pentaplana divae Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporinae Trigonoporus Lang, 1884 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporus anomala (Laidlaw, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporus cephalophthalmus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporus diversus (Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918) - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporus folium (Verrill, 1873) - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporus microps Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Trigonoporus mirabilis (Kato, 1938) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoidea Plehniidae Bock, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Plehniidae Discocelides Bergendal, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Discocelides ellipsoides (Girard, 1853) w latest taxonomic authority
Discocelides langi Bergendal, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Nephtheaplana tropica (Hyman, 1959) w latest taxonomic authority 46-47
Plehniidae Paraplehnia Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Paraplehnia japonica (Bock, 1923) - latest taxonomic authority
Paraplehnia pacifica (Kato, 1939) - latest taxonomic authority
Plehniidae Plehnia Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia arctica (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia caeca Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia caeca oculifera Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia ellipsoides (Girard, 1853) - latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia japonica Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia pacifica Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Plehnia tropica Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoidea Polyposthiidae Bergendal, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthiidae Cryptocelides Bergendal, 1890 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelides loveni Bergendal, 1890 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocelides samoensis Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthiidae Metaposthia Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Metaposthia norfolkensis Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthiidae Polyposthia Bergendal, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthia similis Bergendal, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthiidae Polyposthides Palombi, 1924 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthides affinis Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthides caraibica Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthides karimalensis Palombi, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority
Polyposthiidae Polyphalloplana Bock (in Beauchamp 1951) - latest taxonomic authority
Polyphalloplana bocki de Beauchamp, 1951 - other taxonomic work
Stylochoidea Stylochidae Stimpson, 1857 w other taxonomic work
Stylochidae Cryptophallinae Bresslau, 1933 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallinae Cryptophallus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus aegypticus Melouk, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus bartschi Kaburaki, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus eximius Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus japonicus Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus magnus Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus sondaicus Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallus wahlbergi Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallinae Kaburakia Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Kaburakia excelsa Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Kaburakia gloriosa Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallinae Mexistylochus Hyman, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Mexistylochus tuberculatus Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Cryptophallinae Mirostylochus Kato, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Mirostylochus akkeshiensis Kato, 1937 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Stylochidae Enterogoninae Bresslau, 1933 w latest taxonomic authority
Enterogoninae Discostylochus Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Discostylochus parcus Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Discostylochus yatsui Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Enterogoninae Enterogonia Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Enterogonia orbicularis (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Enterogonia orbicularis pigrans Haswell, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Enterogonia pigrans Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Enterogonia pigrans novaezeylandiae Bock, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochidae Idioplaninae Bresslau, 1933 w latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Ancoratheca Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Ancoratheca australiensis Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority 63
Ancoratheca pacifica Bock, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Crassiplana Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Crassiplana albatrossi Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Idioplana Woodworth, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplana australiensis Woodworth, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplana pacifica Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Idioplanoides Barbour, 1912 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplanoides atlanticum Bock, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Idioplanoides insignis (Laidlaw, 1904) - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Leptostylochus Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus capensis Palombi, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus elongatus Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus gracilis Kato, 1934 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus novacambrensis Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus ovatus Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus polysorus (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus sp. Palombi, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus sp. Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptostylochus sp. Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Limnostylochus Bock, 1913 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Limnostylochus amara (Kaburaki, 1918) - latest taxonomic authority
Limnostylochus annandalei (Kaburaki, 1918) w latest taxonomic authority
Limnostylochus borneensis (Stummer-Traunfels, 1902) - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Neostylochus Yeri & Kaburaki, 1920 - latest taxonomic authority 61
Neostylochus fulvopunctatus Yeri & Kaburaki, 1920 - latest taxonomic authority
Neostylochus pacificus Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Neostylochus sp.nov. Day, Field & Penrith, 1970 - latest taxonomic authority
Neostylochus species Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Neostylochus viridis Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Idioplaninae Shelfordia Stummer-Traunfels, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority 60
Shelfordia amara Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Shelfordia annadalei Kaburaki, 1918 w latest taxonomic authority
Shelfordia annandalei Kaburaki, 1918 w latest taxonomic authority
Shelfordia borneensis Stummer-Traunfels, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority 60
Idioplaninae Woodworthia Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Woodworthia atlantica Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Woodworthia insignis Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochidae Stylochinae Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Dicelis Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Dicelis megalops Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Diopsis Diesing, 1862 - latest taxonomic authority
Diopsis borealis Diesing, 1862 - latest taxonomic authority
Diopsis megalops (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Eustylochus Verrill, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Eustylochus ellipticus (Girard, 1850) - latest taxonomic authority
Eustylochus meridionalis Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Ilyplana Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Ilyplana aberrans Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
conoceraea Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus oculifera (Girard, 1853) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
truncata Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Indistylochus Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Indistylochus hewatti Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Meixneria Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Meixneria furva Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Parastylochus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Parastylochus astis Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochinae Stylochus Ehrenberg, 1831 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus albus Hallez, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus alexandrinus Steinböck, 1937 w other taxonomic work
Stylochus amphibolus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus aomori Kato, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus arenosus Willey, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus argus Czerniavsky, 1981 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus atentaculatus Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus bermudensis Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus californicus Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus castaneus Palombi, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus catus Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus ceylanicus Laidlaw, 1904 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus cinereus Willey, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus conglomeratus Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus conoceraeus Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus corniculatus (Dalyell, 1853) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus corniculatus Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus coseirensis Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus crassus Verrill, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus crassus Bock, 1921 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus dictyotus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus djiboutiensis Meixner, 1907 w other taxonomic work
Stylochus ellipticus (Girard, 1850) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus exiguus Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus fasciatus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus ferox Bock, 1925 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Stylochus flevensis Hofker, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus floridanus Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus folium Grube, 1840 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus franciscanus Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus gaimardi (Blainville, 1828) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus hamanensis Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus heteroglenus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus hyalinus Bock, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus ijimai Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus inimicus Palombi, 1931 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus insolitus Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus isifer Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus izuensis Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus limosus (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus linteus Müller, 1854 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus littoralis Verrill, 1873 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus luteus Graff, 1882 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus maculatus Quatrefage, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus marginatus (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus marmoreus Bock, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus martae Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus mediterraneus Galleni, 1976 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus megalops (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus meixneri Bock, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus mertensi Diesing, 1850 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus minimus Palombi, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus miyadii Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus neapolitanus (Delle Chiaje, 1841) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus nebulosus (Girard, 1853) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus obscurus Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus oculiferus (Girard, 1853) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus oligochlaenus Grube, 1868 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus oligoglenus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus orientalis Bock, 1913 w other taxonomic work
Stylochus orientalis splendida Bock, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus oxyceraeus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus palmula Quatrefage, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus papillosus Diesing, 1836 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus pelagicus Moseley, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus pellucidus (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus pilidium (Goette, 1881) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus plessisii Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus pulcher Hyman, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus pusillus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus refertus Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1965 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus reticulatus Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus roseus Sars, 1878 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus rutilis Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus salmoneus Meixner, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sargassicola (Mertens, 1832) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sixteni Marcus, 1947 w other taxonomic work
Stylochus speciosus Kato, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sp. Grube, 1840 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sp. Minot, 1877 - other taxonomic work
Stylochus sp. Jacubowa, 1909 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sp. Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sp. Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sp. Bock, 1927 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus sp. Steinbeck & Ricketts, 1941 - other taxonomic work
Stylochus sp. Day, Field & Penrith, 1970 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus suesensis Ehrenberg, 1831 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria suesensis (Ehrenberg, 1831) w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus tardus Graff, 1878 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus tauricus Jacubowa, 1909 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus tenax Palombi, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus tener (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus ticus Marcus, 1952 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus tripartitus Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus truncatus (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus uniporus Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus vesiculata Jacubowa, 1909 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus vigilax Laidlaw, 1904 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus zanzibaricus Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochus zebra (Verrill, 1882) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladida (II) Acotylina Pearse, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladida (II) Cotylea Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Anonymidae Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Anonymidae Anonymus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Anonymus virilis Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Boniniidae Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Boniniidae Boninia Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Boninia antillarum (Hyman, 1955) - latest taxonomic authority
Boninia divae Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Boninia mirabilis Bock, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Boniniidae Paraboninia Prudhoe, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Paraboninia caymanensis Prudhoe, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Boniniidae Traunfelsia Laidlaw, 1906 w latest taxonomic authority
Traunfelsia elongata Laidlaw, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Traunfelsia species Dawydoff, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Traunfelsia species Sopott-Ehlers & Schmidt, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Chromoplanidae Bock, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Chromoplanidae Amyella Bock, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Amyella lineata Bock, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Chromoplanidae Chromoplana Bock, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Chromoplana bella Bock, 1922 - latest taxonomic authority
Chromoplanidae Chromyella Correa, 1958 - latest taxonomic authority
Chromyella saga Correa, 1958 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Diposthidae Woodworth, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Diposthidae Asthenoceros Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Asthenoceros woodworthi Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Diposthidae Diposthus Woodworth, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Diposthus corallicola Woodworth, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Diposthus popeae Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Euryleptidae Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptidae Euryleptinae Hallez, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Acerotisa Strand, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa alba (Freeman, 1933) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa arctica Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa baiae Hyman, 1940 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa bituna Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa baeckstroemi (Bock, 1923) - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa californica Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa inconspicua (Lang, 1884) - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa langi (Heath & McGregor, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa leuca Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa maculata (Hallez, 1905) w latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa meridiana (Ritter-Zahony, 1907) - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa multicelis Hyman, 1955 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa nationalis (Plehn, 1896) - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa notulata (Bosc, 1802) - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa pellucida Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa piscatoria Marcus, 1947 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa rugosa Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa species Hyman, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa stylostomoides (Gemmill & Leiper, 1907) [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Acerotisa typhla (Bock, 1913) - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Aceros Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Aceros baeckstroemi Bock, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Aceros inconspicuus Lang, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
Aceros langi Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Aceros maculatus Hallez, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Aceros meridianus Ritter-Zahony R, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Aceros nationalis Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Aceros stylostomoides Gemmill & Leiper, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Aceros typhlus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Anciliplana Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Anciliplana graffi Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Cycloporus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus australis Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus gabriellae Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus japonicus Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus maculatus Hallez, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus misakiensis (Kato, 1938) w latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus papillosus (1) Sars, 1878 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus papillosus (1) misakiensis Kato, 1938 w latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus papillosus (2) Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus papillosus (2) laevigatus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus tuberculatus (Lang, 1880) w latest taxonomic authority
Cycloporus variegatus Kato, 1934 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Eurylepta Ehrenberg, 1831 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta affinis Collingwood, 1876 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta argus (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta atraviridis Collingwood, 1876 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta aurantiaca Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta auriculata (Müller, 1788) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta aurita Claparede, 1861 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta californica Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta cardiosora Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta cerebralis (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta coccinea Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta cornuta (Müller, 1776) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta cornuta melobesiarum (Schmidtlein, 1880) w latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta cornuta wandeli Hallez, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta cristata (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta dalyellii Johnston, 1865 w latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta dulcis (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta flavomarginata Ehrenberg, 1831 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta fulminata Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta fulvolimbata Grube, 1867 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta fusca (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta guttatomarginata Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta herberti Kirk, 1881 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta interrupta Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta japonica Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta kelaartii Collingwood, 1876 w latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta leoparda Freeman, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta limbata (Leuckart, 1828) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta lobianchii (Lang, 1879) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta maculata (Gray, 1860) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta maculosa Verrill, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta minata Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta neptis Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta nigra Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta nigrocincta Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta oceanica (Darwin, 1844) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta orbicularis Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta pantherina Grube, 1868 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta praetexta Ehrenberg, 1831 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta pulchra Ørsted, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta punctata Kaburaki, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta purpurea (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta rubrocincta Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta sanguinolenta (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta species (1) Bergendal, 1893 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta species (2) Morton & Miller, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta species (3) Morris, Abbott & Haderlie, 1980 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta striata (1) (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta superba Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta susakiensis (Kato, 1934) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta turma Marcus, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta undulata (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta velutina (Blanchard, 1847) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta violacea (1) (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta violacea (2) Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta viridis (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta vittata (Montagu, 1815) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta zebra (Leuckart, 1828) - latest taxonomic authority
Eurylepta zeylanica (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Euryleptides Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptides brasiliensis Palombi, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Euryleptodes Heath & McGregor, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptodes cavicola Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptodes insularis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptodes pannulus Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptodes phyllulus Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Graffizoon Heath, 1928 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Graffizoon lobatum Heath, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Hymania Pearse & Littler, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Hymania prytherchi Pearse & Littler, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Oligoclado Pearse, 1938 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Oligoclado floridanus Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Oligocladus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Oligocladus albus Freeman, 1933 w other taxonomic work
Oligocladus auritus (Claperede, 1861) - latest taxonomic authority
Oligocladus sanguinolentus (Quatrefage, 1845) w latest taxonomic authority
Oligocladus species Bergendal, 1890 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Prostheceraeus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus albicornus (Stimpson, 1857) w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus albocinctus Lang, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus anomalus Haswell, 1907 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Prostheceraeus argus (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus bellostriatus Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus clavicornis Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus cornutus (Müller, 1776) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus cristatus (Quatrefage, 1845) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus flavomcaulatus Graff, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus flavomarginatus (Ehrenberg, 1831) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus floridanus Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus giesbrechtii Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus hancockanus (Collingwood, 1876) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus japonicus (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus kelaartii (Collingwood, 1876) w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus latissimus Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus maculosus (Verrill, 1893) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus meleagrinus (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus microceraeus Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus moseleyi Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus niger (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus nigricornis Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus panamensis Woodworth, 1894 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Prostheceraeus papilio (Kelaart, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus pseudolimax Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus roseus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus rubropunctatus Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus species Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus terricola Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus undulatus (Kelaart, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus violaceus (Delle Chiaje, 1822) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus viridis Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus vittatus (Montagu, 1815) - latest taxonomic authority
Prostheceraeus zebra Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptinae Stylostomum Lang, 1884 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum antarcticum Hallez, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum californicum Heath & McGregor, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum ellipse (Dalyell, 1853) - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum felinum Marcus, 1954 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum frigidum Bock, 1931 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum fulvum Giard, 1888 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Stylostomum hozawai Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum lentum Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum maculatum Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum punctatum Hallez, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum roseum Sars, 1878 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum rusticum Giard, 1888 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Stylostomum sanguineum Hallez, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum sanjuania Holleman, 1972 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylostomum variabile Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Euryleptidae Laidlawiinae Hallez, 1913 w latest taxonomic authority
Laidlawiinae Enterogonimus Hallez, 1911 - latest taxonomic authority
Enterogonimus aureus Hallez, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Laidlawiinae Laidlawia Herzig, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Laidlawia polygenia Palombi, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Laidlawia trigonopora Herzig, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Laidlawiinae Leptoteredra Hallez, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoteredra maculata Hallez, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Leptoteredra stylostomoides (Gemmill & Leiper, 1907) w latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Opisthogeniidae Palombi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Opisthogeniidae Opisthogenia Palombi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Opisthogenia tentaculata Palombi, 1928 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Pericelididae Laidlaw, 1902 w latest taxonomic authority
Pericelididae Marcusia Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Marcusia ernesti Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Pericelididae Pericelis Laidlaw, 1902 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Pericelis byerleyana (Collingwood, 1876) w latest taxonomic authority
Pericelis cata Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Pericelis ernesti (Hyman, 1953) - latest taxonomic authority
Pericelis hymanae Poulter, 1974 - latest taxonomic authority
Pericelis orbicularis (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Pericelis species Poulter, 1970 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Prosthiostomidae Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomidae Amakusaplana Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Amakusaplana ohshimai Kato, 1938 w latest taxonomic authority 149
Prosthiostomidae Enchiridium Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Enchiridium evelinae Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Enchiridium japonicum Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Enchiridium periommatum Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Enchiridium punctatum Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomidae Euprosthiostomum Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Euprosthiostomum adhaerens Bock, 1925 - latest taxonomic authority
Euprosthiostomum molle (Freeman, 1930) - latest taxonomic authority
Euprosthiostomum mortensenii Marcus, 1948 w latest taxonomic authority
Euprosthiostomum pakium Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Euprosthiostomum viscosum Palombi, 1936 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomidae Lurymare Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare delicatum (Palombi, 1939) - latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare drygalskii (Bock, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare gabriellae (Marcus, 1949) - latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare matarazzoi (Marcus, 1950) - latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare purum (Kato, 1937) - latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare russoi (Palombi, 1939) - latest taxonomic authority
Lurymare utarum (Marcus, 1952) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomidae Prosthiostomum Quatrefages, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum affine Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum angustum Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum arctum Quatrefages, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum asiaticum Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum aurantiacum (Collingwood, 1876) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum auratum Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum awaense Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 w latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum bellum Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum capense Bock, 1931 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum collare (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum constipatum Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum cooperi Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum crassiusculum Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum cribrarium Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum cyclops (Verrill, 1901) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum cynarium Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum delicatum Palombi, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum dohrnii Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum drygalskii Bock, 1931 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum elegans Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum elongatum Quatrefages, 1845 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum emarginatum Leuckart, 1863 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum exiguum Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum formosum Kato, 1943 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum gabriellae Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum gilvum Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum gracile Girard, 1850 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum grande Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum griseum Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum hamatum Schmidt, 1861 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum katoi Poulter, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum komaii Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum laetum Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum latocelis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum lineatum Meixner, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum lobatum Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum macrorhynchum (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum maculatum Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum marmoratum Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum matarazzoi Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum milcum Marcus & Marcus, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum molle Freeman, 1930 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum monosorum (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum montiporae Poulter, 1975 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum multicelis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum nationalis Plehn, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum notoensis Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum nozakensis Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum obscurum (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum ostreae Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum pallidum Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum parvicelis Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum pellucidum (Grube, 1840) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum pulchrum Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum purum Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum rubropunctatum Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum russoi Palombi, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum sadoensis Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum sancum Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1965 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum singulare Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum siphunculus (Delle Chiaje, 1822) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum sonorum Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum sparsum (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum species (1) Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum species (2) Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum species (4) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum species (5) Prudhoe, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum species (juvenile) Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum species (3) Laidlaw, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum suzakiensis Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum tenebrosum Stimpson, 1857 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum trilineatum Yeri & Kaburaki, 1920 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum utarum Marcus, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum vulgaris Kato, 1938 w latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum wagurenisis Kato, 1944 w latest taxonomic authority
Prosthiostomum yerii Kato, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Cotylea Pseudocerotidae Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Acanthozoon Collingwood, 1876 - latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon albopapillosus Hyman, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon albopunctatus Prudhoe, 1978 w latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon armatum (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon hispidus Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon micropapillosus (Kato, 1934) w latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon nigropapillosus Hyman, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Acanthozoon papilio (Kelaart, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Amblyceraeus Plehn, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Amblyceraeus luteus Plehn, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Dicteros Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Dicteros gamblei (Laidlaw, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Dicteros pacificus Jacubowa, 1906 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Licheniplana Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Licheniplana lepida Heath & McGregor, 1912 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Nymphozoon Hyman, 1959 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Nymphozoon bayeri Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros affinis (Kelaart, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros albicornis (Stimpson, 1857) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros albomarginitus Hyman, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros armatus (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros asamusiensis Kato, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros ater Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros atraviridis (Collingwood, 1876) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros aureolineata Verrill, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros bajae Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros bicolor Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros bimarginatum Meixner, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros buskii (Collingwood, 1876) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros caeruleocinctus Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros caeruleopunstatus Palombi, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros canadensis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros cardinalis Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros cardiosorus (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros cerebralis (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros chloreus Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros clavicornus (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros coccineus (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros colemani Prudhoe, 1978 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros collingwoodi Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros devisii Woodworth, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros dulcis (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros evelinae Marcus, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros exoptatus Kato, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros flavomaculatus (Graff, 1893) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros flavomarginatus Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros flavomarginatus luteomarginatus Marcus, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros fulminatus (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros fuscopunctatus Prudhoe, 1978 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros fuscus (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros griseus Hyman, 1959 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros guttatomarginatus (Stimpson, 1855) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros haddoni Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros hispidus Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros japonicus (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros lacteus (Collingwood, 1876) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros latissimus (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros lepida (Heath & McGregor, 1913) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros limbatus (1) (Leuckart, 1828) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros limbatus (2) Haswell, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros lividus Prudhoe, 1982 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros luteomarginatus Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros luteus (Plehn, 1898) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros maculatus (Pease, 1860) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros maculosus Pearse, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros marmoratus Plehn, 1898 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros maximus Lang, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros mexicanus Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros micronesianus Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros micropapillosus Kato, 1934 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros miniatus (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros montereyensis Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros mopsus Marcus, 1952 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros muelleri (Delle Chiaje, 1829) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros niger (Stimpson, 1857) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros nigrocinctus (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros nipponicus Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros papilionis (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros paradoxus Bock, 1927 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros periphaeus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros pleurostictus Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros punctatus Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros purpureus (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros regalis Laidlaw, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros reticulatus Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros rubellus Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros rubrocinstus (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros rubrotentaculatus Kaburaki, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros sagamianus Kato, 1937 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (1) Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (2) Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (3) Laidlaw, 1903 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (4) Laidlaw, 1904 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (5) Crozier, 1917 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (6) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (7) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (8) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (9) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (10) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (11) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (12) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (13) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (14) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (15) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (16) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (17) Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (18) Villadolid & Villaluz, 1938 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros sp. Steinbeck & Ricketts, 1941 [with synonyms] - other taxonomic work
Pseudoceros species (20) MacGinitie & MacGinitie, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (21) Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (22) Dawydoff, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (23) Correa, 1950 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (24) Morton & Miller, 1968 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros species (25) Brusca, 1973 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros splendidus Stummer-Traunfels, 1933 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros striatus (1) (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros striatus (2) (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros superbus (1) (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros superbus (2) Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros susakiensis Kato, 1934 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros texanus Hyman, 1955 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros tigrinus Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros undulata (Kelaart, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros velutinus (Blanchard, 1847) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros velutinus violaceus (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros violaceus (2) (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros virescens Hyman, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros viridis (1) (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority 197
Pseudoceros viridis (2) (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros yeesoensis Kato, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Pseudoceros zeylanicus (Kelaart, 1858) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Simpliciplana Kaburaki, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Simpliciplana marginata Kaburaki, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Thysanozoon Grube, 1840 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon vulgaris Palombi, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon alderi Collingwood, 1876 - other taxonomic work
Thysanozoon allmani Collingwood, 1876 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon aucklandica Cheeseman, 1883 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon auriantiacum (Delle Chiaje, 1822) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon auropunctatum Collingwood, 1876 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon australe Stimpson, 1855 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon boehmigi Stummer-Traunfels, 1895 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon brocchii (Risso, 1818) - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon brocchii cruciatum (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon brocchii nigrum (Girard, 1852) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon brocchii papillosum Sars, 1878 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon brocchii tentaculatum (Gray, 1860) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon californicum Hyman, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon cruciatum (Eolidice. Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon dicquemaris (Risso, 1818) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon diesingii Grube, 1840 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon discoideum Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon distinctum Stummer-Traunfels, 1895 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon flavum (Delle Chiaje, 1822) - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon flavotuberculatum Hyman, 1939 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon fockei Diesing, 1850 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon griseum Verrill, 1901 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon hawaiiensis Hyman, 1960 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Thysanozoon huttoni Kirk, 1881 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon japonicum Kato, 1944 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon lagidium Marcus, 1949 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon langi Stummer-Traunfels, 1895 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon minutum Stummer-Traunfels, 1895 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon muelleri (Delle Chiaje, 1829) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon nigrum Girard, 1851 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon obscurum Stummer-Traunfels, 1895 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon ovale (Eolidiceros) Schmarda, 1859 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon panormus (Quatrefage, 1845) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon papillosum Grube, 1840 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Thysanozoon papillosum Sars, 1878 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon plehni Laidlaw, 1902 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon sandiegense Hyman, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon semperi Stummer-Traunfels, 1895 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon skottsbergi Bock, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Moseley, 1877 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Schultze, 1854 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Koningsberger, 1891 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Willey, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Andrews, 1892 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Dakin, Bennett & Pope, 1948 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Ricketts & Calvin, 1948 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Hyman, 1952 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon species Dakin, 1953 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon tentaculatum (Gray, 1860) - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon tuberculatum (Delle Chiaje, 1841) - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon verrucosum Grube, 1868 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanozoon violaceum (Delle Chiaje, 1822) - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Thysanoplana Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Thysanoplana indica Plehn, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanoplana marginata Plehn, 1896 - latest taxonomic authority
Pseudocerotidae Yungia Lang, 1884 - latest taxonomic authority
Yungia aurantiaca (Delle Chiaje, 1822) - latest taxonomic authority
Yungia dicquemari (Risso, 1818) - latest taxonomic authority
Yungia miniata (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Yungia rubrocincta (Schmarda, 1859) - latest taxonomic authority
Yungia sasakii Kaburaki, 1923 - latest taxonomic authority
Yungia teffi Dawydoff, 1952 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Cotylea Stylochoididae Bock, 1913 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoididae Cotylocera Ritter-Zahony R, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Cotylocera michaelseni Ritter-Zahony R, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoididae Nuchenoceros Gemmill & Leiper, 1907 w latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoididae Nuchenceros Gemmill & Leiper, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Nuchenceros orcadensis Gemmill & Leiper, 1907 - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoididae Stylochoides Hallez, 1907 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority
Stylochoides albus Hallez, 1905 - latest taxonomic authority
Planaria velellae Lesson, 1830 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Centrostomum Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum incisum (Darwin, 1844) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum jaltense Czerniavsky, 1881 w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum lichenoides (Mertens, 1832) w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum mertensii Claparede, 1861 w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum ocellatum (Kelaart, 1858) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum polycyclium Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum polysorum Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum punctatum (Kelaart, 1858) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Centrostomum taenium Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Cryptocoelum Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Cryptocoelum opacum Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Diplonchus Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Diplonchus marmoratus Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Endocelis ovata Schmankewitsch, 1873 w latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana inquieta (Heath & McGregor, 1913) w latest taxonomic authority
Discoplana pacificola (Plehn, 1896) w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Endocelis Schmankewitsch, 1873 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Glossostoma Le Conte, 1851 w latest taxonomic authority
Glossostoma nematoideum Le Conte, 1851 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Heterostylochus (2) Verrill, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority 166
Heterostylochus (2) maculatus Quatrefage, 1845 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Opisthoporus Minot, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority
Opisthoporus tergestinus Minot, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Polyporus Plehn, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
Polyporus caecus Plehn, 1897 - latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Thalattoplana Bock, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Trachyplana Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Trachyplana tuberculosa Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Typhlolepta Ørsted, 1843 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta acuta Girard, 1854 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta acuminata (Stimpson, 1857) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta byerleyana Collingwood, 1876 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta coeca Ørsted, 1844 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta extensa Le Conte, 1851 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta opaca Schmarda, 1859 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta retusa (Vivianini, 1805) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlolepta species Graff, 1883 - latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Typhlocolax Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlocolax acuminata Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhlocolax acuta (Girard, 1854) w latest taxonomic authority
Gnesiocerotidae Pseudalloioplana Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Cryptocelididae Cryptocelidinae Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Taenioplaninae Laidlawiana Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Taenioplaninae Paranandroplana Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 77
Latocestidae Latocestinae Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Latocestidae Trigonoporinae Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Plehniidae Nephtheaplana Prudhoe, 1985 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 46
incertae sedis Conoceros Lang, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Elasmodes Le Conte, 1851 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Nautiloplana Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Peasia Gray & Pease, 1860 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Proceros Quatrefage, 1845 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Typhlolepta Ørsted, 1843 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Stylochus frontalis Verrill, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority 203
Polycelis mutabilis Verrill, 1873 w latest taxonomic authority 38, 224
Polycelis obovata (Schmarda, 1859) w latest taxonomic authority 39
Planaria cornuta Müller, 1776 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria siphunculus Delle Chiaje, 1822 w latest taxonomic authority 147
Amplimatricata Polycladida Lang, 1884 [sensu Faubel 1983/1984] w other taxonomic work
Metaposthia norfolkensis Palombi, 1923 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 41
Ommatoplana mexicana Hyman, 1953 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Interplana sandiegensis (Boone, 1929) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Maricola Ditremageniidae Palombi, 1928 [with synonyms] - other taxonomic work 122
Discoceloidea Cryptocelididae Laidlaw, 1903 [sensu Prudhoe (1985)] [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Plehniidae Paraplehnia Hyman, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Cryptocelididae Cryptocelidinae Prudhoe, 1985 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 604
Taenioplaninae Laidlawiana Prudhoe, 1985 [with synonyms] - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Taenioplaninae Paranandroplana Prudhoe, 1985 [with synonyms] - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Plehniidae Nephtheaplana Prudhoe, 1985 [with synonyms] - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Nephtheaplana tropica (Hyman, 1959) [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority 46-47
Stylochoidea Plehniidae Bock, 1913 [sensu Prudhoe, 1985] [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 44-47
Leimacopsis terricola (Schmarda, 1859) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 190